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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Please try to do something good in Africa. That continent is big enough that you should find your place over there, stay there, and I am sure they have also an English language forum. About myself: I am a computer specialist. I made enough money back home. I came to Thailand for all the pretty girls and the nice weather and all that. And, believe it or not, I started learning the Thai language, including reading and writing, before I moved to Thailand. I live in the middle of Bangkok, I don't like up country. And about the girls? Cute brown Buriram girls are perfect. I like them, and a few others. But what's the point of marrying them?
  2. This requires visual support - just in case there is still somebody out there who didn't see it until now.
  3. Isn't that the reason why so many people watch those shows? They could watch cute rabbits, but that is obviously not what they want to see...
  4. Polarization is definitely a big issue. And it seems radicals on the left and on the right do their very best to make the polarization worse. There was a time when many people had different opinion on different issues. I.e. someone could call himself conservative and at the same time support the right for abortion. And people had different opinions about climate change, electric cars, medical support, and many other issues. Now people in the middle are attacked from left and right because they don't want to support the left in all issues or the right in all issues. Sad!
  5. Is there anything you could do at home without flying to a country far away? At home you also share the culture with the other people over there. Understanding each other is much easier. Do something for your community. Become a local leader. Inspire people. Or do you just need a reason to fly to a country far away with beautiful girls? Look at me, I am an activist. 555!
  6. That doesn't really work. When I see a picture of my favorite dancer then that will bring up lots of exiting memories. When I see a picture of your favorite dancer then maybe I think she could be fun. But that's about it. No personal memories. And when I see a picture of your favorite dancer and she is also one of my favorites now then it becomes complicated... ????
  7. Ok, please come back in a year and let us know what all these players who pretend to care so much did within a year after they pretended they care.
  8. Interesting. Now let's say I think gay people all over the world should be free to make love to their gay partners. But it is not important enough for me to fight for them or support them with more than a sentence like that. Does that mean I belong to the filth category? And is everybody who does not support the rights from everybody "filth"?
  9. Yes! Let's take the football players, just as one example. When they go back to their home countries and have dinner with their friends, how many of them do you think will bring up the rights of the gay people in Qatar? How many will discuss with their friends what they can actively do to support those people? Like: Let's donate money to that xyz organization over there. I met [insert name] and we should really support him. How many of these virtue-signaling players will even spend 10 minutes of their time to actually do something - when no camera is there to see it? Obviously I/we will never really know. But I would be very surprised if that is really an issue for even 10% of the people who now pretend it is important.
  10. How many people do care? How many of the do-gooders have any connection to any gay people over there? How many donated anything to these people who they pretend to support? How many do anything, even a tiny little bit, except wearing some band or shirt and posting images of themselves with those "look, I do something" items? At least I don't pretend that I care about lots of things which I really don't care about.
  11. No, just a picture from the internet. I keep the other pictures private and confidential. ????
  12. Who or what gives you the idea that I am a conservative? Or is anybody who is not woke a conservative in your mind?
  13. At least for me, and I guess for many others, the question is if an activist is really trying to change something (small or big) or if the main reason for the activism is virtual signaling - look, I am and activist for xyz. I show it clearly on my Instagram and fb and twitter. I.e. if you have a colleague who is gay and another colleague uses derogative words in front of that person or behind his back, then you can stand up for your gay colleague and tell the other person that he shouldn't talk bad. That is action or (small scale) activism. Having a rainbow flag on your fb page but then ignoring if the colleague talks bad, that is just virtual signaling. Look, I pretend to do something good. But in reality, I don't care. For me it seems a lot of activism is just virtual signaling. How many people really care about gay rights in a country far away? And, as bad as it is, we can also include the question: How many people care how many low paid workers from countries like India or Pakistan die? I am sure if a single (high paid) engineer from a first world country would die of a heat stroke that would create more news and sympathy. Like: he was one of us... Let's stop pretending!
  14. Some interesting fact might be leaked. But will that change anything? Most Trump supporters will never hear about it because the right wing media, which is of course the only media they watch, won't report it. And even if they hear something they will call it fake news. And even if they hear it and believe it then probably they will call it smart not to pay taxes or something similar. The Jan-6 commission showed that facts don't change MAGA supporters' views. Not even 1%.
  15. Thanks I think we should accept that many people/communities/religions/countries have different ideas about what is wrong and what is right. In Thailand I might ask a cute girl on the street if she likes to have a coffee with me. In some other countries I would certainly not do that. And most likely I wouldn't do it because I wouldn't visit those countries. In Thailand lots of laws are ignored by many people. But we know there are a few laws which are absolutely not ignored and mostly not discussed. Everybody knows them and it's best to shut up. So, when people visit other peoples' countries, should the visitors insist that certain things should be allowed? Should they protest? Or is it sometimes a good idea to just accept that in real life it is better to just shut up or not visit those places with laws and/or customs which we don't like?
  16. What's a birth gender? It's some time ago that I was in Pattaya, but I remember from many previous visits that the lady-boys (I didn't check if they had an operation or not) were the most aggressive on the streets. I.e. I could walk through walking street and probably I saw thousands of female sex workers. Some quiet and some "come inside sexy man" or something like that. And then there were the lady-boys. Best not to come too near to them and make sure your wallet is deep in your pocket. I don't know why lady-boys are a huge annoyance and so aggressive. Fact is, they are. It's not a bad idea if the police explain to them to calm down.
  17. Thanks Obviously it is sad if people are treated badly - not just related to football. But I wonder if Qatar is so much worse than others? I.e. with the 2008 Olympics in China, did they treat everybody nicely? No accidents? No bad working conditions? I don't know if all was just fine, but somehow I would be surprised. And how many countries protested against China? And how many participants showed their support for human rights or something like that? I didn't pay much attention but I don't think much like that happened. Now it seems we have all the time some radical activists. At least for me most of them are annoying.
  18. I read a few articles about the word cup and about labor rights in Qatar, LBGTQ+/- whatever rights, black and white or more colorful sleeves and all that. And I have to admit I find the reactions all over the world strange. Some teams want to wear sleeves, others don't. Sponsors complain about teams which wear sleeves or don't wear them, some people say they will boycott everything, and and and. Why? Not that I care about football, but just in case I would be a football fan. Does this also mean I have to be an activist who insists on gay rights? Why? Do I have to care about how many people had accidents on construction sites? Should the world only watch the world cup if it would be in a wonderful land with no accidents, 100% perfect human rights record, etc.? Let's say this event would be in the UK. Should people boycott it because the UK exports weapons to the bad guys? Or maybe people should boycott is because some people still use oil even with this climate catastrophe where some people think we will all die sometime soon? As far as I see there are always things which can be criticized about the host country. It seems now it is not possible anymore that football fans only care about football. They all must be activist. Or not? Obviously it's not only football. There are those oil activists who glue themselves to anything. And people who predict the end of the world, gender equality ideologues, and and and.
  19. Again one of those articles with almost no real information but lots of opportunities to speculate. Who is the actress? What is the accusation against the CEO? What did he allegedly do? Is the rape victim in hospital? Does the alleged rapist have lots of scratch marks on his face when she tried to fight him? Lot of questions, no answers. Time to speculate. Or maybe we should all wait a few days or weeks until enough facts are known.
  20. Really? I remember one of Thaksin's arguments when he wanted the people vote for him (for the first time). He told everybody he is already so rich he doesn't need/want more money. And the masses believed him. Now tell me again, what is Thanatorn's motivation?
  21. The breaker Amp size must be lower than what the cable can handle. The cable should never fail. It's the job of the breaker to break the connection before the cable fails/overheats/melts. Obviously a breaker can be a lower number, i.e. 10A instead of 16. But never higher.
  22. 555 Who was the puppet? Her big brother even called her "clone". Abhisit has a lot of support in Bangkok. And where did you come up with "fringe fascist farangs"? I don't see many little Hitlers here. It must be your imagination.
  23. I remember that people gave her a chance to do her job. Will she work for all Thais and Thailand or for her brother? And then there was that night when her party tried to whitewash Thaksin, together with many other criminals. That was the beginning of the end of Yingluck. I was here and I clearly remember it. You could look it up...
  24. No. Lots of people like Abhisit because he opposed the criminal fugitive. Unfortunately they have only one Abhisit in that party.
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