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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. And maybe also caused by idiots who pretend a little solar and wind power will do everything only to find out that then they have to restart the coal power plants again because they were so stupid to switch of the relative clean nuclear power plants.
  2. There is a very simple solution to that if you are genuinely fearful for your life.
  3. Maybe you ride a lot more than I do and probably in a different area. But I am very surprised about your >= 5 evasive actions per day. I ride with my bike in the middle of Bangkok everyday and I can't even remember any emergency braking or major evasive action. I ride with the flow and I (try to) keep my distance from idiots and obviously I don't try to squeeze into every impossible gap. Sure, it's still dangerous and bad things could happen. But I think when we ride with foresight then it's not really so bad.
  4. But it seems there are also enough people who look at the clothes of others. And if the other person, male or female, wears expensive clothes, then that person has to be respected or maybe he is a potential husband because he is rich, etc. And women looking at other women is often the worst case. I never know if I should laugh or cry or just be sad about all those women with designer bags. I have that 30,000B bag. She has only that cheap 10,000B bag...
  5. The title of this thread is: "What are your greatest concerns living in Thailand over the next years?" And I answered that question. And, believe it or not, this is really my greatest concern. Because he divided Thailand like nobody else. And when he was outside of Thailand his sister did his work - dividing the nation. So we can guess what might happen if next maybe his daughter becomes PM. Would she reunite Thailand? Or would she more likely (try) to bring her criminal father back to Thailand, and without him going to jail. And if he would return and if he would not go to jail for all the crimes he committed, what would happen then? More political protests. And likely more opposite protests. More of yellow against red, or maybe different colors this time. And maybe more fires and looting and dead people on the streets. Unfortunately, such a scenario is not such a remote possibility. I would guess there is at least a 20% chance that it could happen. Am I concerned about that? Yes. That's why I mentioned the criminal fugitive and the risk. And even people who support him should realize that he is like a powder-keg. Ready to blow up and destroy half the country at the same time.
  6. Thanks. If I would buy them for myself then possibly I would look at reviews. But when my gf decides which shoes to buy then that is a question of how much pink and other such sophisticated criteria. ????
  7. Copy and paste exists in Windows since at least version 3.0 (about 1990). It is included in Windows and does not need ANY other software. There are several keyboard shortcuts and often right mouse click options. I am sure there are many videos about that on YouTube. Personally, I still use mostly combinations of Shift and Ctrl and Ins and Del from Windows 3.0. Much faster to use than Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V. And it still works in Windows 11 and any other Windows version.
  8. I moved to Thailand when I was 30. I didn't regret it for even one day. Recently, after many years, I was back "home" for a few weeks. It got worse. Good that I moved out of there. So, I am 100% sure I would move away from "home" again. Would I, in 2022, move again to Thailand? Maybe. Thailand is still fun, but obviously it is not as exotic and cheap as it was 25 years ago. A couple of years ago I might have moved to Myanmar. Good that I never did that. When I moved to Thailand I was motivated to come here after two holidays. But before my move I did a lot of research about the country. And at that time the economy also looked great - before the crash. I would do any research again about any country which I would fancy. Maybe I would find a better place than Thailand. Maybe. Currently I don't know which other place that would be. But then, there are about two hundred countries on this earth.
  9. Possibly Thaksin coming back and/or another Shinawatra in charge. Then I would almost bet history would repeat itself - in many ways, all bad. Otherwise, I am sure life will change here and there a little. But I don't expect significant changes.
  10. My gf is a fan or Nike shoes. We buy them maybe once a year when there is 50% discount in Robinson or so. She wears them because they are very comfortable. That's for me reason enough to spend the money. And at least for her she doesn't care if it is the newest model. A nice pair from last year's fashion are fine.
  11. That reminds me of one woman in my building. She was walking in front of me and I saw money in her ripped back pocket. And because I am a nice guy I tried to tell her that she should be careful, that money might fall out of that pocket. It seems she didn't understand the thing with the money, but she understood it was about her jeans. And she proudly told me those were Versacchi jeans. I guess she didn't care about the money...
  12. You don't have to like him. You don't have to like his music. His vocal range is definitely very good.
  13. I was inspired to this by a news article about a Thai laundry which apparently ruined expensive designer clothes. That could never happen to me because I don't own any designer clothes because I never saw a reason to buy them or to wear them. Historically I couldn't afford them, so I never even though about buying them. T-shirts from Sukhumvit always did the job for me. Now I could afford more expensive clothes, but I don't see why I should spend 5 or 10 or 50 times for such "designer" items. How about you? Do you like designer clothes? Why? Maybe they are really better, and I am just ignorant, that is entirely possible. I have no problem spending a couple of thousand THB on decent shoes, i.e. Hush Puppies. I do that because they are comfortable and sturdy. With clothes I just don't see big differences.
  14. And now that farang will always have to look over his shoulder when he is somewhere near that area. Stupid!
  15. There is an easy solution: But 200B T-shirts on Sukhumvit. Laundry is no problem. And just in case something goes wrong buy another one for 200B.
  16. No! Maybe someone sold them for that price, but they were never worth that kind of money.
  17. On my mobile Lazada app it works. Search on my PC with Windows and two different browsers does not work in both browsers. I am pretty sure this is a problem with their website. When I search in my mobile and put something in the cart then I can go on my desktop to my cart and see that item. I use that in the moment when I want search for something but I also want to see it on a big screen before I buy it.
  18. ... But then again it seems many Thais seem to not understand the idea to say in the first words what a phone call is about. I.e. he could have said: This call is about your keyboard order from MS. I often get calls from delivery drivers. Sometime they start with "Lazada, delivery ..." ok, fine, leave the box with the security guard. But on other occasions they talk about whatever without any introduction or any hint who they might be. And then they are confused that I don't know who they are and what they want...
  19. Boiler room gangs do the same with "westerners" and make millions of dollars...
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