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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I would love to see an independent review where all that money goes.
  2. When I was young they called things like that an animated video. Not more, not less.
  3. Looking at the picture a little shaking might be fun. But 27k is definitely too much.
  4. When he arrives: No! And why did you walk here? I could have told you the same answer in a message.
  5. Thaksin has more than enough money. But he wants to be in Thailand, and he wants to be in the Thai news - in any way possible. Imagine people would forget him, that would break the little heart of that criminal. I hope he dies soon. Burn his body, scatter the ashes in the desert and we can all forget about him.
  6. Go to the police and (try to) report it and let us know. I guess most of us just assume the police won't do anything and most of us wouldn't want to waste their time because of 2000B. But it seems for you it's important. Go for it! And please report here what happened.
  7. And perhaps they will think for themselves and don't listen to the criminal. And perhaps we will have snow in Bangkok - perhaps.
  8. Did Meghan Markle complain already that there should be a picture of her, a suppressed black woman, on there and not an old white man?
  9. And then there are the farangs who lived in Thailand before Thaksin, while Thaksin was in charge, and after that. I am one of those. And the most difficult time was when Thaksin was dividing the nation day after day. Obviously others were and are also corrupt. But Thaksin deliberately divided the nation like nobody before him or after him. And if another Shinawatra will be in charge again then that division will get worse again, maybe a lot worse. Hopefully that will never happen.
  10. They would have it if all the Win riders were also Bolt riders. Because in Cambodia that seemed to be the case. It seems all TukTuks used that app. They still tried to get passengers in the traditional way on the street corners. But the didn't complain when I was on that street corner and then they use the app with very reasonable prices. Last time I used that is was pre-Covid. I don't know about now. But at that time it was great.
  11. In Phnom Penh I always use the PassApp for any vehicle, anywhere. I.e. maybe I am at the end of one of those entertainment streets and lots of TukTuks demand outrageous prices. Open PassApp, select the vehicle type, point on a map where you want to go and a minute later one of those TukTuks from the corner will come and drive like with a meter. No hassle, just great service. Someone should introduce that service in Thailand. Everybody would love it - except the scammers.
  12. I agree. Lock them up, all of them. That should have happened already in 2010. I still don't understand why those terrorists are not in prison.
  13. He was/is a corrupt criminal who cared about himself and his family. Is that really good enough for you?
  14. That is your opinion. Personally, I prefer a good government compared to an elected government. I don't know why all those uneducated uninformed people vote again and again for the same criminal (or his sister or daughter). Only because they do that doesn't mean I have to like it or support it. IMHO democracy with lots of stupid uninformed voters doesn't make much sense.
  15. Thanks for the reminder. Is that only true for me or also for you. And why do we all exchange opinions about politics all over the world when we not allowed to vote in almost all countries? Is it possible that we just exchange out opinions?
  16. There is at least one big difference: Prayut might be corrupt, and he might do some bad things. But he is not doing it in the open. Thaksin cheated and bragged about it.
  17. I remember when Thaksin was PM he had a red card which he held up when reporters asks questions which he didn't like. Maybe Prayut should also get such a card. Maybe this one.
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