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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I don't know any places where the women's livelihood depend on their time in a bar. I know girls who like fun and who like to be entertained. Some are more open about that concept and some just like to be invited and/or like to marry a rich guy.
  2. I don't force such girls to look at me or talk to me. They can totally ignore me, if they want. But IMHO there seem to me enough pretty young girls who like it when not so young guys are interested in them. And I find it almost funny when some guys prefer "women" in their 30th or 40th or even older. Do you think 40 yo women think 60 yo guys look sexy? Or do the women compete with the girls for the resources? IMHO pretty young girls (legal) are less headache than their mothers.
  3. Somehow I get the idea you want to annoy me. If your daughter would go to the big city, would that make her a prostitute? And would you like it if people would call her a prostitute only because she likes city life?
  4. That's why I prefer to support them before they are moms. ???? Maybe I should call them abandoned daughters. Or girls who don't like country life and explore the big city life.
  5. You mentioned "a decent life". It shouldn't be a surprise for you that lots of people have different definitions of "a decent life".
  6. At least 5k a day for entertainment.
  7. First, try to get that health insurance. That will be difficult at that age. And then look how much money is left. It's possible to live on 10k a month, lots of Thais do that. But most farangs don't find it difficult to spend more, a lot more.
  8. Try shopping centers or supermarkets.
  9. Some manufacturers have these options. I suggest: Ask them.
  10. Sorry, I don't keep links to everything he ever said. And it wouldn't make much sense anyhow because mostly he is lying.
  11. And what do you think about convicted criminals trying the rule the country? Or do you think Thaksin and his little sister are innocent? I have this crazy idea: Imagine Thais would vote for honest and competent politicians. Or at least not for politicians who are known to be corrupt? But somehow it seems that would be too radical for Thailand.
  12. I guess not too many farangs look for women 40-45 years old living in a village within 120km of Khon Kaen. Or, more likely, you will be the only one ever with those criteria. But is that is what you want, good luck!
  13. You must be an old man. Or, I remember a guy who always wanted to have sex with his school teacher. He still wants older women...
  14. Wonderful. But now, for a moment, imagine you wouldn't have met that lovely lady and had a daughter and got married. Would you have stayed in Isaan? It's a genuine question. Obviously I don't know you and maybe you would have stayed there. But there was a time when you suburb of Bangkok for work. Maybe there will be a time when you move again to the suburb of Bangkok so that your daughter can go to a reasonably good university. Or maybe you need a good hospital nearby. If it would be just to sit at night watching the stars I would also prefer to be up country. But then there is the rest of the day and all those things which are not out there.
  15. Now I am more stuck in Bangkok than 1 year ago because I bought a condominium in the middle of Bangkok. In the last 25 years since I live in Thailand I could have move to anywhere in Thailand and to many other countries. I am a computer professional and with that I can get work almost anywhere. But I like Bangkok and Sukhumvit. And I like being in the same area which I know well. I don't want to move.
  16. 555 Survival? I guess you also believe them when they tell you their buffalo is sick.
  17. It's to you if you like the older generation. And do they talk with you because they love your look and your jokes so much? Or are there other reasons? Most of the time I don't pay the girls directly any money. I buy them drinks. Maybe lady drinks from which they get a little money, but maybe just drinks without any money connection. When I was young, I also bought the girls which I liked drinks or dinner. I didn't consider it "paying them" and I am pretty sure they didn't see it as payment.
  18. I didn't write I dislike it. It's more like that I don't see anything very positive about it which would motivate me to live there. Reading post here since years it seems the members who live there live there because their wife or gf wants to live there. And then they so what the wife wants. Did we ever have any member here who wrote something like: "I decided to move to this and that village up country because I love it so much." ?
  19. How about going regularly to the temple, talk with the others about the winning lottery numbers, maybe some farmer small talk. Are you ready for this? I think for most of us the difference between us and them is so large that basically it can't be overcome. I think best case Thais will think that this one crazy farang is a little less crazy than the others - best case.
  20. It has everything. I have more options within a radius of 2km than anybody outside of Bangkok. To be fair, that does not include nature. But I always think it's funny when for the family up country a day trip to Big-C is a big event. Even the next 7/11 is for them kilometers away. I have at least 5 or them in walking distance.
  21. Like last time? Or the time before that? And don't forget, the GOP has a pact with god, or at least all those bible thumpers.
  22. I live in Bangkok in a tourist area. I am one of the "locals". I know the taxi no meter and they know me and maybe we say hello to each other, but they won't hassle me. I see how they and others every minute of the day hassle tourists. It seems to me nobody likes tourists. Vendors like the money and they like that many tourists don't know the local prices. But that's it. And I don't want to be such a tourist. If we travel anywhere, we are tourist. We are the stupid new arrivals who don't know where to go and how much to pay. Personally, I don't like that. So I don't travel to foreign places, and I am not one of those tourist.
  23. Define "one spot" I live for 20 years in Bangkok, and I am sure even if I travel the next 20 years within Bangkok, I still won't have seen every spot of it.
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