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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. A Principality Stadium spokesperson said: “Delilah will not feature on the playlist for choirs for rugby internationals at Principality Stadium. I don't know if I am more surprised that there is a choir or an official playlist for that choir. Amazing!
  2. I could recommend several great restaurants. But I don't do that. Because I hate it when my favorite places are overrun with tourists.
  3. Obviously he can own such a bike and he can ride it to the next pub. But do you really believe that an 80-year-old is capable to handle the full power and max speed of such a bike? But then, maybe he prefers to die in a high-speed accident and not from old age in a bed.
  4. I guess being member in a responsible bike club helps. I ride motorcycles since I am legally allowed to do that but I was never in such a club. I guess in a club if a member would try to show how good he is when in reality he has limited skills then others would tell him to take it easy. Or maybe they would help him to learn. Just looking at this forum and reading about beginner rider's ideas is sometimes scary.
  5. Personally I don't assume anything in this case. Let's wait for more information. But it seems too many guys in Thailand any age don't know the power of bikes. Even a 400cc bike accelerates to 100km/h faster than many sports cars. Be aware of the power. And with bigger bikes there is obviously even more power. We had one member here in the form who started a thread that he just got his Honda Gold Wing after almost no previous experience. I don't think I saw any follow up threads from him. I don't really want to see a statistic about who buys big bikes in Thailand and how long they survive. RIP
  6. A long time ago I read a preamble in a book written by a Brazilian guy. It was similar to: You can't have sex with all the women in this world, but at least you should try. I think that is a good goal, especially in Thailand. ????
  7. It's not exactly what you asked, but long time ago when I came to Thailand, and I saw the traffic I thought I will never ride a bike myself in this chaos. And then, a couple of years later, I bought a bike and by now I am used to all this. I think the biggest help for me was riding on the back of motorcycle taxis basically every day for years. I learned how they ride, I learned all the shortcuts, I know where to expect the previously unexpected and all that. Just knowing how to ride a motorcycle (in a theoretical world where people obey traffic rules) is not enough in Thailand. You really need to know how the locals really ride, and a lot of that is not according to the rules and laws. Good luck and enjoy the ride.
  8. Thanks, it seems not even one supplier is in Thailand. Let's look if I can find a local source before I order it from far away.
  9. I paid for no helmet mostly 100B and max 400B officially at the police station. What I wrote earlier was about a situation where the police want to arrest you/me in the middle of the night. Or in fact they don't want to arrest us, they want money. If such a shakedown is serious, i.e. with planted drugs, then I prefer to pay instead of arguing the next morning in the police cell to get a lawyer.
  10. That is obviously an option. But often such little plastic things are available for <100B online. I have to admit I use the easy cheap way if possible.
  11. Thanks, that is interesting. Until now I search on Lazada mostly on my desktop PC with a big screen and there is no such symbol. But I just discovered that there is such a symbol in the phone app. Good idea. Unfortunately it didn't show any useful result this time. But I will keep it in mind for the future.
  12. It seems that is what they do in the USA. In Thailand I think they arrest you.
  13. If I don't have a helmet, then the police want cash or gives me a ticket. No problem. But if they try to arrest you and you think they might do it now, that is a different situation - even if you are innocent. I also read all the comments here about calling some influential person, and that might work. But maybe not. Let's just pretend there is no influential person out there who wants to help you/me.
  14. Then why do you think you are qualified to reply to a post which was about riding a bike in Thailand? You obviously have no idea about that. And what do smart people do if they realize that they don't know anything about what is talked about? Option 1: They listen. Option 2: They shut up. That's what smart people do.
  15. 100 times in 25 years. I leave the math to you. And it seems you don't know the motorcycle traffic rules. Motorcycles must ride on the left lane if there are 2 or 3 lanes in the same direction. But often there are cars parked on the left lane. So it is not a good idea to ride on that lane. Now tell us about your extensive experience in Thailand - or maybe better not.
  16. I understand when guys look for the new girls in the bars who just started in that business. But with crypto currencies I am not so sure if it is a good idea to invest in the new and innocent.
  17. Thanks! I searched in Lazada and found already one. For > 2000B https://www.lazada.co.th/products/2-i4274547928.html I guess I have to look a little longer. But now at least I know what to look for. Thanks.
  18. Who do you think controls the drug trade in Thailand? Or lots of other organized crime? I know a guy who used to be a loan shark in Thailand. Guess who his partner was to enforce the payments? Obviously I don't know the percentage of corrupt police in this country. But I know that the Thai traffic police stopped me at least 100 times over the years (mostly for not riding on the left lane with my bike). I remember exactly one case (1!) where a police officer didn't want cash without receipt.
  19. I think the important part to remember with a shake-down is that the police do not want to arrest you. Because if they would do that it takes time, filling out forms, transportation, etc. All that takes away time which they could use to shake down other people. So they will try to avoid that. That means you don't want to get arrest and they don't want to arrest you. Now it's negotiation time. They want as much as possible and you want to pay as little as possible. So negotiate! And I think it is also a good idea to see this as a game. If you laugh while you haggle and give them a chance to get down from their demands then that is a lot better than insulting them, etc. Until now I only had these kind of conversations with traffic police. It's a game. They know it, I know it, so let's play it like a game.
  20. Are people really still looking for some kind of better crypto currency? Really?
  21. You could ask her? Or if you are too shy to ask, try and find out? ????
  22. What's the name of this thing (in Thailand), and where to get it? I saw this thing today in a video which makes it easy to wrap cling film around something. I never saw this "tool" and searching in Lazada with different terms I didn't find it. What is it called here? Here is the moment in a video where the guy uses it.
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