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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. If I would visit the USA then probably I would inform myself about any important laws over there which I should know about. But I am pretty sure that even in the unlikely case that I would ever visit the USA I wouldn't be interested to have sex with anybody of any age over there. So why should I learn about sex related laws from that country? Considering that this is Thailand you should know that people get sometimes locked up here because of "wrong words". Try to accuse anybody in Thailand to be a pedophile and watch what will happen...
  2. I think everybody should be responsible for what they are doing. Some people are not grown up even if they are legally mature. And others are are old enough even if they are in some countries not legally old enough. It's almost funny when a girl crosses the border from country A to B and suddenly she is too young or old enough. Considering that this thread is in a Thai forum with lots of member who are in Thailand since decades I would like to see how many of those members always checked the age of their girl of the day. I remember the time when in some bars the front row was filled with 16 year old girls. I don't remember that too many guys complained about that at that time. Obviously now times are different and we all would be outraged if we would ever meet a girl in a bar who is not at least 20 years old. But some time ago, about the time when Epstein and Andrew were active, times were different - at least that is what other people tell me.
  3. It's not my fault if you and/or other people don't understand the meaning of certain words. Personally I look it up if I am not sure...
  4. Why do so many people (deliberately?) misuse that word pedophile? From Wikipedia: Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.[1][2] Although girls typically begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11, and boys at age 11 or 12,[3] criteria for pedophilia extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13 From here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedophilia It seems the youngest girl Epstein was accused of having sex with was 14. Having sex with a 14 year old girl is in most countries illegal but the person who does it is by definition no pedophile. There is a huge difference between pedophiles who are interested in prepubescent children and guys who are attracted to girls who are "mature" enough to be able to have children. Rich and famous people like to have sex just like ordinary people. One big difference is that many young and pretty girls (legal or not) prefer the rich and famous. I spoke with a couple of musicians who played in bands. They all told me part of the attraction was that lots of girls were eager to go with the "famous" guys. Personally I don't blame any famous person if he takes what is on offer. That's the whole point of being famous, or not?
  5. Personally I think Andres thought something like: Why should I spend my time with answering questions of the police from a country far away? If they want to arrest me then bring it on.
  6. Really? As far as I see he signed a statement so that the case doesn't drag on forever. It's like if my gf accuses me I looked at another girl. Option a: "sure, sorry, I don't do it again" Option b: nagging, nagging, nagging....
  7. It seems he is a little clumsy. And for that reason people don't believe him. Does that mean he is guilty? I don't think he ever had a realistic chance to convince "the public" that he was innocent. Why was it up to him to prove that anyhow? Why didn't "the public" ask his accuser: Where is the evidence for your accusations?
  8. I wonder how you and the UK public would have reacted if he would have used the UK intelligence and security services to check all the girls which he would possibly consider to have sex with.
  9. And because of that terrified palace we will never see the case in a court of law. I would have liked to see all the evidence that shows Andrew is guilty. And I would have liked to see if anybody who accused him of being guilty would have apologized if it was not proven that he is guilty.
  10. I hope they are happy with their way of life. And I hope they won't complain in Thailand or any other country about all those unfair regulations with work permits, visas, paying taxes, etc. It is easy to work in Thailand or many other countries for a month or two. It is not so easy to do that same i.e. for a year in the same place. If they have i.e. a baby, what will they do? Still move every couple of month to another country to another hotel? All that doesn't mean people shouldn't try to live the way they want. But it is also a good idea to look at reality and the legal situation. Maybe it is more complicated then you think...
  11. Maybe you are interested in something like this: https://shop.smarthome-europe.com/en/peripheriques/5132-sonoff-smart-din-rail-power-meter-main-unit.html
  12. 1. Did he have sex with her? As far as I know she says it happened and he says it didn't happen. As far as I know there is no prove that it happened. 2. Did he know she was "trafficked"? Did he even have reason to suspect that maybe she was trafficked? He probably met thousands of girls at that time. Should he have checked all of them to avoid being accused?
  13. No, I don't avoid those fact. I look at the situation from another angle than you do. For me it seems you look at it from a purely American legal point of view. And, without knowing the laws from over there, I guess you are legally correct. I look at the situation from a layman's point of view. Is a guy guilty because he had possibly sex with a girl in 2001 in the UK when she was 17 year old? How many other guys had sex with a 17 year old girl in that year in the UK? Are they all guilty?
  14. I don't know how he lives. But somehow I doubt that now he has to think twice if he can afford a nice house and steak and cake everyday. He just has a couple of millions less in assets but still more than enough money to live a luxury life.
  15. Why? If he is innocent why should he settle? Personally I think his family didn't want to see him anywhere in court because of their reputation. The settlement is no prof that he is guilt. It is only a prove that he and/or his family didn't want more publicity. And maybe he is guilty, and maybe not.
  16. Really, does nobody believe lots of girls would line up to have sex with a prince, regardless of his age?
  17. Do you really think Andrew used those intelligence and security service to get details about every girl he possibly shagged?
  18. I think we can see both points. There is the law and there is reality. I.e. officially prostitution is illegal in Thailand. But people told me it exist. Lots of people disagree with certain laws. That obviously does not mean these laws don't exist. They do exist and people get into trouble for not following these laws. And at the same time: Are these laws just and up to date?
  19. He is not a nice person and maybe an idiot. But does this make him guilty?
  20. Likely there will be another update which will fix that problem. And maybe that new update is released already and maybe not (yet). Check all relevant drivers like USB drivers, maybe drivers for the keyboard/mouse, etc. If you want to ask the experts then do it here: https://superuser.com/
  21. Did you ever ask a professional how much it cost to professionally respray the roof of a car (and maybe additionally some other parts)? If I would own a nice car with original paint then I wouldn't want a cheap Somchai shop to repair it and my car loses a lot of value. I understand that the OP doesn't want to spend more than necessary. But professional work is not cheap - even in Thailand.
  22. And obviously we all believe statements which people sign after lots of lawyers made up that text and probably "optimized" it for days. Yeah, sure.
  23. Basically behaviour reminiscent of a large portion of the expats in Thailand? No! I don't know anybody here who is "asking himself whether all of this was worth it..." And if we would ever ask that ourselves the answer would be: Sure! But in these so called politically correct times some of us try to pretend that having sex with lots of pretty young girls is not the primary reason for the existence of men. I suggest a review of biology and spreading the genes.
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