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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. It can be charged, the question is how fast. If people have a "normal" electric vehicle and leave it the whole night in their garage and charge it the whole night that is fine. But it's often not fine anymore if they don't have the whole night, or two cars, or one or more powerful electric cars. Then houses need higher rated power supplies. And if that happens with too many houses in the same area then the district needs stronger cables, and and and. The scale is the big problem.
  2. Sounds like a good idea. Except how many different battery models will all those cars have? Looking now at mobile phones and how many different battery models they use gives us a good idea how that will work...
  3. They will walk over to the lottery ticket vendors and discuss the numbers with all the others.
  4. So it seems those businesses concentrate on the 90+ % of people in Thailand who use fb and LINE but they won't get business from you. Do you think they care about you and the remaining < 10%?
  5. I definitely like pretty girls. But politicians should be competent and honest first. I don't mind if they are ugly or gay or whatever if they do a god job.
  6. I had a friend who owned a bar with that name in Soi 33. Is there some connection which I should be aware of?
  7. Interesting. From what I hear I don't think I would be interested in a HiSo (and she also not in me). But it would be interesting to read from you why you did what you did? Was the HiSi to LoSo just an accident? Or do you think that in general most guys would be happier with LoSo (sorry, I don't know a better term for not-HiSo).?
  8. I think it's best to concentrate on the important gf/wife properties. I don't expect to have a conversation about international politics or rocket science or home automation or climate change and many other topics with my gf. I like to cuddle with her, let her prepare good food, go out and have a good time, play some pool and some of that f activity. I can do lot of the talking with other people. I can do hobbies with other people. There will never be just one person in my life who should be the perfect person in every way. Let's concentrate on gf properties for the gf. All the other things can be done with other people.
  9. Sorry, I didn't read all of it. But it seems you were unhappy and you tried to make a change for more happiness and that didn't work out the way you expected. Fine. You tried. I think it is a lot better to try something new and learn from that compared to always doing the same and dreaming abut what could have been and sometime later in life asking questions like: what would life have been over there?
  10. Often YouTube has lots of HowTo videos. My advise it learn one thing after the other when you really want to use it. I.e. if you want to scan documents then learn that one. And maybe another day about online banking. And another day about online shopping. After a while you will know a lot and the more you know the easier you will learn new things. Take it easy, don't rush.
  11. Imagine they would vote for honest and competent politicians. But I guess we shouldn't expect too much.
  12. It's always amusing when newbies know everything better. Did you live in Thailand while Thaksin and his cronies were in charge? And where does your information come from that the generals are tenfold worse? Hearsay? Thaksin's PR? Talk in the red village? I lived here all the time from the time before Thaksin was in charge, while he was in charge and after he and his little sister was removed. Thailand was divided the most while Thaksin was in charge and his red shirt mob terrorized the country. Good riddance! Another Shinawatra is the last thing Thailand needs.
  13. The way I understand it Thai businesses do what Thai people do. Lots of information only on fb. And often communication only with LINE. Because somehow some people think everybody likes to use fb and LINE all the time. Can you trust them? I think having a real website does not make a difference about trust. I think the question should be: Can you communicate with them the way you want? Do they give you competent answers without waiting for too long? If yes then don't worry too much about a website.
  14. Is the whole country the problem or only she or some people? Tell her to shup up if she nags all the time. And if she doesn't do that then tell her to f#$% off. Your life won't get better if you just accept anything she does. Set the rules and the limits!
  15. Luckily I am not famous and I don't want to be famous. I am sure if someone would look long enough they would also find lots of things in my past which were not 100% correct. And especially looking at behavior from 20 or more years ago and judging it with today's PC mentality. It must be hard for some of those celebrities.
  16. Why do so many people care what one or the other actor does or like? He is an actor, not more, not less. He is no role model, not better informed, not smarter, not ... than other people. If people like him in movies that's fine. Watch those movies. And don't care what the person does or doesn't do or writes. Famous people are in general not better than others and should not be treated like role models.
  17. The problem is that millions of Thais would vote for her because she is the daughter of the fugitive criminal and somehow they hope when she is officially in charge he will be in charge. And then people ae surprised when they have an incompetent and corrupt government. TiT - and not only in Thailand.
  18. I bet at the start with your party girl you also could tell all the others were all inferior in some way...
  19. Do I really care how many other member "know" her? As long as she takes a shower in between and maybe rests a little that's good enough.
  20. Anti-Malware programs get more sophisticated all the time. And they have to do that to fight the more sophisticated malware. A modern anti-malware program will never run fast on an old computer. The only thing that runs fast on an old computer is old and outdated software. Time for a new computer with up to date software!
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