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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Do you want children? Would you say yes if you would be 30 or 40 years old? Or are you happy to have a reason why it's a good idea that you don't have kids (maybe in general or with this woman)? Personally I don't have kids because I think they are too much headache and they cost a fortune. Some people like kids and they do their best for those kids. Fine, do it! Other people, especially many Thais, somehow "think" kids need a little food and all the rest will somehow go automatically. Parenting? A good school? Time for the kids? It seems many parents just don't care and/or don't realize how important it is to take care of kids. In your case I think think about if you want kids. Do you want to take care of them as long as you live? And what will happen if you die "early"? Will there still be enough money for a decent school and maybe university?
  2. In the last days I see more and more tourists in Bangkok not wearing masks. Most of the time I don't think this is a huge problem, i.e. if they walk along a street. But it is interesting to see that almost any Thai person and any foreigner who lives here wears a masks and tourists often don't do that. It seems many of them "think" this is Thailand and who cares. Maybe those tourists should think about why the number of Covid cases in Thailand is relative low compared to other countries. I am sure it's not only about masks. But masks help and for me it seems most locals, Thai and foreigners who live here, take Covid serious. If tourists think they don't want to wear masks then maybe they should look for destination where they don't have to wear them.
  3. I think that describes the situation of many men in the western world accurately. And if they come to Thailand for two weeks holiday and are then back home for 50 weeks then they discover their misery.
  4. Many years ago I often took books with me when I traveled. And then later an eBook. Now I still use an eBook at home but when I am travel i.e. in the MRT I read on my smartphone. There are few reasons these days to walk around with a book - not only for Thais.
  5. For some condominiums https://www.fazwaz.com/ has lots of data about lots of units. And the search function, with map, helps to see what is available at what price in the specific area. Not perfect, but I think it's a good start.
  6. Depending on the prescription (i.e. astigmatism) the lenses and frame have to be prepared exactly for the person (distances of the eyes, position of the frame, etc.) - at least if the person wants the best available vision. I bought now a couple of times prescription lenses for 5,000B a pair (with coating, color, etc.) including installation from a Bangkok optician. He takes his time to measure my vision and he takes his time to fit the lenses. I use the same titanium frame since forever. I like it and it's still like new. Could I get cheaper lenses somewhere? I am sure that would be possible. Would they be better or better fitted? I have my doubts. I think 5,000B every couple of years for perfect vision is a very good investment.
  7. Maybe grandma was smart and preferred to live without lots of visits from other people. Like: Let's keep this toilet and I don't have to worry about intruders. ????
  8. If you want to be sure then yes, you have test it. And more than once. I think to do that in a meaningful way it would be a lot of work (different days, times, sites, etc.). Probably it is easier to ask other people in that building what they use and how they like it.
  9. Really? My Thai is good enough to have a basic conversation. But apart from hallo and how are you it seems we all don't know what to talk about. And somehow I can't imagine things would improve while getting drunk.
  10. How are our relations to our family back home? And the extended family? Obviously some people are lucky and they have a happy family. But reading about Christmas and all the family parties people have to join and complaints about uncle x and ant y it seems to be normal all over the world that people who didn't chose to be each others friends have difficulties with each other. Sometime we and/or they put some effort in it to try to talk to each other and understand each other. But sometimes (often?) it ends in resignation that he or she is just different. Personally I don't care much about my extended family back home and I don't care much about the family of my gf. Say hello, be nice, and hope it's over soon.
  11. I hope everything is fine with you and your family and all will be fine in the future. IMHO lots of guys concentrate far too much on what their wife wants and not so much what they would want without the wife. If something goes wrong, what will happen with land, house, home and cattle? Is it in your name? Would you want to live there without your wife? Could you sell it for a reasonable price? Sorry if this sounds too personal, it's not meant like that. But what you describe is one of those situations which we read here far too often. Like: I can't move and I can't do this and that. Because the wife owns the land and I am stuck to this place... Personally I decide where I want to live. And my gf is happy to live with me where I like to live. If she would suggest to move to her village: Sorry, no!
  12. Have a look at this site. They have an address in Phuket. https://jwdstoreit.co.th/en/ Until now I didn't rent a unit from them but I plan to do that in Bangkok in the next days. If you want to wait to hear about my personal experience with them in Bangkok let me know. Maybe in a week or two...
  13. At least two possible reasons: - With a picture the font, format, layout is exactly as the designer intended it to be. - Clicking on a picture is easier than clicking on text. Because with text there is space between the lines which does not react if anybody clicks on that. You can try it on this website i.e. on the right topic section.
  14. Correct. And nobody should expect from them to think like those foreigners in their country. Somehow lots of farangs think their wife should learn Thai and should adapt to what they want. Why? If we want to live in Thailand we should learn Thai and we should at least try to understand how Thais behave and think. That doesn't mean we should change to be like them. But we should be aware of the differences and don't expect that Thais in Thailand adapt to our way of thinking.
  15. In principle I understand your point. But I think we don't have to worry about any Thai government changes. I experienced many governments in Thailand and two coups. What changed? Very little. If I wouldn't read the news and except of the few days with soldiers on the street I don't think I would be able to pinpoint any major changes in Thailand caused by the government. The biggest change was probably the enforcement of 1am or 2am closing times when Purachai was active in Thailand, and he wasn't even PM. All other changes were minor - at least from an ordinary person's point of view. I think extreme changes like i.e. in Myanmar won't happen in Thailand for the foreseeable future.
  16. I am not so sure you would enjoy a video with me as an actor. Personally I like the first person view from the "teacher's" point of view. And then I keep that in my human memory without any technical assistance.
  17. Did anybody of you find the opposite forum? Like: We were married and happy. He worked so hard to make me happy. I was gracious and let him have his thing twice a month. Now he left me and of all places in the world where did he go? Thailand! All those dark sluts over there. I hate him!
  18. For looking at ordinary websites it does not make a difference if people use LAN or WLAN. It could make a difference i.e. for fast games or (massive) downloads.
  19. Life wasn't too bad back home long time ago. But it was not great. Too cold, lots of old people, unfriendly service, no available pretty girls, too many strict (traffic) rules, and no hope any of that will change to the better. In Thailand all those pretty girls are obviously very important. But they are not everything, you cant f@#$ 24/7. The weather is nice and most people are friendly in Thailand. Great! I have mixed feelings about law enforcement in Thailand. I like it that I don't have to drive slowly all the time or risk losing my license. But on the other hand sometime I wish the police would stop more of those idiots on the streets. I was never in legal trouble in Thailand and obviously I try to stay out of that. But what would happen if a HiSo decides he doesn't like me for whatever reason? Such a person can make life miserable in Thailand. And then going to the police or courts and hoping for justice is just that, hope. In a way I think this is an important part of Thailand. The lawlessness. Do you accept it? Do you like it? Do you want to live with it? Do you want a well regulated life with predictable outcome? That might decided if Thailand is the right place for you.
  20. I can't tell you the details but I can tell you the following: Some time ago I bought a second hand big bike. When I received the bike I got the book and a bunch of signed documents. Then I had the bike for years and I never transferred it to my name. When I sold the bike a couple of years later I gave the buyer the bunch of documents which I received years ago. All fine, he didn't need anything else.
  21. Ok, fair enough. I know it as the computer paradise from Bangkok - from a looooong time ago. ????
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