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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. What I still find amazing that it took forever to expose all those lies. It seems a lot of that information was easy to verify, and easy to find out that he lied. Why did nobody do that before he was elected? If I would be a politician and I would have competition I would ask someone to check out the competition. Does he tell the truth? Is he who is pretends to be? It seems even an amateur would have been able to expose many of those lies a long time before the election.
  2. It seems fewer and fewer people are on contracts like that. I.e. some (many?) international hotels employ now more and more Thais in positions which were previously held by foreigners. And there was a time when foreigners got a lot more paid than Thais. It seems those times are over - at least in some businesses. Hoping to get forever paid a lot more than the locals is definitely not a good position.
  3. Yes, correct. This is why it helps to have Google Streetview before I go there. ????
  4. About 30 years ago I thought about where I want to live. My home country in Europe was IMHO too cold, too boring, and not enjoyable in many other ways. With my computer knowledge I could and can work basically anywhere in this world. So I thought about what I like. I like sunny weather, friendly people, pretty girls, and having fun. Thailand meets those criteria. I visited it and I liked it. And to be sure I checked the economic facts, which were at that time real good. So I moved to Thailand. The pretty girls are not the only reason to stay here. But I have to admit seeing all the time anywhere on the streets or in shops pretty girls makes life a lot better. I didn't go back to Europe much but recently I was there. I could confirm to myself: Good that I left that place decades ago.
  5. ... and lots of ugly fat women with an attitude. Thailand is definitely a lot better in that way. And that makes life in general a lot better.
  6. Out of interest, why? I grew up with paper and pencil and sometimes I use them. It depends on the conditions. But mostly I use an electronic device. Preferably my desktop PC with big keyboard and big monitor, but sometimes my mobile phone. I.e. recently I made notes in my apartment which is under construction. Some measurements, some little drawings, some small remarks, I used a small paper block and a pen because it's just easier to walk around with such thing and add a drawing, etc. And if the author of the video above made these notes maybe sitting on the beach, I understand why he didn't do it on a computer. Most of the time I use a PC because that makes it easy to edit text. Move a paragraph to another position to order my thoughts, maybe add or delete or change some words, etc. With an electronic device it is easy to just write random thoughts down and then formulate them and order them or delete them again. Personally, I would never use paper and pencil on a desk with a computer.
  7. Thanks, I should have thought about that earlier. But then, it's nice to have people in this forum who have good ideas and like to share them. I ordered already something else from them. And I still had the box. And I found the sticker with the sender address. Thanks!
  8. It there a good way to find out the name and address of a supplier in Lazada. It seems Lazada blocks chat messages with personal info like phone numbers or email addresses. So it's not easy just to ask per chat. Do you know a way how to find the supplier? The online shop name obviously might be helpful. But my research for "realwoodpc", a supplier on Lazada, failed so far. Any ideas?
  9. Two notebooks on the table. One electronic with a big apple logo on it. And one old fashioned with paper and handwriting on that paper. Now if I would be an employer and I see a guy with those two notebooks in front of him, and he is using the handwritten notes on the paper notebook, then I would ask myself: Is that the kind of guy I would employ in my company?
  10. Maybe my personal addition to Sheryl's advice: I have Type 2 diabetes and I take oral medication. I visit the doctor about every two months. He checks my blood sugar and HBA1C. That gives the doctor enough information about the status of my diabetes. Additionally, I bought some time ago a blood glucose monitor from Beurer. I did this to understand better my blood sugar level. I can measure it right away after I wake up. And I can measure it before any meal and direct after a meal and maybe an hour or two later. I can also do things like eating something and looking how that influences my blood sugar. I think for such personal discovery it's nice to have a blood glucose monitor to see which food and drinks have a big impact.
  11. Buy something like this: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/beurer-blood-glucose-monitor-gl-44-i454472488-s838888111.html Beurer is a good brand, there are others. These devices are accurate when used according to the instructions. If you measure regularly then the cost of the test strips sums up. The device is a one time investment. If you want to pay less for the device: In Europe they are often cheaper or even more or less given away to the patients - because the companies make the money with the test strips. Edit: Some devices have a computer connection (USB or maybe Bluetooth). With that it is easy to keep the records from every day.
  12. That is great news. Trump will do his best to destroy all possible other presidential candidates from the GOP. And then the American voters have no acceptable conservative candidate, and they will vote for the others. Great! And maybe then, maybe, the GOP will slowly wake up and ask themselves what they did wrong over the last years. Yeah, think about that real hard!
  13. One would think that the Phuket authorities have lots of experience with mafia style organized crime...
  14. It depends a lot on the location. I live in a Soi in lower Sukhumvit. I can ask 10 taxis driving outside of my building and the chance is high that 10 of 10 demand a fixed price or don't want to go at all. And that is almost independent of the destination. If I walk 500m to the main Sukhumvit Road it's still bad, but after I stop maybe 3 or 5 taxis there will be one willing to use the meter. In other non-tourist parts of Bangkok often the first taxi is willing to use the meter. Some don't want to go to Sukhumvit, but that seems more about the location and not about the money. Yesterday I saw traffic cones for maybe 100m on Sukhumvit Road right next to one of those official information booth. It seems the idea is that nobody parks there illegally. So far, so good. And then I saw one of the usual taxi-no-meter removing a few of those cones to park exactly there. Interesting. Are they paying someone to park there so they can pick up new tourists? All this is of course nothing new. Maybe it's only worse than it ever was. The authorities know about it, and they could easily fine those drivers. But obviously they don't do that. TiT. That is one of the reasons why I use my bike 99% of the time.
  15. My point was/is that there is no correct way to do that in general. There is a way to wai the older boss and there is another way to wai someone younger and another way to wai a monk. And some more. I guess it depends on the receiver how serious they look at this.
  16. As far as I know there are many versions of a Wai. And if you do it the wrong way (for that occasion) then it's not good. Just two example:
  17. Was that place ever good? I was there maybe two times before Covid. I think it was a total rip-off (made for tourists) and I never returned.
  18. I just found this video on my YouTube page. I don't know how accurate that is, but it is an interesting view about Putin and democracy.
  19. It is obvious that there is no good solution - not even in theory. Brexiters never thought realistically about NI. At least we can be sure that everybody has someone else to blame for many years to come.
  20. Maybe we should just forget the "news" in that name. The purpose of fox-no-news is to make money and spread rightwing propaganda. It has little to do with balanced news. And to be fair, there are obviously similar "news" channels on the left. I remember I read somewhere that a long time ago, like when only a few TV channels existed, the actual news which was reported was the same on all channels. Different channels had different opinions and interpretations, but the news were facts. Now best case the news is part of the facts. Many aspects of the news, the whole truth, seems to be nowhere anymore. So to get an idea what is going on we must watch/listen/read news from the left and news from the right to get a better idea. But then we still don't know who to believe. Or maybe we do: Don't believe any of them. Sad times!
  21. I purchased an condominium from a previous owner about one year ago. When I transferred the money to Thailand I was pretty sure which unit I would buy, but I was not 100% sure. This is why I wrote for the transfer "purchase of a condominium in Bangkok", not building name or anything like that. And that was perfectly fine, no problem. Maybe you are missing one step: When we went to the land office to transfer the unit to my name I had to bring a letter from my bank in Thailand. On that letter from my Thai bank were all the details about the unit which I bought. The bank prepared that letter after I gave them all the details of the unit which I bought. The Thai bank prepared that letter after they received my money from overseas. It seems this letter has a standard format. It is a full page with lots of text. Maybe ask the seller for a sample of the letter which they expect and then go with that sample to your bank so that they can prepare that for you. Good luck!
  22. Obviously you can think long and hard about my motives. But maybe there is not much to think about. It's just an example of people believing what their leaders and media tell them.
  23. Sure there are differences, there are always differences. But fact is that the USA illegally invaded Iraq because they claimed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Iraq didn't have any of those weapons. Iraq was also not involved in 9/11. The invasion was illegal and the fact that Saddam Hussein was a bad guy doesn't make it legal. My point was and is that lots of people in countries who go to war support their leaders and the war. We are the good people. We fight the bad people and all that. And we can be pretty sure Putin will tell something similar to Russians. But when some Russians believe that and support Putin then they obviously must be ignorant and stupid and all that. But if Americans support their illegal wars, then they call it something different like fighting for democracy etc. And people believe that. Amazing. Why are they so ignorant and stupid? ...
  24. A lot of them are until it is their turn to be fed into the meat grinder. I would imagine they might feel differently about it then. Let's not forget how many Americans supported their wars of terror. When Russia invades another country then people are like: How dare they do that. That is illegal. And why do their people don't oppose that war. And when the USA does it, i.e. the unprovoked war in Iraq without the weapons of mass destruction. Then it's called supporting the troops and all that. Same same, not much different.
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