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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I am sure they will also find somewhere in a travel book (do tourists still read those things?) that they shouldn't believe everything.
  2. It seems many Thai (and I am sure not only Thai) parents somehow "think" that their kids grow up alone and no parenting is required. Just give them some water and rice and all will be fine. And then sometimes later maybe they realize that it's not so fine. But do they blame themselves? Do they even realize that being a parent is a lot more than putting a baby in this world?
  3. She says: Up to you. And I agree, it is up to me and me only. If I want her opinion then I ask her. But it's up to me how I/we spend the money which I earn. If guys delegate certain responsibilities to their wife like i.e. she should decide how she spends money to buy food then that is obviously fine. But why would anybody give her full control over our money?
  4. Define "downhill" I can confirm that 20 years ago I was horny all the time. Now not (all the time) anymore. Is that good or bad? Personally I think it's good. Because if I think now about the time when I was young and the late night adventures to Thermae and other places and what I f$#%# at that time I don't really want to remember that too clearly anymore. Now if I go out and I meet a girl who makes me horny, fine. And if not that is also fine, no "I need to find something/anything" anymore.
  5. You can transfer hundreds of thousands of USD or EUR to a bank in Thailand. If it is more than 50,000 USD the receiving bank might ask questions where the money comes from (and maybe what you want to use it for). Just call your bank, they are used to these questions.
  6. I agree. Maybe they should put signs everywhere: "Not for tourists" or "use at your own risk". Tourists should open their eyes and they should not assume everything is regulated just like home.
  7. I always wonder why sports like this are divided into women and men. Additional strength makes no difference with snooker (at least I don't see how). Why don't they all compete together?
  8. Thanks. I guess today too many people would be too politically correct to do that.
  9. At the end of the day many of us are able to spot ladyboys, and with years of experience we spot most of them - but not all. I had a friend who owned a ladyboy bar in Soi 33. I saw lots of "ladies" in his bar. With some of them it was obvious, with others it was a possibility but with very few I would have sworn they are real girls. I asked my friend, the owner, and he assured me that they are all ladyboys. So much about that... Also don't make the mistake thinking all ladyboys are tall. That is another misconception.
  10. "Extremely expensive accident" Just relax and be happy that you didn't ruin a Ferrari or something like that.
  11. Fine with me, then I have another reason why I don't marry. Not that I need another reason because I won't marry.
  12. Was that a smart decision? I came to Thailand when I was relative young and flexible. I work here, had time to learn the language, the way of life, and and and. And I will retire here. How will a person who lived his whole life i.e. in Europe or America adapt to any other radically different country? Is it possible to adapt i.e. with age 65? Learn a new an very different language, different culture, etc.? Yes, it is possible but for sure it is also very difficult. I wouldn't recommend this to anybody who didn't spend an extended time here on holiday.
  13. The police could make a fortune. And as usual they do nothing. Is there something like dereliction of duty for the traffic police?
  14. I am sure someone will also mention the Thonglor Pet Hospital It's private and expensive, so better think twice before you go there.
  15. Chula Small Animal Hospital They take care of hundreds of dogs every day. It's good and not expensive. https://www.chula.ac.th/en/cu-services/medical-services/small-animal-teaching-hospital/
  16. Is it possible that they don't think a lot before they do it? And maybe they are too shy to buy condoms?
  17. I was a couple of time in Phnom Penh and I liked it. They have a fantastic taxi app, everything from TukTuks to limousines. That helps to relax when you know nobody scams you only because you are new in town. The people seem to be nice (in general) and they have lots of pretty girls over there. And I even found a wonderful coffee shop with great espresso in a garden. Until now I don't like the language but I am sure one get used to it.
  18. And before that and ever since. I wonder why still so many people visit that mafia island.
  19. Little to no impact. Who wants war? Will the USA or anybody in Europe fight with the Ukrainians against Russia? I don't think so. They will all talk a lot and maybe there will be sanctions against Russia and all that. But at the end of the day I think the question is: Who really cares about Ukraine? Anyone? Obviously they all have to pretend Ukraine is super important and independent and all that. But is it? Which president and prime minister is willing to send soldiers to Ukraine to fight the Russians? Anybody? My prediction: Not much will happen. And nobody will really care because people in "the west" are fed up with wars.
  20. I want to look into the cavity of a closed dropped ceiling. My idea is to drill just a small hole or maybe use an existing (small) hole and then get an overview about where cables are. Maybe there are also drains, etc. As far as I know cable detectors only detect cables if they are very near. I.e. they wouldn't detect a cable which is mounted on a concrete ceiling if I have the cable detector 20cm below that ceiling on the dropped ceiling. This is a sample picture. In this case it is obviously easy to look because the panels can be removed. In some ceilings the panels can not be removed. That is what I have in mind.
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