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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Just look at the evidence. There is no doubt at all that he is a criminal.
  2. The coups would not have happened if he would have been prosecuted when he was in power. But nobody dared to do that. He would probably still be in power if he would not have been so greedy. The military removed Thaksin because the courts didn't dare to do it at that time. Obviously coups are no good solution. But look at history all over the world. A lot of leaders were removed in coups or violently even if they could claim they were democratically elected. Sometimes it was very good that that happened. Sometimes leader should have been removed any possible way but people didn't dare to do that.
  3. I live in Thailand since before Thaksin came to power. As far as I experienced it, nobody divided Thailand like he did. His whole politics is about us against them. He is obviously not the only corrupt politician, but he was corrupt so much in the open like showing everybody the middle finger and asking: What will you do again my corruption? And then he found out what the military did against him. And at least in Bangkok many people were happy that he was removed. And then came the bloody red-shirts, financed and directed by him. They terrorized the streets of Bangkok and later they occupied the center of Bangkok for three months. With barricades and war weapons and later with fire and looting. All directed by Thaksin so that he can get "his" money back. The list goes on and on and on. Now look at the current government. Did they do a good job. No, not really. But to be fair Covid didn't make it easy to do a good job. Did the current government try to divide the people in Thailand further? I don't think so. What will happen if Thaksin's daughter will be elected? He will rule, that is obvious. And what will he do? Likely exactly what he did before. Divide the people. And obviously he wants revenge. Will any of that be good for Thailand? No. If you think I am obsessed, then maybe wait a few months and look if he will be back in power and then see what happens. And maybe then you will understand why I don't want that history repeats itself.
  4. How would those diplomats react if a party in their home country would be under the control of a criminal fugitive? Would they think that is perfectly ok and let it happen? No So why do they protest if Thailand wants to dissolve the party of the criminal fugitive?
  5. Now I finally understand why previous Thai elections were in December. It's sad that Thai people now make Prayut responsible for the climate. It's always hot in every April in Thailand. But then, I am not surprised. Thai's also blame the PM when the international oil price rise. TiT
  6. Stay on a small island together for a month 24/7. After that you know how you feel about each other.
  7. I think in a way it is surprising that there are not more often accidents in these restaurants. It seems there is a lot which can go wrong. And it seems nobody really cares.
  8. For people who don't remember or were not here at that time. When Yingluck was elected all was quiet. People accepted her as new PM. And they gave her a chance. People watched if Yingluck would work for Thailand and all Thais, or if she would listen to her criminal brother and try to whitewash him. The end of Yingluck started when they voted to whitewash her brother in the middle of the night. At that time her intentions were crystal clear. Let's watch Thaksin's daughter. It there any doubt about her priorities? I don't think so.
  9. The rice scheme was a planned rice scam. That should be obvious to everybody who paid attention.
  10. They are both convicted criminals. Is that not important enough to mention it? They could list all their crimes and convictions. Then even the people who say this was politically motivated will have problems explaining why their crimes are somehow not crimes. Thaksin's daughter obviously does what he wants. PT is his party and they do what the fugitive want. They party, with the influence of that criminal, should have been banned since a long time. Thaksin wants revenge. How can that be good for Thailand? But all this is not mentioned. Sad.
  11. Good post. I also like that I have some knowledge about the world. I am also reading the news all the time. But sometimes I ask myself: Why? Lots of things happen all over the world and it seems most people don't learn from it. Many people in many countries follow the biggest liars even when it should be easy to know about those lies. I think knowing what is going on makes often more headache: Why do all those stupid people do what they do...
  12. Probably that makes them happier as if they would know much about the rest of the world.
  13. Ok, let's turn this around. I am sure we have some members here who are proud about their knowledge about countries, locations, history, current politics, etc. from all over the world. Maybe this helps you in business or investment. But apart from that, how does that knowledge make everyday life better? I think it's good to know that the local government is not to blame when gasoline prices rise because international oil prices rise. But apart from that, what does it really help in normal life?
  14. And then there are people who should know about countries and history, and maybe they even know, and then they ignore all that information. The recent 20-year war in Afghanistan is a "wonderful" example. People should have learned from history. They obviously didn't.
  15. My Thai gf knows little about other countries, and she cares little about it. And the few things she knows are mostly not important. Most Thais know a little about Switzerland and now maybe Germany because of the royals. But is it important? Sure, in a way it is nice to know which countries exist and where they are and maybe what is happening in them. And maybe a little bit of history. And I am sure if I would visit a new county I would lean about it, like reading in a travel guide. But for about 90% of the countries in this world, who really cares? I have to admit I looked up Sudan the other day. I knew it's in Africa but that was about the end of my knowledge about that country. And now I saw where it is on the map. And now? Now I can forget that again, because I don't really care. Other examples: I know there was the Vietnam war, and I have an idea about when it happened and who fought against who. But did that information ever help me in my life? Or do I expect that knowledge will be important for me and my future? No. My gf knows the names of many people in the building where we live together. I don't. She also knows other things about them and what is happening in the neighborhood. Mostly I don't. But I can tell you what's going on in US politics, even if I never visited that country or intend to visit it. So maybe my gf concentrates more on the important information for her life. And I am sure she is not alone with that way of thinking.
  16. Imagine citizens would be well informed. And imagine they would vote for competent people in the primaries. And then imagine there would be two or more competent people trying to become the country's leader arguing with facts and reasonable ideas for the future. And all this applies to all over the world. When the internet world wide web started many of us had the hope that that will help that people are well informed to make good balanced decisions. And now...
  17. The question is not so much the amount, it's the source. Let's say if you get 20k USD from somebody without obvious reason, then the receiving bank will ask where that money comes from and why they sent you that money. If you have 50k USD in your own account in a reputable bank outside of Thailand, and you transfer that money to Thailand, no problem. If you have nothing to hide, then it should be no problem to talk with the bank. I was advised by someone who is active in finance to inform my bank in advance about any incoming money over 50k USD - just to be sure that they see you play with open cards.
  18. It's a little like walking through a dark forest at night. People who are not used to that, including myself, feel a little or a lot uncomfortable. I guess most of us know after a while which noises are normal and which noises are unusual. Sometimes I am surprised how fast I wake up if there is an unusual sound somewhere. Until now I never had any problem and don't have a reason to be scared. I guess people who lived in bad neighborhoods or in places where burglaries happened don't sleep so well anymore.
  19. Yeah, the marketing department from Bud Light just showed us how wonderful it is to have influencers. Great job!
  20. It's maybe the same guy who insists on slippery tiles at entrances which might be in the rain.
  21. I think it's ridiculous if any man, even if it is Trump, has to stand trial because of an accusation about something which the accuser claims happened 30 years or so ago. Why didn't she complain in the weeks or maybe months after it happened? It seems Trump had sex with many women, just like many guys in Thailand. How many of you remember every woman you ever had sex with? And when that happened and where? If some women would now complain about what I did 25 years ago the chance is low that I remember her, even if she would show me a picture of her from that time. The chance is even lower that I remember if we had sex and where? Trump is accused of so many serious crimes. Why don't the persecutors concentrate on the important cases to lock him up? With cases like this one or that payment to the porn actor nobody should be surprised if Trump fans complain that this is a witch hunt. Lock him up for treason for the rest of his life. Case closed.
  22. I sold my last bike by talking to the buyer who worked in a motorcycle shop. I gave him the green book and the documents which I received when I bought it 2nd hand. Done. The buyer did all the transfer work.
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