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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I don't know much about advertisement business. But I am sure they, like almost any other business, like consistency. When the boss changes rules from one day to the next that is not what companies want. They also don't want that maybe two days later the rules are returned or changed again in another way. I don't know if Elon Musk cares about a couple of billions of dollars. But in case if he cares then maybe he should think a day or two longer about his decisions. And maybe he should think about possible unintended consequences. Last but not least maybe he could talk to experts in the field about these things.
  2. How old are "very young women"? Is it illegal to like 16 or 17 year-old girls? Is it illegal to be served by them i.e. in a restaurant or shop?
  3. I didn't look under the bottom edges of the doors. I have no idea if they are finished or not. I am not an experienced woodworker, and I don't know how door bottom edges should look like and why. For me it's simple: If the door closes properly now and in the future then that is good enough for me. And if not, then I will contact my contractor to fix it - possibly or guarantee within the first year. With some things like electrical installations, I have a pretty good idea how things should be or should not be. With others, like doors, I have little idea about the details, and I am not knowledgeable enough to judge the details of the work.
  4. Lots of people know some shady characters, I also know some of them. Is that illegal? I.e. I know a guy who was for a couple of years in jail and was then released. Should I make sure I never be seen with him because he was in jail some time ago? I thought the idea is that if someone was punished and was in jail and was released that then he was punished already and we can treat people like that just like anybody else. And then there are people who are accused of crimes and not convicted. Should we make sure we are not anywhere near to a person who was/is accused? If anybody was on Epstein's island, does that mean this person had sex with anybody? I don't think so.
  5. Currently the doors are installed and work fine. I had some other complains and my contractor accepted them and had them fixed without arguing. We all make mistakes sometimes, and as long as they are fixed in reasonable time, I accept that.
  6. Thanks for telling me. Without your comment I would have been lost why I don't get invited to vote in Thai elections. Now finally you let me know. Thanks! But I wonder if everybody who can't vote in a specific country is not allowed to comment about other country's politics. Like no talking anymore about Trump the rest of the word? And nothing on the farang forum AN for farangs to discuss about Thai politics?
  7. A friend was the IT manager in a big company in Bangkok with a leased line (which was unusual and pretty expensive at that time). The leased line was down for two whole days, big problem. The ISP sent them monthly reports and what a surprise: Uptime: 100%. So my IT manager friend talked to them and asked them how 2 days no internet matches with 100% uptime: Their answer? Mr., we only get a bonus if we report 100% uptime. If you complain, then we don't get a bonus anymore. No more questions.
  8. I had that problem with TRUE in my apartment maybe a week or two ago for a couple of day. I knew my computers are not the problem so I just waited a little. Now it seems to be ok again. IMHO it is useless and impossible to even try to find out what the problem was or is. Thai internet provider don't seem to be willing to tell their customers the truth about technical problems.
  9. I didn't write what you suggest because it doesn't make sense. But what I wrote works in real life. I do exactly that since about 30 years and I resurrected countless PC with that method. My former neighbor was a flight engineer, now retired. He told me they had a word for it: "technical tap". Really https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/technical_tap
  10. Like what? Did you miss this part? And if he would have i.e. Linux or Mac OS and a defect hard disk, would that make a difference? With a defect disk none of the OS would work.
  11. Isn't it illegal to conspire with a wanted fugitive? Lock them up! Or ban the Thaksin party.
  12. I remember when she was PM and many Thais told me like: look what a beautiful PM we have. Yeah, sure. In principle I like pretty girls. But for a PM I prefer competence and honesty...
  13. My brand new custom made doors and door frames were installed last month. I guess in a few months I will see if there is a problem. Luckily I have one year warranty from the contractor.
  14. I wonder how some members will take this news. Now they will feel sad again when too many members laugh or are sad - and all without proper explanation why. The horror! I don't know why this expression just came to my mind. ????
  15. There is one simple possible solution. Switch if off. Wait a few seconds (so that nothing inside is moving or rotating anymore). Slap it with your flat hand or let it drop from maybe 5cm to 10cm height. Turn it on again and hope that it will work again. This works in many cases when connections are not perfect. And just in case that your hard disk is not working anymore then that slap won't make it worse. Try it! I used that hundreds of times with success.
  16. Thanks for the info. Maybe you can explain the following: It seems many door close sometimes without problems, and then in another season with different temperature and humidity they don't close properly. As far as I see that problem exists in central European climate, in Thai tropical climate, etc. If the material doesn't "move", get smaller, larger, what causes this problem?
  17. I read a big part of a book about wood working and especially one chapter about different kinds of wood (in a foreign language). Maybe my term "move" is incorrect. But it seems natural wood gets longer or shorter in different directions depending on heat and moisture. It seems that is one of the reasons why something like MDF and HMR and other versions are popular with wood workers.
  18. Thanks for all your details, I appreciate it. About the quality and longlivity: IKEA gives on some parts, i.e. METOD kitchen, 25 years warranty. So I guess if the cabinets fall apart in 20 years, I will get new once from IKEA. ????
  19. There must be a statistic somewhere how often people were fined for burning, or officially not find. Follow the money...
  20. On the positive side I can still see your post without scrolling...
  21. It sad that for many people there is just black and white. For many on the right everybody on the left is a radical woke idiot. And for many on the left everybody on the right is a neo-Nazi. It must be surprising for some people that there are all kinds of shades. And some people think some ideas of the moderate right are good and at the same time some ideas of the moderate left are good. A good part of us, I am sure the majority, could live happily together if the media and politicians wouldn't try to radicalize us all the time. I saw lots of short videos with Bill Maher. I think most of the time it is funny, and he describes reality pretty good. He talks to people from all political sites. He doesn't like the radicals on both sides. Great. Maybe we should all look more for things we have in common than things about we think differently. That helps to live in peace together.
  22. That is not fair - for the trash. She is more like a fatberg in a sewer. But at least the fatberg is quiet.
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