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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Is that the theory or real life? IMHO in real life as soon as you/me/anybody criticizes Israel there are always lots of people who insist the person who criticizes must hate Jews. That happens in this forum and (almost?) everywhere else.
  2. Maybe a week ago there was a very similar thread in this forum. Maybe have a look at that.
  3. Some more details about Israel and democracy: The Guardian view on democracy in Israel: under assault from the top | Editorial | The Guardian
  4. Do you think the elected members of the Israeli Knesset should have all the power? There are good reasons for separation of powers. IMHO Israeli politicians often get away with what they do because the world is too shy to criticize them. Because if anybody criticizes them then those persons are called best case antisemite and more likely Nazi. And obviously the USA supports them no matter what. It's sad.
  5. I don't know what works and what not. But from a computer programmers' viewpoint I can tell you that it is a lot easier for a computer to recognize words and sentences from one language only (at a time). Trying to detect two languages with sometimes similar words at the same time makes it not only double complicate but a lot more complicate than that. If you want the best result, then restrict the system as much as possible.
  6. Pattaya and Patong? From the available 513,120 km2 in Thailand you selected the two places which have not only a beach in common. Now what else could it be? It's like deciding to live in America, but you don't like skyscrapers, and then you live in the middle of NYC. It must be a coincidence. ????
  7. And I always thought walking street is for people who like to walk. I don't really like to walk, this is why I never go there. Soi 6 is not so much about walking, it's more about entertainment. I like that. ????
  8. Some time ago I got a ticket. It seems the normal procedure is that the police give the driver the ticket and they collect the driver license and give the driver a paper. And normally the driver should then go in the next days to the station and pay that ticket. I didn't pay right away and a couple of days later they stopped me again. I told them I have no license because the police has my license. Here, look at this paper. And then the police let me go, nothing paid, no new paper. And that inspired me not to pay the ticket and keep that paper. The police had my license for over a year and when they stopped me, I never had to pay. Perfect! Finally, one day, over a year later, I went to the police station, paid the original fine (from over a year ago) and they gave me the license back. No problem. Thanks.
  9. I just had a look at Makita batteries. There are no 96V batteries, max is 36V. Products | Makita Thailand It seems there are very old 9.6V batteries: Makita USA - Product Details -193979-3 (makitatools.com) The voltages of modern batteries are multipliers of Lithium cell voltages. Here is a sample which explains 4S = 4 lithium cells in series 14.4 volt battery and 14.8 volt lithium ion battery pack 4S polymer - CMX (cmxbattery.com) Personally I recently bought a couple of Bosch cordless tools. 12V and 18V seems to be their current standard.
  10. I am not married but for whatever reason I thought about that today. If I would be married in Thailand without any pre-nup and if I would have money in my personal bank account in Europe, how would my theoretical Thai ex-wife be able to get 1/2 of that money? Somehow I guess that would be difficult, especially if this is only about a divorce and not child support.
  11. And does that mean because others made bad decisions, he also has to make bad decisions because everybody in the family does it?
  12. Would any decent bloke try to solve family problems by publishing them everywhere? He could talk to his family. He could talk to a psychologist. He could go somewhere to a quiet place and stay quiet and sort out his life. No, Harry thinks doing Netflix and Oprah will make things better. Or was it Megan who told him to do that?
  13. Forum Support Desk - Thailand News, Travel & Forum - ASEAN NOW
  14. And how will the situation change if the same corrupt criminal or one of his clones is in charge?
  15. That is the sad part. What should these Russians do? Go back to Russia and then fight in Ukraine or go to jail? Bad options or bad options.
  16. It depends on your email program and/or provider. A friend with a Gmail account did this. You should be able to find a how-to on the internet for your email.
  17. That sounds like you can explain why it rained yesterday. But you still don't know if and when it will rain today. What's the point?
  18. If you understand exactly what is going on then you should be able to predict what will happen next. And with that knowledge and a little money you would be able to make more money. And with the knowledge and more money you would be able to make more and more and more. Somehow they don't seem to be too many people around who make more and more and more money.
  19. Thanks for your understanding. My "summary" is: All this is complicated, and it depends on lots of factors. Some are in part predictable, some not. I am sure there are many books written about exchange rates and similar subjects. And I am sure experts and talk about it every day for years. But at the same time there seem to be few or no expert who consistently makes the correct prognosis for the future. So someone ignorant like me could try to learn from the experts for years, but I still wouldn't be able to predict the future.
  20. Thanks for the long explanation but isn't that obvious even without all those fancy terms? ????
  21. I guess that is the reason why she didn't notice that she killed a guy: Officer, I didn't touch him with the wheels of the car. I dragged him with the rear differential. I had to put the put the foot on the gas, but I did it. Sorry, I know there is nothing to laugh about this situation. But however she killed him pretending she didn't notice is just BS.
  22. OneNote does the job. But maybe you have to click twice. I hope that is not a major problem.
  23. I am sure some Thais will "explain" to them the errors of their behavior. ????
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