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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Personally I like long hair. Short hair = ignore her. Black is fine but some girls look pretty good in blond or red or some other shades.
  2. It's some time ago that I was in Samui and riding motorcycle in the dark. At least at that time there were stretches of road with no light and little traffic. Lots of people who come to Thailand drive and ride on the other side of the road back home. If there is just an empty road then it's somehow easy to forget: Shold I drive left or ride. Add someone coming from the other side with the same question and it gets difficult. I don't know if that was an issue in this case but it's one of those possible problems. And then there is sand, big holes in the street, animals running over the street and other unexpected situations. I hope she will recover fully.
  3. Why do we always have these experts who somehow think they know it all? Did she have a motorcycle license? It was not mentioned. Did she wear any helmet? It was not mentioned. Did she drive like an idiot or was there maybe a reason that she got off the street? It was not mentioned. Why don't we stick to the facts and don't speculate about what we don't know?
  4. It seems I have to repeat myself: Thaksin did a few good things. But that doesn't mean he is no criminal. Because he also did crimes. A criminal who does also good things is still a criminal. Prayut is far away from perfect. And if there will be a time when he will be prosecuted and there is enough evidence that he did something criminal and when he is convicted then he is also a criminal. Then. But not before he is convicted and not before a trial. Prayut did lots of good things. He removed Thaksin from Thai politics. He also removed the militant red-shirts from the streets of Bangkok. Live is so much better in the city without those looters and arsonists, paid and guided by Thaksin, in the city. There would have been no coups in the last 20 years if Thaksin and his clone wouldn't have been so greedy. It seems you like to ignore that simple fact. But then it seems you think someone who did a few good things cannot possibly a criminal.
  5. I didn't notice. I never used such razor. The picture was made many years after the book was written and it was not easy to find such a girl with long black hair. Because by that time many girls had color in their hair. They finally found the perfect girl in Angel Witch in NANA. She is the cover girl. The original book was just a pdf file without cover.
  6. I have to admit I don't like the look of it (the real thing, not the picture). IMHO the soup just doesn't look like it could possibly taste good. When I eat it, it isn't so bad. But I still don't like the look.
  7. I didn't say I knew everybody and every place from the book. But some of them. I read the book when it was free to download sometime before year 2000. I also remember "black leather ankle boots with small chrome chains on the side" in Voodoo - the good old times. ???? From the beginning of the book: PETE I don't know if it was love at first sight, but it was pretty damn close. She had the longest hair I'd ever seen, jet black and almost down to her waist. She smiled all the time and had soft brown eyes that made my heart melt, long legs that just wouldn't quit and a figure to die for. She was stark naked except for a pair of black leather ankle boots with small chrome chains on the side. I think it was the boots that did it for me. That is from the original file. I don't know if it is still available: Copyright 1990-2002 Stephen Leather The right of Stephen Leather to be identified as the author of the work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. (No, really. It has.) All characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. (No, really. They are all fictitious. Though Big Dave is Big Ron and he knows he is. And Jool’s on Soi 4 is Fatso’s. But I’m not Pete. Honest.) I’m quite happy for you to download, copy and distribute this electronic version of Private Dancer, but all copies must be distributed unaltered and complete. You must not add or delete anything, or modify the content in any way. (It’s just fine as it is, thanks.)
  8. I guess that is also the case with the Ferrari driver, or not? A politician who is a criminal is still a criminal. It doesn't matter that the people who don't like him started the prosecution.
  9. I need to fix the handles and mechanisms of the windows in my condominium. I just received a quotation, and it is just ridiculous. So now I look at DIY and maybe I will get another quote. What I like to know from the knowable forum members is where to buy the window handles and mechanism. And are there certain standard sizes which fit everywhere? Or what do I need to measure to find the correct items. And are there established brand names for these parts? Who? And I also like to clean the aluminum frames. Someone suggested turpentine. Is that a good choice? Here are some pictures about the current situation. I guess it is obvious what I like to change and repair. Thanks
  10. So tell us, which part was not accurate? The names? Or anything else?
  11. I understand his point. I.e. if he buys a condominium and he has problems in the building then it doesn't hurt to know the right people. And if he does that then likely he doesn't just want to walk away.
  12. If you think that then you have no idea, or at least no idea about the time when the book was written. I met a couple of the characters from that book before I read the book. And I recognized a couple of places, i.e. the bar managers office in Voodoo, because I was in that office. That story is as true as it gets. And Stephen Leather spent a significant time of his life in Bangkok. He knows it.
  13. That is a dangerous game. Let's say you meet the perfect woman, rich influential, even pretty. Perfect! And you go out with her and have a good time and you want to marry her. And then you discover that she is also a little crazy. Maybe she likes to play the domina or something not so dramatic. And then you think about if maybe you shouldn't marry her. But she introduced you already to her parents. And she loves you, she wants to stay with you. And if you break up with her she will be very unhappy. And her rich and powerful well-connected parents will be very upset. Do you want a situation like that? Think twice what you wish for.
  14. I don't remember where I read it. But there was this: how to be part of the HiSo in Thailand. Basically it is simple. Go to one or a few or the best jewelry shops in Bangkok and spend money. Preferably a lot of money. And if you do that then they will invite you to their parties which are attended by all those other people who spend a lot of money on jewelry. Do that again and again and you are a member of the club.
  15. It is entirely up to them how many and what kind of ads they want. It seems they want a lot of all possible ads. Maybe there is some competition going on who has the highest amount of space covered with ads.
  16. I have problems understanding the arguments from some people here that because person A and B was not prosecuted or found guilty that person C can't be touched. Why not? Thaksin is not more or less guilt because Prayut or that Ferrari driver is in jail or not. I am sure if Thaksin or any Thaksin friendly party will be in power again that then they will prosecute Prayut. Ok, do that. And then let's look at the evidence and the judges will find him guilty or not. And Thaksin's case is independent of Prayut's case. If A is guilty that doesn't make B also guilty or not guilty or whatever.
  17. Yes, it is suspicious. But it doesn't have to be wrong. Many political leaders around the world were prosecuted after their time in some high office. And many of them were found guilty. I.e. Saddam Hussein was removed from his job and prosecuted. Was that wrong? In some cases it is not so obvious, but I am sure many of us remember many politicians around the world who were guilty. With others it is difficult to really know from an outsider perspective because different political sides tell different stories.
  18. Which favors could that possibly be? There is nothing Thaksin can do if those possible favors are not granted.
  19. According to your logic a small-time criminal is not a criminal if a bigger criminal was not (until now) convicted. Really? There is no doubt that Thaksin committed a couple of crimes, no doubt at all. But because he was/is a politician some people call it political crime or political prosecution and conviction. Like if I rob someone then it's a crime and I should be punished. If a politician does that then it's a political crime and if the opposition brings it up, then it's political prosecution. No! It's still a crime! The fact that Thaksin is a criminal does not mean he only did bad things. He certainly also did good things. But one does not change the other. A criminal is a criminal even if he did some good things in his life.
  20. Thaksin wants attention. He is rich enough to live in luxury for the rest of his life, and a lot longer. But that is obviously not enough for him. He wants that people kiss his feet and treat him like the savior. What a sad being.
  21. He can win and at the same time he is still a criminal. Even if 100% of the people voted for him that doesn't change his crimes and convictions. Thaksin could have stayed in Thailand and he could have tried to convince people that he is innocent of at least some of those crimes. But he chose to run away. He chose to pretend to be above the law because he is rich enough to do that. He should go to jail like any other criminal.
  22. It's good that you didn't say: I told you so. But I wonder if he would have remembered that you told him. It seems we all like to forget or suppress information which don't fit in our narrative. I remember I was interested in this gorgeous girl. And I thought about getting together with her. And I saw some good signs that the outcome would be in my favor. But it never happened. In the hindsight there were enough negative signs that the outcome would not be what I hoped but what actually happened. I should have paid more attention to those bad signs. But I didn't. Because I only wanted to see the good signs. Somehow I am pretty sure I am not the only person who looks very selective at certain scenarios.
  23. I think many of us are in our minds comparing a bad relationship/woman in Thailand to a good relationship/woman in Thailand. And obviously we all want the good version. And many of us think we are able to differentiate, and we certainly wouldn't pick the bad version. But then, the guy is now living in the UK, possibly no sex for some time, etc. And now he has the opportunity to come to a warm exotic country and possibly he will have as much sex as he wants, and the dirty version which he always dreamed about. Ok, the new missus is not a virgin anymore, and he has to support the family. But all in all, it is probably still a lot better than the UK.
  24. But then, coming from the UK to Thailand, that is probably still the better option. ????
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