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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. And do those middle-class, middle-aged woman who have professional careers also want money? Or do they just want that you marry them and take care of them for the rest of their life?
  2. That reminds me of one of those xxx videos with Bangkok bar girls. At the beginning the guy ask the girl if she is a good girl. She confirms. Yes, she is a good girl, and she will do everything he wants. Good girl!
  3. Italian pizza American pizza nuff said
  4. Thanks I hope the girl in white goes to the police to complain about the assault from the monster in black. No wonder the guy wanted something different.
  5. I didn't expect anything else from Americans...
  6. I think the problem in Thailand is the definition of "agent". It seems we have many agents in my building. One is a hairdresser, another has a shop, another a laundry, and then there are the "agents" who work for the building but still like to get 3% commission if they tell anybody that a unit is for sale. Somehow it would be nice if all those people who don't do any real work would just get a tip commission and not more. But obviously TiT and I won't hold my breath that that will change anytime soon.
  7. I don't know about that bike, but it seems many bikes have specific problems which are not obvious. For that reason it is a good idea to have a bike which is used by many others, or at least some others, in the same area. Having something "exotic" might be exiting, but it can also be frustrating.
  8. And then? Where will he (try to) service the bike? At a local dealer? Or will he go again "everywhere"? Maybe the local dealer will accept him as a customer. But if he doesn't support that bike then that is not the best situtation. IMHO you buy a bike including service and support. Just the bike is not good enough.
  9. Let's say you are a smoker, and you are about to die. What do they tell you? Don't smoke! Die healthy.
  10. Why would you eat frozen fish in Thailand when you can get fresh fish from the market?
  11. I had a couple of relatives living over 90 years. Some smoking and drinking and enjoying food. Sometimes I wonder how they survived without all that modern advice.
  12. So what is Thaksin then? Pheu Thai party’s chief advisor of the chief advisor on public participation and innovation?
  13. I am always surprised what some people call art... Maybe invite some real artists.
  14. It is also a good idea to have more than one card. Some time ago I was at an ATM near my home. I don't remember why, but the ATM did not return my card. It was no problem, I just visited my bank the next day. But then I thought about what would have happened if I would be in a foreign country without another card. Not good! That was a reminder that it's good to have at least a second card and second account is obviously also a good idea, see above posts.
  15. We all die. Let's enjoy life before that happens.
  16. He would ask in a forum somewhere what others think about it.
  17. She should have sent him drain cleaner and put the label "kills COVID" on it. That might have worked.
  18. How often did Thaksin control other people who were officially in charge? How often did he win and how often were those lackeys removed? Why does he try again? Does he really think that he will be able to return to Thailand and live happily ever after? 555
  19. Terrorist terrorize innocent people. They start fires, the hurt people, maybe they kill people, etc. And terrorists normally do this for political reasons. But obviously some of them also take money. You could look it up. The definition is easy to find.
  20. ???? We need that confused icon again. It's like: You run a red light. A cop stops you and tells you what you did was against the law. You give the cop 100B tea money, which proves he is corrupt. And for that reason, you never did anything wrong. That's your "logic". Strange!
  21. Maybe you should start a survey in this forum about this important matter. I vote you should go to the police and report here what they say. Or better, ask them if you can record it all on video.
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