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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. That is not really surprising. I am sure: she is different!
  2. Did he ask you to spy on her and tell him what she does? If not, then don't do it. And if he wants that then still think twice if you want that.
  3. I have to admit I don't understand the concept of hunger strikes. If you don't want to eat and if you risk dying because you don't eat, then that is your problem. Starve and die. Or eat and live. Why should anybody do anything because someone says: Do what I want, or I kill myself. It doesn't make any sense.
  4. It's unlikely that he will see any connection. You know, this thread is about this idiot looser who doesn't know what he is doing. He on the other hand is the lucky guy who found the perfect wife. ????
  5. If you want to get involved at all, then I suggest ask him questions like: What do you expect from your marriage? Do you think you will be happy there without speaking Thai. Do you think she loves you and will take care of you? The idea is that he thinks himself what can possibly go wrong. And maybe that he has expectations which won't be met. Then it's up to him to think about it. From experience if you get directly involved and try to tell him reality and the truth it is unlikely that he will listen. And he will likely accuse you of lots of bad things. Don't get involved! If he asks you any questions, try to answer them correctly. Not more.
  6. Be nice! I think the main problem with officials in Thailand, and not only in Thailand, is that they don't want to shown that they don't know what they are doing. So instead of telling them: That's the rule and you don't know it (and you are stupid). Maybe it's better to tell them: I think there is a rule people with residency are allowed to do xyz. Can you maybe check for this... And I think it is even better if a well-educated Thai speaks with them. They will certainly know how to solve these little issues. Being right is not good enough.
  7. Like FOX "news"? Or CNN? Or which media? It seems the USA have lots of media and many of them have their own version of "the truth". And unfortunately it seems many don't even publish any news anymore if they somehow expose the bad guys in the preferred political party. And then there are the consumers who only listen to i.e. CNN or FOX and they somehow think they know the truth. I understand that everybody has some bias. But for a news channel not reporting some news at all is pretty bad.
  8. Thanks. Ok, I understand. Or just leave it unplugged for 10 minutes and the same happens.
  9. So it's up to them to follow orders? What is the fine of "accidently" deleting something? Is it worse than being fired and prosecuted for a crime which was recorded? Police officers should not be able to do any deleting themselves. Maybe the cameras should automatically transmit everything in real time and it should be stored in the cloud. And nobody should be able to delete any of this. Read only access. Technically this should be no problem. Just do it!
  10. I won't read the manual of a TV which I don't care about. But I read lots of manuals. I am one of those guys who thinks about those good old days when products came with big manuals (and circuit diagrams). So. in principle I know these "press that button for 10 seconds when you turn on the device" and similar ways to reset something. But I am pretty sure I never ever read any version where people have to press a button while the device was unplugged. Press the button and then plug in the device. Yes. Have that button pressed when you switch it on. Yes But never: do this and that while it's unplugged. If that really exist, then I would love to see it in a manual. But please tell me on which page - for any device which I don't own or support.
  11. Who? The maid in a hotel who cleans your room? Or the cleaning staff in a condominium who clean the common area?
  12. It is obvious that the UK government needs something, anything, to distract people from their horrible performance.
  13. So it seems one company or person missed one appointment. And maybe they didn't even miss it because you tell us that your hearing is bad. And that inspires you to write: Bad Service and a stupid excuse Where do you come from? Do you have the perfect service at home? Everybody comes on time and all that? Really?
  14. Imagine those files show all the details when the money was extorted. And then also all the details when (part of) that money was given to higher ups in the extortion food chain. Now that would be interesting. Something like: Here boss, here is your 24,300. I keep my usual 10%... P.S.: Obviously all that is just my imagination ????
  15. It is not too difficult to think why they are illegal in Thailand. It's the same reason why many other things/businesses are illegal. If it would be legal, then the authorities could not charge to look the other way. Now police and others make a lot of money with those illegal things. I think from a certain point of view that makes a lot of sense.
  16. There is no point in having mirrors if you never ever use them. They are just additional air drag and weight for nothing. ????
  17. It's almost funny how he always gets away with his behavior. I wonder how much his wealth and influence have to do with this.
  18. It's time that the rest of the world installs sanctions against Israel until they dismantle all those illegal settlements. And then it is of course time for the country of Palestine. But obviously this will never happen as long as the USA is letting Israel do whatever they want.
  19. You obviously didn't spend much time with a dog or other animals. Maye you should try. It will make you a better human.
  20. Thanks Maybe I am too intelligent to understand this "logic". But then, I am not American.
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