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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I am not sure if you didn't read or if you are naive or ignorant. Wars are big business. And lots of people and companies want war to sell weapons, ammunition, services, and and and. That's a fact and it prolongs wars, and it helps to start wars. Sure, Ukraine and Ukraine people suffer and die and that is a tragedy. And at the same time others profit and they want profit - otherwise they wouldn't be in the war business. And that means some people and companies don't want that wars end. They want more wars to sell more weapons. Just don't forget this little fact.
  2. One thing which it seems is mentioned nowhere is who profits? All those weapons for Ukraine, who pays for them? Sometimes I read weapons are donated. By whom are they donated? And if weapon A is donated which need ammunition B, who pays for ammunition B? And even if i.e. the USA would pay for all the weapons and ammunition which they supply to Ukraine, why? Because they are so nice people? Or because that keeps the military industrial complex running and financed? After all, if Biden (or any other president) donates all that money, it is not really his money, it's other peoples' money. I think it is naive to only look at Ukraine and Russia and who is wrong and who is right.
  3. Many things can be found out after the fact. What she should have is a list or people/companies/organizations. I.e., she should know you have a bank account with bank X. If she inherits from you then later she can contact bank X and they will look for accounts, etc. She does not need the numbers. If she doesn't even know there is bank Y then it won't be easy to find out later. People who should be informed when you die. And last but not least, she should know if there are any outstanding bills, if you should give money to anybody, etc. Because if you are dead and xyz comes and tells her just last week you borrowed 100k she should know about that - especially if it is untrue.
  4. And then? What do you expect Putin will do then? Will Putin retreat? Will he leave Ukraine completely? Or will there be more fighting on an even more serious level? I don't pretend that I know the answers. But I am pretty sure Putin won't just retreat. So more weapons might make the situation only worse. And what will then be the next step? More weapons?
  5. And? Will the Russians now retreat and apologize and say they will never do it again? Or will they think when 100,000 Russians died already that they want to see results for that? Or do the 100,000 not really matter for Putin who makes the decisions? And let's not forget all the dead people and the huge destruction in Ukraine. Even considering the theoretical possibility that Russia could retreat completely from everywhere in Ukraine, would that mean Ukraine won? A big part of their country is destroyed. They lost, a lot, even if they "win".
  6. I don't know the Thai laws, but in civilized countries it is the duty of the seller to inform the buyer if the vehicle was in a major crash. I think it's only fair to mention these details. At the same time, you can present the invoice of a qualified company that it is now repaired and straight. Or how would you react if someone sells you a bike which was crashed and he "forgot to mention" it?
  7. I don't know if it is funny, sad or whatever to read all these comments from the arm-chair-experts. How many of you are experts in wars, international relations, Russia, Ukraine, Putin, and a lot more? How many know the history of Ukraine, Russia, the Soviet Union, Germany, the USA and other related countries? How many know how wars are started, develop and end? It's so easy to have an opinion of what is good or what is bad. I also have an opinion that there shouldn't be any wars. But somehow the world is not listening to me. What's the point of all these comments from people who know basically nothing?
  8. And now ask the Russian people what they want. For me it is obvious that Putin/Russia invaded Ukraine and they should leave the country again. It has nothing to do with some survey of people in those countries. But obviously reality is more complicated.
  9. Do you prefer the racism of the right? Why don't we just agree that all racism should be avoided?
  10. I think text like above leaves just too much space for imagination and is almost useless. Maybe he blocked it because he doesn't want that anybody learn something about slaves or racism. But maybe he banned it because this specific course was just bad and/or super woke. Maybe it included that all white people should feel guilty for the suppression of all black people or similar BS. It's also possible that he banned it because i.e. students don't learn enough math and such a new course would take away time from more important courses. There are lots of possibilities. Obviously DeSantis has some kind of reputation and that is why we interpret news like that with a bias. And maybe that is correct. But maybe it's not. America and the world will not improve when everybody from the left thinks all the people on the right always do bad things and the other way around. Let's try to be open minded about what is really going on and why.
  11. Sorry to disappoint you, anything computer 3 year old is old. ASUS developed probably thousand new products in the last 3 years. Obviously it would be nice if you can get a replacement, but I wouldn't bet on it. And the questions is obviously: What has to be replaced? A friend has a FUJITSU notebook and the audio out port didn't work anymore. They had to replace the motherboard (the biggest part in the notebook) because the port was soldered to the motherboard. Maybe that is also the case with your notebook, maybe not. If ASUS tells you they don't have it maybe try an independent repair center or guy, someone who solders every single part. Such a person might be able to repair it.
  12. And it's good that they do that. It will help them feel better when not everybody looks down on them (except in the food court).
  13. Obvious we don't do such things. And no same person would do it. But looking at reality, how high is the chance that he will get any disease from eating those things? Sometimes my gf doesn't finish something and sometime then I eat the rest. Sure, she is my gf and I also kiss her, so there is already an exchange of body fluids. But in principle it is the same. I guess the guy just had very little or no money and he wants to survive. And getting food in that way is probably better than some alternatives. I guess if he is once over the "people don't do that" then he just eats it as if he would have bought it.
  14. About Kim Kardashian: As far as I am concerned, she is about as important than any soi dog. But she must be pretty smart to be able to convince millions of people to follow everything she does. And it seems she sells products, including her children, and makes tons of money. I don't know how she does it and I don't really care. But it seems she knows what kind of nothing millions of people (all idiots?) want to see. Interesting.
  15. About home automation: I use devices from Shelly which can be used with existing switches. Smart Lighting - Products - Shelly I use them with Home Assistant. But for just one or two switched Home Assistant doesn't make sense. With any switch which you buy I suggest you should thoroughly try it, especially the mechanical parts. For example, I bought these because I thought they might be useful. Shelly Wall Switch 4 - black - Shelly Wall Switch 4 - white - All Products - Products - Shelly But when I tried them, they just feel "bad". If you press the button exactly in the center, it is fine. But pressing it not at the center might work or might not work. So better try what you buy.
  16. I saw pictures of her. She has a fat ass. I don't know if there is anything more to it.
  17. Yesterday a team installed doors similar to yours in my condominium. They inserted the "raw" doors holding them to the top rail and then inserting them in the bottom rail. And after they did that they installed some profiles at the edges of the doors. As far as I see these profiles have functions like keeping several doors together if they are moved. I am also pretty sure the profiles will prevent that the doors can be removed now. I am pretty sure for my doors it would be necessary to remove some profiles at the edges of the sliding doors first before the doors can be removed. Maybe this is similar to your doors.
  18. Is it a bathroom or a steam bath? "Normal" switches are ok, just don't drown them with water. And if it makes you feel better then buy some covers. Waterproof Plates | HomePro Online Shopping
  19. Yes, it's sad that she is dead. And it should be a warning to any aspiring girl that a job like that is best case dangerous and worst case deadly. Don't do it!
  20. I think he should make sure that he doesn't call her for some time and if she calls also tells her he has no time. Then see what happens. Maybe all is fine and maybe they meet again in a month. But maybe her reaction will show more. Remembers: There is no such thing as a free lunch. And I would add: There is also no such thing as a too cheap to be true lunch.
  21. So it seems you think that girls in car shows in Thailand are not willing to provide more service for more money. Really? I have not statistic how many do and how many don't. But it is well known that enough of them sell a lot more than cars. I am obviously not saying that all models and hostesses and whatever are available. But some definitely are. It's like massage in Thailand? It can be this or that...
  22. That's a question like: Can I repair my car? I have the keys. The answer is obviously: It depends. ???? Personally I think if you are not an internet specialist (who knows about DNS servers and SMTP servers and a lot more) then you shouldn't even try.
  23. It seems some words are interchangeable. Maybe in theory there is a difference. But that is like the waitress, the bartender or dancer. In some bars they are all available. If any girl does any job like that, she should realize very fast, hopefully right away, that there is a huge risk. And IMHO they shouldn't take that risk if they are not willing to get totally wasted and then being abused. I guess very few are willing to do that. So they shouldn't do it! If a girl works in ab bar there are normally other girls and a mamasan and maybe some guys who make sure things don't get too out of hand.
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