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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Did anybody mention already the "Thai solution" to this problem?
  2. Rabbits have big ears which work like heat exchangers. The ears get hot and with wind and movement the heat dissipates. Really.
  3. Almost 30 years ago when I arrived in Thailand, I didn't have any AC all year long. I even had hot sex at night and sometime day, and I could handle that. But somehow, decades later, it's not so easy anymore. And I don't think the reason is that maybe it's a degree a two hotter outside.
  4. Every day I go out on my bike, most of the time to a fresh market, maybe eating noodle soup, etc. That gives my body plenty of time to sweat. But when I am at home, and especially when I work, then I want it cool and comfortable. And if I have to work 10 minutes more per day for the higher electricity bill, then that if perfectly acceptable.
  5. I think above you mentioned you are now 77 years old. So 36 years ago, you were 41 years old. I understand that with 77 if feels hotter than with 41. Most of humanity uses thermometers to measure the temperature - it's accurate.
  6. No, I wouldn't pay anything blindly. I am used to the fact that qualified technicians cost money and are difficult to find. It's obviously difficult to find someone who knows what he is doing, is reliable, etc. I think it's necessary to spend the time to find the right person. Because any unprofessional electrical installation is a fire and health risk - it can be deadly. IMHO it costs whatever it cost. Personally, I do my own electrical installation after I saw the "quality" of electricians who pretend they know what they are doing and who are expensive.
  7. How much money are you hoping to save? My electricity bill is mostly about 5k per month. My current bill from a few days ago is 8k. That includes comfortably cool rooms days and night. So that is 3k more. And maybe next month it's 5k more. Per month. Even if it would be 6k more that is 200B per day. Who is so stingy or desperate that 200B per day is an issue?
  8. It's always hot in April. Maybe this year it's one or two degrees hotter, but that's it. So it seems when it is just warm then you use the AC to cool maybe from 30 degrees to 15 degrees. And if it is hot, like 35 or more, then you switch off the AC. Do you think that is smart? I have the ACs running and it's cool in my apartment. I can see the scorching sun when I look out of the window and feel just fine. I suggest just accept reality in Thailand. It's hot! And if you want to save electricity then save it when it's only hot and not bloody hot outside.
  9. Maybe you did this already. Make sure you specify the wire size (i.e. 2.5 sqmm), if they use earthing everywhere, etc. Will the cables be in ducts in the wall? Or ducts on top of the walls? That's 333 B for the installation of each downlight. What do they have to do? Put holes in the ceiling, put cables in the ceiling, connect all the cables, etc.? Do you really think 333 B is too much? Especially with electric I wouldn't look for cheap. Cheap = dangerous.
  10. It is obvious who denies the reality of the elections and propagates the lies. Sue him!
  11. Relly? Why does a wanted criminal with a couple of jail sentences in Thailand pretend that he just come back to see his family? It seems he still thinks he is above the law. And maybe he thinks his daughter will become PM and whitewash him. People who accept reality don't talk like that. Thaksin obviously lives in a parallel universe somewhere. I hope reality will hit him hard if he ever returns to Thailand.
  12. What motivated you to even try reading it, twice?
  13. Maybe you should work on your negotiation skills. That is in general helpful, not only with the girls.
  14. Maybe you are right. But maybe you are also 15 or 20 years older, and times changed. 25 years ago, some bar girls came with me or visited me a couple of times for free. Now I am 25 years older and that doesn't happen anymore. Now the question is: Have the girls changed? Or did I change?
  15. Define "for free"? Does she only want a big dinner and a night out or is she hoping you will marry her?
  16. We certainly agree about the ignorance of those Yankees.
  17. What's the point of such a comment? There are supporters of the monarchy. And there are people who oppose it. Both have their reasons. Is one side ignorant because you are on the other side?
  18. I would love the see Trump in jail. And preferably for a crime which he actually did. Where is the evidence that he raped that woman? Where is the evidence that he even met her in that shop? Most of us are not rich and famous and we don't run to be president. But what would be our reaction if an old woman goes public and tells the press she was raped when she was over 50 years old? And that was about 30 years ago. It seems there is no evidence at all. Why is there a court case without any evidence? Strange.
  19. I understand that you want to know the milage. But you mention it's easy to change. And you want a tool to read it. One thing you can be pretty sure about: Scammers who want to change the values somewhere in the electronic will have more experience with that then you will ever have reading that information. If you have a scammer who wants to sell you a car and if that scammer allows you to connect a device which reads information, what do you think your device will see? The real information, or the information which the scammer changed for you to read?
  20. It seems to me every Thai has a mobile phone with Internet and they look constantly at those phones. If they would only use 1% of their screen time to learn about the world outside corruption that would be a good start.
  21. "a barricade"? More like a hundred of them on many strategic points. But according to you that doesn't have to be planned, organized and financed. Think again! Thaksin did some good things and he made sure everybody though that he is the messiahs who does all that. Prayut and others also had many politics who help the poor in many ways. But he and his people are not good at presenting these politics to the people. And Thaksin's local henchmen have obviously no interest to let people believe that other politicians also use taxpayers' money to help the poor. And coming back to the current situation: If Thaksin would come back to help the people and make life better for everybody that would be nice. But that is not what is happening. He wants more power for himself and his family and he wants revenge. He will divide the Thai people even more. And that is the last thing Thailand needs.
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