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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I think it also depends a lot where people (and not just Thais) eat. I.e. I don't think that I ever saw that anybody tipped the local noodle soup vendors on the streets. And it seems many people tip in restaurants. Poor(er) people obviously don't eat in fancy restaurants, they often eat street food. And it seems most people (all?) don't tip street food vendors.
  2. It seems there is no law which makes sure the employees get 100% of that 10% service charge. And obviously I can only speak about my personal experience. I know a couple of people who work in 5 star hotels in Bangkok, from top of the management to ordinary service people. And at least in the 5 star places which I visit I know the employees get all the service charge money. And these are hotels from multinational well known companies. I would be surprised if they would have different rules in different hotels from the same hotel groups. Is that a general rule? It seems not. Is it a general rule that the employees don't get the service charge: sure not!
  3. Do you have a big motivation to get rid of it? Because I think that is a very important point. I have many kg too much and I wouldn't mind if I wouldn't have those extra kg. But personally I am not willing to restrict what I eat and I am not willing to spend time in a gym or so. If you are really willing to do something to get rid of it then I am pretty sure you will find a solution. But I think it's a good idea to ask yourself first: Why? Only because some people think you should lose weight or because you think that's the way it should be?
  4. That's why the tip is so important for many of them. 50B per hour is about minimum salary in Thailand and that is what many get. And that's not up to me but reality. And to be fair: 50B per hour plus tips in restaurants is better than 50B per hour in a factory without tip.
  5. I don't go to S&P. And I can assure you some 5 star hotels give the 10% to their staff. In some hotels that amount is higher than the salary. I don't know if it is more the rule or more the exception in 5 start hotels to do that. I visit some of those places and have insider info from some of them. But all in all I don't go to many such places so I don't know how normal that is.
  6. I think the only people who have problems with such relationships are old women.
  7. It's obvious that you never go to places who charge service charge. I do, and in many of them the service charge goes 100% to the staff.
  8. It seems lots of Americans don't tip at all outside of the USA. Especially if they see on the bill a service charge which is automatically deducted. Wrong! Thais tip, at least in restaurants and bars. I do, and I do it depending on the service. I.e. normally I don't tip at the gasoline station. Last time there was a cute girl who filled up the tank and smiled at me. I gave her a tip. If I eat noodle soup on the street I don't tip. If I have drinks in a bar then mostly I tip, it depends a lot on the quality of the service. During Covid times if my usual restaurants are open then I give them mostly a lot of tip. The reason is because they often have reduced salaries and fewer customers and they struggle. I like them so I support them.
  9. Would a good company list the same condominium a couple of times with different sizes and prices? I don't think so. And this is not about one such "mistake". It is usual for them to have multiple times the same unit with different details.
  10. How many old guys want to marry old women - if they have the chance to marry a young woman? Maybe he is a nice guy. Maybe he is not even interested or able to have sex. Whatever. And what are her alternatives? Maybe a young guy from her village? Or sex with a couple of strangers every week? Maybe in 10 years she has money and a UK passport and maybe that is what she wants. Live and let live and all that.
  11. I looked a couple of times at FAZWAZ. The same units are advertised a couple of times with different sizes and different prices - but the same pictures. That seems to be normal on that site.
  12. And then there are the agents who add more than 3 or 5% commission. It seems some agents (try) to sell i.e. a 5 million unit for 5.5 million and if someone buys it then they want to collect all the extra money above the original price. I don't know how common that is and about the legal situation. But it seems it is common enough that even I know about this.
  13. Thanks for all your info. Let me explain my thoughts: a) I want to be able to recognize a competent tile setter. In general I am good in DIY but I have no personal experience with tiles. If I talk with someone I want to have an idea what he should know and what he should do. b) I see here often enough the following problems: - Tiles are not installed evenly or flat, I am not sure about the term. I.e. if you have tiles which look like mirrors then often they are in angles to each other (maybe a degree up or down) and the whole floor does not look like a mirror, it looks like lots of unaligned mirrors. Obviously that is not as easy to see with tiles which don't have a mirror finish but it explains my concern. - Tiles are (after some time) lose. It seems one reason for that is that the cement under the tiles was not evenly spread when they were installed. And if the floor is not flat to start with then this is, as far as I see, a bigger problem. This is just a picture which I found on the internet. I think it shows the problem.
  14. First I thought I wait if the experts answer. But until now there is no answer so let me try with my comment. It seems one big challenge is that everybody wants a commission. I.e. if someone asks your management in the building with your unit if something is available then they will tell him - (only) if you pay them a commission. If there is a laundry in the building the laundry lady will be happy to tell people about your unit - and she wants a commission. Add security guards and anybody else who thinks they are entitled to get a commission. And then you see on the internet often multiple times the same unit offered from different agents with sometimes different room sizes and other misleading information. I guess it becomes really complicated if all those people want a commission. One big problem in Thailand seems to be that too many people like to play property agent and like to collect big commissions - without doing much work and not knowing much about what they are doing. Good luck!
  15. ok, ok, I get your point. But how about if the surface is not flat? Is it not a good idea to make sure the surface is flat (and maybe also level) before any tiles are installed?
  16. Isn't the idea to have them flat and level and the tiles should be attached to the ground evenly everywhere? At least that is what I learned in YouTube videos, i.e. this one: How To Layout And Install Large Format Tile On Concrete - YouTube
  17. Thanks. I am no expert (or even amateur) in this so I just listen. I think the idea/advantage of self leveling concrete is to make sure all is perfectly level before installing any tiles. As far as I understand if the concrete is not level then it can/should be leveled before the actual tiling. Because if the leveling is done together with the tiling and it is not done correctly then the (expensive) tiles have to be removed again. That should obviously be avoided. That's the way I understand the concept.
  18. I saw this in several (not Thai) videos about tiles. A friend had tiling done in Thailand and it seems all the contractors told him that is not the way they do it (in Thailand). Do you know if self leveling concrete is used by many, or at least some, contractors in Thailand? Personally I know only the theory. It seems to me self leveling concrete has the big advantage that it can be seen that the floor is level before anything is installed on top of it. I.e. with tiles if they are not properly installed that does not mean it looks bad right from the start. It may take some time (long after the payment) that tiles get lose...
  19. "I know" like you actually know the people who died? Or "I know" because I read it somewhere on facebook?
  20. What exactly is the connection to communism? Do you know the meaning of that word?
  21. Why? What is the advantage of Windows 11 for a normal user? Windows 10 does the job just fine and it won't be obsolete for years.
  22. I suggest ask an expert to exchange your C drive with a bigger drive. Then everything will be exactly like it was except you will have more space. Sometimes I visit "normal users" and help them with their computers. For us experts it is sometimes difficult to understand that normal users don't even understand the basics. I.e. when I moved files from My Documents in C to a new folder in D I was asked how they can now access the data and I explained it. And then, weeks later, I get this "question": I don't see my data, my data is lost". It wasn't lost, it was exactly where we put it, on drive D. But they user forgot. So to make it easy just get a bigger drive. And make sure whoever installs it knows what he is doing.
  23. Interesting. Do you get years of warranty on that work? And if yes, is that warranty from the individual contractor or from the shop like Boonthavorn? It seems many problems only show after years...
  24. In principle carpet can be nice. But it seems lots of crawling creatures in tropical climate like carpet and that is why it is often avoided. Please correct me if I am wrong.
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