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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Is there something like this in Thailand? And I am not joking, I would be interested if someone, at least in theory, have such certificate. And what does that mean? And are there any official regulations which have to be followed? Just looking at the colors of the wires in many installations is a horror story. But is it regulated? Can an "electrician" be fined for making a mess?
  2. Is there a law against blatant overcharging? If not, then it's time to create such law - and enforce it. All the time politicians talk about the reputation of Thailand. Yes, this is a big part of that "reputation". Fix it!
  3. Thanks for your answer and all the other answers from other members. We changed it already to something similar to your green lines. Now we can say i.e. there is a plastic pipe somewhere between height of 2m to 2.10m in that area. And that is good enough, at least for me, to not put any holes in the wall on that level in that area. What I still find somehow sad is the fact that someone like me, who never installed any AC, has to point out something like this to people who installed ACs since 20 years.
  4. What do you think? Is it good that people know the truth and act according to the truth? I.e. should people know the earth is not flat? Is there any advantage of leaving flat-earthers ignorant? There was a time when the political left and right just had different opinions. We could argue about how we would like to see the future. One example is we could argue if poor people should be supported with taxes from the rich people and to what extent. There are many positions and one or the other position is not really right or wrong, they are just different. But now, at least in the USA, it seems it's always us against them. If they say A is true, then we must insist A is wrong. The "problem" is that there are some universal truths. Biden won, Trump lost, is one of those truth. And inciting people to overthrow an election result is something that should never happen in any democracy - even if we don't like the winner.
  5. Now I don't find the link. Not long ago I saw a video with interviews of people who came to see Trump at one of those MAGA events. Obviously I don't know how much editing was necessary but it seemed all of them were utterly ignorant and/or stupid. They didn't want to look at anything that could possibly change their minds. I.e. Ivanka Trump testifying that Biden won, that must be fake. And and and. I am sure there are also people like you describe. But it seems the MAGA masses are stupid and ignorant, and they do everything to stay like that. In a way that shouldn't be my concern. If Americans want to vote for such a guy to be their president because they think he represents them, fine, let them do it. But there is the rest of the world which can't just ignore America.
  6. Many of us though so many people can't be so ignorant and stupid for such a long time. They must wake up at some time, and many of us though let them wake up and accept reality. But somehow lots of people don't want to see reality. So finally, someone has to tell them that they should align their thinking with the truth.
  7. First, they have to see that bend in the road which is difficult with a smart phone in front of their eyes.
  8. I just crossed my mind: Someone should install a speed camera in that area and maybe put a sign up that people know about it. Then they will possibly drive slower.
  9. It's the rain we have to blame. Yesterday the road was dry and today, in the rain, it is suddenly wet. Nobody could predict that one. And then it was slippery for whatever unknown reason. Just like that. And the performance slick tires, which worked great yesterday, failed today. Rain, wet, slippery, all those bad conditions and all at once. It's obvious drivers can't possibly foresee so many things at the same time. ????
  10. Obviously nobody should shoot a nice and innocent pet dog. But unfortunately many of those dogs are not so nice and innocent. Obviously I don't know the specifics of this case. But I think we should be careful before we judge who is the bad guy in this scenario - and many similar scenarios like this.
  11. It seems you still don't understand how these things "work". The important part is something is bought for a lot of money, and obviously the right amount of commissions is paid. After that it doesn't really matter if it works. In fact, it is better when it doesn't work. Because then they need another solution which will again cost a lot of money and again brings lots of commissions. The system works just fine - just not the way you thought it should work.
  12. How about making sure that the certificates are worth more than the paper which they are printed on? It seem every idiot and anyone who never pays attention still advances and gets a certificate. Stop that! Weed out the unqualified people. And support the people who want to learn and are able to learn. And after they finished let them work for the government for a couple of years. As far as I know that happens already with medical doctors. Win/win!
  13. How about the idea that the Thai police enforces laws and arrests the bad guys? Or would that be too radical and somehow inconvenient?
  14. I just ordered them from ES. One with 45A rating and another one with 60A. I prefer to maybe pay a little more and have them from an approved source. It's not a good idea to mess around with a connection for a 7000W device... For the rest of my installation, those should be enough. ????
  15. Maybe that's what I will actually do. I can buy these locally i.e. at http://www.es.co.th/ And then I just use a 3D printer to make a cover for the electrical box.
  16. I have only single phase. That's why I need >30A. I don't need a plug and don't want a plug. I am fine to connect the cable from the induction hobs to the cable from the breaker box in a wall box. The only irritating thing is that I don't find any suitable wall box for that in Thailand - at least until now. It should be just a cover from an electrical box which allows one cable out.
  17. That should probably show that there was some kind of Quality Control. But I wouldn't bet on the quality of such quality control.
  18. Beurer is an established medical supply company with a good reputation. If you want to make sure that your digital thermometer shows you exact data, then probably it is a good idea that you buy one from a brand name company like Beurer - and a real Beurer and no fake. On the other hand, you will likely pay 1/10 or less for other digital thermometers which might also be correct. It's very much up to you to decide which accuracy you really need.
  19. I remember 300cc 400cc and 500cc signs. I always have to laugh when people with their oversized ships want to park somewhere.
  20. PhotoRec is by far the best program I know. I used it already many times and I recovered lots of pictures (and other files) which they user didn't even remember anymore because he deleted them years ago. https://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec
  21. I tried to explain the principle. People use LED strips with 5V, 12V and 24V for multiple reasons. This thread is about cables. The 16A was/is just a sample.
  22. You can buy LED strips with i.e. 28W per meter. 5m strip = 140W. And if you would use 5V then that's 28A! That's the reason why more and more LED stripes are available with 12 and 24V. Here are some high-power LED stripes: https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/32948777264.html
  23. Thanks You are familiar with Thailand. What do people do in Thailand if they connect i.e. an oven to something in the wall which then goes to the breaker box. They must use something.
  24. I prefer the eat what you like diet. ????
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