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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Anything official with my address on it. A bank statement, a land line phone bill, things like that.
  2. Yes, heart failure definitely happens when someone dies. It happens with accidents, old age, drugs, whatever. The heart fails and death is unavoidable. So the reason "heart failure" should be on all death certificates.
  3. Thanks. In above cases it seems until now I showed them a bill with my address or a bank statement and that was all they wanted.
  4. What is a residence certificate (for Bangkok)? I live here since decades and I don't think I have such thing or need it.
  5. It seems part of the problem is that you seem to be a cheap Charlie. Don't expect first class service if you are not willing to pay for it. When I arrived in Thailand a couple of month ago I had to quarantine for a week in a hotel. No problem on the departing airport, no problem arriving in Bangkok airport, Mercedes limousine ready just for me. And then a week luxury food, pralines and espresso. I would do it again - but it definitely wasn't the cheapest offer.
  6. Windows takes a long time to update if it wasn't used for a long time. I.e. over the years I had several notebooks which I used sometimes only every couple of months. With those notebooks it happened regularly that they used a long time, sometimes an hour or so, to update Windows and other programs when I opened them the first time. That never happened on my desktop PC which I use all the time. My "solution" for the seldom used notebooks: I open then the day before I want to actually use them to let Windows install whatever it wants to install. Then everything works fine the next day. In my case this works most of the time because most of the time I know in advance when I will take those notebooks with me to a customer or on a trip.
  7. But Windows is also not as bad as some people think it is. I think I had the last malware with Windows XP before the firewall became part of Windows. Nothing since then. And I use it all the time. If people let Windows do the automatic updates and if they pay a little attention not to click here and there and everywhere then Windows is 99% secure.
  8. It's easy to win in the Thai lottery. Just buy enough tickets and you will win for sure. I remember when I once was in an office and the lottery numbers came out and one women was delighted that she just won 20k. I though: good luck for her. And then the others told me that she spends basically all her money buying lottery tickets so she will "win" all the time. ????
  9. Wonderful, you found your OS of choice.
  10. Does this happen in every family, village, city, the whole country or where? I am sure you can find all these stages somewhere in Thailand.
  11. It seems you think that you found a portable computer with good sound. What a crazy idea!
  12. Imagine you meet a guy in Nana car park and he tells you he has this great investment. And you tell him: I like to hear more about that, how about we go to your office. He says: Sure, and he walks with you straight into Lollipop. Yeah, sure!
  13. ? For normal users it doesn't make much of a difference if they buy a model which was just replaced with a new model or if they buy the new model. Both will work. If the older model is significantly cheaper and you don't need the newest and fastest and you are on a budget then go for the reasonable priced older version. It will do the job, for years.
  14. ThinkPads, which are part of Lenovo, are still the best notebooks which you can buy. And many many so called high quality products are produced in China - even if they have an American brand name on them.
  15. For games, and especially new games, you need a powerful PC with a powerful graphic card (GPU). If a PC is good enough for games then it is good enough for basically anything else. And if you buy a "normal" computer, which was not designed for playing games, then basically you won't be able to play games except maybe Solitaire or Candy Crunch or something like that. Even a half decent gaming PC is a lot more expensive than an office PC.
  16. That reminds me about discussions about the programming languages C# and VB some time ago. Most people discussed the functionality. What you can do with which language and how to do it. And often the answer was: You can do it with both languages. And then I read an article comparing the culture of each language. Short: One language was used often by beginners and the other buy professionals, and lots of other "cultural" differences. Now let's look at Windows and Linux. Technically it is possible to do lots of things, and basically everything that normal users do, on both platforms. But who uses them? And who supports them? Most normal users use Windows. It is easy to use and understand and there are millions of how to articles from total beginner level up to specialist. Linux is a different animal. Like: What, you don't even know how to compile a kernel? And you don't even know what a kernel is? Now, how should I explain this to you... In which of these groups do you feel more comfortable? For most of us the decision should be easy.
  17. I wasn't talking about the "good 'ol boys" - maybe I should have made that clearer. "They" in this case was about the general public, journalists, opposition parties, etc. And they gave her a chance. One reason the two last coups could happen and could happen peacefully was because the coups were supported by lots of people, at least in Bangkok. When the military was out in the streets I saw lots of happy faces and the soldiers saw lots of happy faces. People could have opposed those soldiers, even by looking at them like they were thugs, but that wasn't the case. Many people, in my area of Bangkok definitely the majority of people, welcomed the coups and the soldiers. And they welcomed them because the soldiers removed the criminals. I don't know if or when another coup might happen in Thailand. But IMHO it will most likely only happen if the soldiers are supported by a huge part of the population. If the population is happy then they don't welcome a coup. If they are unhappy and see no legal way to get rid of the criminal leader then what are the options? A coup! And that is what happened two times with the Shinawatras.
  18. It won't happen within one year. When Yingluck became PM everybody was sceptic but they gave her a chance. Would she work for all Thais and Thailand? Or would she do what her big brother told her. They let her try for a long time. And then the cabinet made that decision about 4am to whitewash Thaksin together with about 10,000 other criminals. That was the beginning of the end and everybody who paid attention knew that. Let's look what the youngest Shinawatra will do. More of the same? Then the consequences will be more of the same and nobody should be surprised by that.
  19. In general it also depends on where you live and how many other people nearby have electric vehicles. The electric grid was never designed with charging cars in mind. Those cars need a lot of power and they need even more power if they should be charged fast. And worst case are very powerful cars which need even more power.
  20. We could bet. I would bet if a Shinawatra takes over again there will be another coup within 10 years. And without any Shinawatra I think there won't be a coup in the foreseeable future.
  21. I always dreamed about those 4 pipes of the RD500. But I could never afford it.
  22. And I was sure there are some high quality sluts, strippers and hookers. If you never met them, try harder!
  23. NO! Don't show her. Just go there and enjoy the show. And if the wife asks, tell her: I followed your advice.
  24. I live in lower Sukhumvit since 25 years and I love it. And until now only one person tried to rob me. It was a farang...
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