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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Traffic didn't improve with APEC. Imagine that word cup somewhere here. No!
  2. I won't watch it this year. And I never watched it in my life. Qatar sounds like a great place for such an event. It is far away so all that traffic won't interrupt my daily life.
  3. Your wife is the problem and your constant kowtowing to her. Tell her: Accept it or shut up. And if you don't shut up then go away and make sure you close the door behind you. How can you live with such an annoying person?
  4. At the corner of Sukhumvit Soi 11/1 https://www.google.com/maps/@13.7399225,100.556485,21z Basically every year it gets smaller but it still exists and they still make these pictures in the shop.
  5. Check the (online) manual! Obviously over times all components get better. Cameras, recorders (computes), cables, etc. I.e. if you had 10 years ago the best available cables then they are maybe still good now and you don't have to replace them. If you/the installed used cheaper cables which were just good enough for the job at that time, then likely they won't be good enough now. I suggest read the manuals. And/or look up the parts online. Or watch YouTube videos about the different components which you have and which you want to have.
  6. If you can afford it, then I would donate about 30k. For 30k they can have a funeral and the usual "funeral party". Not the biggest party ever but good enough for "normal people". If the family thinks they need a bigger party, then they can obviously add more of their own cash for that. I.e. 30 people donating each 1000B would double the above amount. Then the question will be: how much do they want to spend themselves to honor the deceased?
  7. There is no such bus. There was a truck in the morning some time ago. But for a person who has difficulty to walk it is not a good idea to climb up a truck and sit there on the bench. A car or pickup or van are the only options which make sense in this situation - even if they are a lot more expensive than a bus. This is why I added a little more information so that people understand the situation.
  8. I would ask in shops which repair notebooks. And I wouldn't be surprised if they put everything in the ordinary trash...
  9. If their brain in working and if they have money. If they are drunk or stoned, then maybe they don't think enough about possible consequences of their actions.
  10. The transformers have to be somewhere. And to be efficient not too far away from the consumers. I hope they are not somewhere centrally underground. Because if then one of them explodes then maybe 20 others next to that one will also explode...
  11. In theory that is a good idea. But how do they know that a wire is unused? Because at that time there is no signal on that wire? Or because of some outdated plan? A long time ago I worked on a project which involved pipes in refiniaries. Often they needed a new pipe from A to B, and they saw there were already some pipes which seemed to be unused. But nobody really new and nobody wanted to bet his job on some assumption. So what did they do? They didn't touch the old pipes and added a new one - or two or three...
  12. Did anybody ever read any follow up article about those transfers and what happens then? How many of those officers are ever fired? How many are prosecuted? And how many just go back to work?
  13. I wonder what will happen when all these wires are buried. Will there be order in the tunnels? Or will there, at least after some time, be also a tangled mess, this time not so visible? And how long will it take to repair "incidents" in the cable tunnels? I don't even want to think about flooding. Thailand maintenance, what could possibly go wrong? ...
  14. https://www.boonthavorn.com/boonthavorn-wall-floor/shop-by-type/swimming-pool-tiles Tiles, tiles, and more tiles...
  15. So how much did Chuwit donate or pledge for the happiness of the people? And how about the people who don't care about football but want a free (soapy) massage? I am ready to receive donations.
  16. We thought about that. I would be the person who buys that car. I can afford 100k, but I wouldn't be surprised if there are some repairs, maybe a little accident and things like that. I definitely prefer a per day or per trip deal.
  17. Thanks Sometimes that works and this is how we (my gf) did this in the past. But it seems now many people have older cars and not so much time and it is more difficult. Let's see
  18. Will now all the faithful stop donating to this "monk"? Will they ask him how he can afford such an expensive car? Or is it part of being a good Buddhist not to ask such questions? Somehow I would be surprised if this guy was until now a "good monk".
  19. Thanks. For clarification: The idea is to hire a (kind of) taxi or rent a car in that area and only use it in that area. The distance between the village and the hospital (the longest distance) is 70km. We don't plan to use the car to drive to and from Bangkok, at least if we can avoid it.
  20. They have even more. You can usually find them in bars and casinos.
  21. The family of my gf is in Prachinburi. Normally she goes there with the bus or train. And maybe someone picks her up at the station or maybe she hires a motorcycle or pickup for the last kilometers when she arrives. Until now that worked. Now her father is sick, and he needs to go several times a month to a hospital. Maybe he is in the hospital for a few hours, or maybe he is admitted. That is often not clear in advance. If it is an emergency, then an ambulance picks him up. But the ambulance does not play taxi service for follow up visits - I understand that. So what are the options now to transport him to the hospital? The father and brother of my gf don't have a car, normally they don't need one. But for these trips it would be good to have a car. Sometimes the neighbors have time, and they transport the father. And obviously they get paid of that. Ok. But sometimes the neighbors don't have time. And then? In Bangkok I would just take a taxi or Grab or whatever, but up country that is not so easy - at least that is what my gf tells me. Do you know if services like that exist, where the taxi company or driver can be called, maybe he has to travel 20km to the village, and then he should drive to a hospital. And maybe stay there for hours and drive back to the village. And how about hiring a car, with insurance? Do reliable car-rental companies like that exist up country? And do they maybe have a service to bring a car to the customer? Or does the customer has to go to the rental company to pick up the car? Maybe all this is obvious to you. I am living in Bangkok and have little idea about life up country. And until now my gf also didn't need these services. Thanks for any advice.
  22. That is obviously very suspicious. Did he just finish his Pilates session?
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