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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I wouldn't bring any Thai girl out of Thailand. In Thailand a girlfriend is still a girlfriend without legal rights. Good!
  2. You are not supposed to tell me that you did this. I might be offended that you laugh about my serious comment. This is why now all the emojis are anonymous. ????
  3. I think the important part is that "it works" is not good enough. The cables and breakers must survive any bad condition which could possibly happen. And with so much power the risk of a fire with improper installation is not low. Be careful!
  4. I never married and never needed a prenup. But I guess sometimes it is difficult to do that. Darling, do you want to marry me. I love you and want to stay with you for the rest of my life. And darling, please sign here that you won't get any of my money - just in case.
  5. It's all relative. Some people accept to be in a big room together with 10 other people and the family on standby to take care of them. Others want a nice room for themselves and 1st class medical treatment. And that cost money.
  6. How many do that? I have no idea. But I am pretty sure after a couple of years many think they should have done that.
  7. Is it so easy? Do you think it is a good idea for someone who is used to short trips, maybe max 30min at a time, to suddenly go on a trip for hours? And then he also has to come back one day. Personally I use one of my bikes every day in Bangkok. I like to have the freedom to use my own bike and not rely on (motorcycle) taxis. Until now I rode two times to Bangsaen (with 400cc bikes). It was no fun. Bad roads, crazy drivers, and big trucks - very different from everyday riding in Bangkok. I am sure some people will accept the bad road conditions, including lots of crazy drivers, but I imagine not many will enjoy such a ride.
  8. How many people expect to get divorces when they marry? Ask them on that day and I guess most of them will tell you they will live happily ever after. And about what she will do: Maybe she does what you write. But maybe she is tired and just wants to live a quiet life somewhere. I go to some small bars regularly since over 20 years. I remember some girls who worked there and who got married to their best customer. And many people had doubts how long those relations will last. Some of them lasted many years. Later the girl comes back to the bar with the same guy and some kids and says hello to some of the girls and customers which she still remembers. I think we should be careful with our predictions. I don't know how often we are wrong. But sometimes we are wrong. With all those relationships it is not easy to foresee how long they will last and under which conditions.
  9. People are different, some are very different. I met lots of men and lots of women where I though they will never find a partner. But then, many did or they were married already. I don't know why they are attracted to each other but it seems they are. Do I understand it? No. It just happens. They are different (from my thinking and expectations).
  10. It's interesting that many people here think a hospital bill for 40k GBP is outrageous in Thailand, it's not! Maybe many can't imagine this kind of invoice. But talk to people who are used to these kind of cases and they won't be surprised. I worked with a company who managed these kind of cases and I saw the numbers. Ouch!
  11. Reading your post, I suspect that you know it is not a good idea. Sure, technically it is possible. Technically it is also possible to ride to Chiang Mai. But does it make sense? Personally I ride 99% of the time in inner city Bangkok. And the rest near Bangkok, maybe 30min on a big road out of Bangkok and then back. I do it because on a bike it is faster and more convenient than with a taxi. But I can't say I enjoy such a ride. Lots of crazy (pickup) drivers, some big dangerous trucks, etc. And I did this on various bikes with 40+ HP. Inner city riding is different. Obviously I know that others enjoy "long" trips. But I think you should ask yourself if you want to go on that trip with your little bike because you are looking forward to that long trip. Or are you thinking about doing that so that you have your bike or a bike in Koh Chang - but you are not looking forward to that long trip. Personally I would consider going with a car or bus and renting a bike over there.
  12. Maybe. But maybe riding a bike was not covered in that insurance and maybe there are other limits. Travel (health) insurances are cheap compared to real international health insurances - for a reason. Obviously it's sad for her to be in such a situation, especially because she didn't cause the accident. But let's compare this with a Thai person who is hit like that by another Thai person on the road. Who pays? Often Thai people struggle to pay something, but expensive treatment is out of the question for many.
  13. It seems in many condominiums it's up to you to talk with different providers if they offer anything in that building and what. And maybe that is also already planned or under construction in your new building. Maybe call TRUE or others and ask them which service they provide in building xyz.
  14. Ok. But with such good knowledge of Thai, I wonder why you ask about this matter in a farang forum. Do you really think we know more about this than Thais on a Thai forum (would) know? And about the "wrong" person. There is a reason why I wrote it like that. Maybe the person you accuse is someone important. And maybe the police just won't touch a case or drag their feet about it. It seems the news in Thailand is full of those cases where crimes of the rich and influential are ignored. I wrote my original post not to criticize you. The idea was and is to help you to understand better what is going on.
  15. Maybe something happened. How do you communicate with the police? Per email in English? Do you go to the police station? I think your best chance is to have a lawyer. And your second-best chance is to have a senior Thai person try to find out. Thais understand Thais. Maybe someone expects a payment. Maybe you should have filled out form xyz, maybe you accuse the "wrong" person or company. Most farangs won't be able to "understand" what most Thais would understand instantly.
  16. It's always interesting to get advice from experience members like you. If you have no idea what you are talking about then better shut up.
  17. You can always ask the manufacturer if that is an authorized resale shop. But I am pretty sure you know the answer already.
  18. This reminds me of this video which I saw recently. Absolutely wonderful - and not politically correct at all!
  19. Women change. Man want that they are the cute girl which they met forever. But they are getting older and fatter and demanding and all that. And then they have children, and it gets worse.
  20. I don't know who said it first but there is this wonderful quote: Women select a man and hope he will change but he won't change. Men select a women and hope she will never change. But she changes. Now multiply that by 10 years or more...
  21. Thanks for your detailed reply and I am sure many of us are looking forward what will happen. Let me write some comments about what you wrote: About her history and where he met her: If someone asks where I met my gf, I normally say: at the beach. Which is not totally incorrect because her bar was near the beach. And why do I answer like that? Because that ends all possible discussions about why she worked in a bar and if she liked it and how many customers she had and whatever. Most guys in Thailand don't ask, they look at her and have a pretty good idea if the girl looks like she ever worked in a bar. I agree it will be hard for him in a village if he doesn't speak Thai. So maybe he should learn it or better live somewhere else. I don't think for many villagers her past is very important. It is a lot more important how much money she has. If she is married to a rich farang who is willing to spend a lot of money, then I am pretty sure that will enhance her status. About the UK: Probably he prefers to have a wife and doesn't care too much about the people in the UK. And about other women in Thailand. How many "normal" women want a farang husband? And what are their expectations? It seems almost all Thai women expect that a farang has money. Why else would they marry one? And about finding the perfect girlfriend or wife: Some of us want a woman about their own age. Some want children and a happy family and all that. Other just want to be happy with a woman. Personally I prefer a cute 20 year old girl who just started in that business compared to an old woman over 30 with a proper job, etc. It depends a lot on what we want.
  22. Out of curiosity, what will you tell him? And what kind of reaction do you expect? And just in case you plan to tell him he should look for a proper wife who loves him and is not interested in his money, do you think he would be able to find such wife?
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