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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I think about what kind of superwoman would be able to convince me that I sell my house so that she can build a house so I can live with her - after I met her on a dating app. I don't think such a woman exists in this world.
  2. It's not enough when people make stupid decisions. Some of them go then in front of the press to present how stupid they are. Thanks for the entertainment.
  3. Lots of influencer don't have to pay and the write "spectacular reviews". What a surprise... Sometimes I see them "at work". Hours of probably thousands of pictures and the food is getting cold and they anyhow don't have time to eat it making all that content. Amazing, not just Thailand.
  4. What an amazing story. I wonder if that happens in average 10 or 100 times a day in Thailand.
  5. To be fair, HP, and other brands have often different lines of product. Business products with good long-time support and cheap consumer products. Be aware of what you buy.
  6. To be fair, sometimes the supplier drivers and software add functionality. I.e. today I visited a customer with a HP scanner. With the Windows 11 internal software "Scan" it worked. But the HP software, downloaded from HP, added lots of functions. Obviously not everybody needs lot of extra functions. But if you are looking for "extras", the look at the manufacturer website first.
  7. If you use Windows then try Windows Update, possibly there will be a free driver from Microsoft. And you can download any drivers for HP products from HP - all free of charge. Just start with HP.com
  8. From my recent experience I agree with Daikin and 18k should do the job.
  9. He said a lot of things over the years. I didn't keep a statistic, but I would be surprised if he told more often the truth than when he lied. There is no point in listening to Boris and his BS.
  10. Or he remembers the bloody red-shirts terrorizing the city and decided life is a lot better without that violent mob on the streets.
  11. I remember the time when many of us thought it can't get worse than George W Bush. We were so wrong... Obviously I don't know where Thai politics will go. But if Thaksin ('s daughter) will be in charge then it is almost sure that there will be mayhem. At least for me this mean anybody else is probably better.
  12. I know why I don't have fb. If I want a lady I go to a gogo bar. Why add lots of headache to a simple process?
  13. There is an easy solution. Available online and offline per hour, day and long term arrangements.
  14. Thaksin thinks about Thaksin. Thaksin first. Nothing is more important than Thaksin. Is that news? It's amazing that so many people still think the return of that criminal would be good for Thailand.
  15. Sometimes I look at the bad choices in Thailand and I wonder why people vote for them. And then I look at this so-called 1st world country, the leader of the world, the USA. Are those really the best people in that whole country you could find to lead the country? And obviously it's all about money. It seems in Thailand and in the USA the politicians have different ways to get money. But the goal is the same: MONEY.
  16. Should all books be available to kids in school? I think many of us agree that some books are not appropriate or just telling lies, etc. And I guess there always was some control about which books were shown in the library and which not. The question is not so much that some kind of selection should happen. It seems it's more of the question how this selection should happen.
  17. Did you already talk to her? Or do you want to talk to her, but you want to make sure that she is just the perfect girl for you? Why don't you just invite her for a coffee or whatever and talk to her? Maybe she sees you and falls in love with you and she will ban all those other males. But maybe she tells you let's go to your place and I will entertain you and it cost X. And some other options. Don't think too much before you even talked to her.
  18. I wonder when they do something similar in Soi Cowboy. There they would have to remove whole terrasses in front of (almost?) every bar if they want to see the official road again.
  19. The default settings are pretty good. If you don't save your data in "exotic" locations, then the search does normally work.
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