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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Yes, but... This reminds me of an AC technician who used to clean my AC in my rented apartment. He was a nice guy, but his electrical work was bad. He only drilled wires together and used lots of tape. That's it. When he came again to install a new AC, I thought I do something good, and I bought in HomePro some electrical accessories like screw terminals. When I gave them to him, he ignored them. "No problem, I can just drill the wires together and use tape" ...
  2. Fat brings the good taste. That's why I prefer ribeye steak.
  3. I have to admit I heard about those things yesterday for the first time. What motivated you to buy one? Which food do you prepare in that thing and what did you use previously? Thanks!
  4. I like freshly made high quality food. That leaves two options: Going out and eating in a restaurant or eating at home. At home my gf cooks the Thai dishes and I do things like spaghetti with cream sauce. I order extreme seldom food for delivery because the food is not getting better when it is for some time in a box. And about going out or eating at home it just depends on my mood what I like to eat and when and maybe if I am too lazy to go out.
  5. Do you like to gamble? How is your health? What is your lifestyle? If you want 1st grade medical treatment, then it can get very fast very expensive. If you accept a government hospital, maybe with several people in one room, and nobody speaking English, then you can get away with paying a lot less. Personally, I think if you can afford a health insurance then get one, maybe with a high deductible. If you can't afford that then you are anyhow in trouble. And if you have millions of dollars in the bank then you could self-insure. But why? You could easily afford to pay an insurance which will cover a lot and you don't have to worry about paying a fortune to hospitals.
  6. No Lots of guys pay for a girl and they have some fantasy what they expect in return. But they also have this (western) idea to see the girl as a partner. "What do you want?" And then many girls take over and tell him what to do. Pay this and do that and whatever. And IMHO many women who look for long term relationships are not so much different from hookers like they think they are. Almost all women want a guy with resources (good job, good income, money in the bank, friends in high places, etc.). The main difference is that the deals with hookers are better defined. You do this and you will get that. Wifes see this more long-term, but in principle it isn't so much different. Like: You provide a house and the income for all of us, and I take care of the kids, etc. And that includes high IQ women.
  7. I guess I saw at least 30 videos from that guy. Now I just picked the first video with a leveling system. For anybody who is interested look at his YouTube channel. It contains lots and lots of information about tiles. Not just about the installation but also different types of tiles, etc.
  8. Good that you mentioned the name. I hadn't noticed. This obviously puts this thread into another perspective.
  9. Agree I asked my (expensive) contractor. And they confirmed they will use a leveling system on the floors and walls. I mentioned it above already: The "problem" are big and huge tiles. For those tiles it seems to be necessary to use a leveling system to install them properly. For smaller tiles it might help but it is not necessary. As far as I know 20 years ago nobody used those systems anywhere in the world. And at that time they didn't have huge tiles. P.S.: My "knowledge" is theoretical. I never worked with tiles. But I read a lot about it and watched videos from several experts.
  10. I think this is the usual way to do this: and you can do something like this for dust collection
  11. The test stripes, which are inserted in the blood sugar meter, have an expiry date and (temperature) conditions how they should be kept. Make sure you buy them from a reliable source. I have diabetes and maybe every two months I get my blood tested in the hospital. Most of the time they measure several blood values. Then they draw my blood. But sometimes the same hospital wants only the blood sugar level, and they use one of those meters. I guess they wouldn't do that if they would not be accurate (at least the one they are using).
  12. I will not restrict my fantasies because you don't understand it. There are also people who only do missionary. If you want that, fine, do it.
  13. I agree. Except I enhanced that rule to: any tiles in my apartment should be non-slip. I want to be able to walk bare feet anywhere even if my feet are wet or for whatever reason the tiles are wet. And that, looking only for non-slip tiles, eliminates about 90% of all tiles. What I did recently is that I looked at websites like this: https://www.boonthavorn.com/boonthavorn-wall-floor/shop-by-type/floor-tiles I don't like anything too colorful or with too much pattern. That eliminates a lot. Then you can look at the size of tiles: Too large tiles are problematic and more difficult to lay, especially for medium skilled construction workers. After my online pre-selection I visited Boonthavorn. They have probably a couple of thousands of different tiles. But when I looked at only non-slip, not too colorful, not too big tiles the selection was down to maybe 100 different tiles. So I made some pictures, walked maybe two times along the corridors, and then I had a better idea of what I wanted. And then, because I don't have a car, I ordered a pack of the tiles which I thought might be good. I got them delivered and put them on a floor - any floor. And I asked myself: Do I like them? And I put them in the bathroom and made them wet and I walked on them. No problem. And now, soon, I will have them installed. Obviously, you will have your own criteria. And price might be also important. Just do it step by step. Rule out what you don't like. And also keep in mind: If there are 1000 different tiles you don't have to find the best one. There might be 10 or 20 different tiles which you like. And any of those are probably ok. Start step by step and you will get there. The beginning of the selection. 4347 different tiles...
  14. You do this wrong. Tell your wife you are going to an American restaurant chain. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hooters
  15. I found her (picture) on the internet. But there is an easy solution: Buy your missus whatever uniform you like and ask her to make you happy. After all, that why we have girlfriends and wives.
  16. There are no legal one month condos. Those things you are looking for are called hotels.
  17. Thanks for your reply. I have to admit I read only maybe 1/3 of your original post. Because it is so very long. But at the beginning you showed already that you let things happen. And now you write: "They either accept reality or don't moving forward and they may stay albeit bitterly for want of a better option or not." They, the girls? How about you? You could move forward and not accept her behavior. Tell her stop it or I am out of here. And then act accordingly. A couple of years ago my gf though it is a good idea to tell me all the time what mistakes I made in the past. Yes, I made mistakes and I apologized. But she still complained again and again. That was the moment when I told her I have enough of this. Go to your village, think about your behavior. I don't want to see you. Maybe two months later I let her come back. And she was again a nice girl, and she didn't complain all the time. That happened a couple of years ago and she still is 95% of the time a nice girl. Problem solved. And if she would not have changed then we wouldn't be together anymore. I won't let a girl ruin my life - even if she can be nice if she wants to be nice.
  18. Do you notice a pattern? You let it happen! IMHO many Thais are great in adapting to different situations and different people. And they are used to the fact that there is, in any given situation, one person who is in charge and another person who follows that person who is in charge. If you make it clear that you are in charge, then they will do what you tell them to do. And if you are not in charge then guess what. Then they will lead and tell you what to do. In your case it is obvious that you are not in charge... I remember one of my favorite bargirls. She was perfect for every customer - just in different ways. I.e. when I was with her, she played the naughty schoolgirl. When she was with other guys then she looked and behaved in other ways. Other clothes, other make-up, it sees she adapted perfectly to whatever the guy was looking for. And I am pretty sure all of us customers though that the version which they saw was her true self. Like: for all those others she plays a show. Only for me she is like she really is. Yeah, sure.
  19. That reminds me of the moment when Kelly Mcgillis asked Tom Cruise in Top Gun if he is a good pilot...
  20. I have to admit I am still surprised about fans of certain people. What exactly to these fans admire about him/her?
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