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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Please be aware that a provider which is good in location x doesn't have to be good in location y. I.e. some time ago I had a conversation with a guy who had the fastest TRUE internet connection which he could get at that time. I had half the speed, also TRUE. He called me because he had problems with his internet connection. Then we tried to access the same internet pages at the same time (we talked on the phone). It always worked faster on my PC - even with 1/2 of his connection speed and the same provider. And his PC and setup was not the problem.
  2. Before you search for the perfect provider check which providers are available in your building. Likely you will have limited choices and maybe only some services (i.e. no top speed in your building).
  3. Who needs an ATM in that place? Why would anybody still go there?
  4. Ok, You can do the basics. I will teach the advanced lessons. ???? Happy New Year!
  5. I prefer if they send their younger innocent sisters. I volunteer to train them. ????
  6. Maybe this will help you: Any business in Thailand is required to keep logs of the internet traffic for (as far as I remember) 6 month. If they don't keep the logs or if there are no logs there can be a very high penalty. So maybe ask them for the logs. And when they reply there are no logs ...
  7. Private? Like pay to Somchai Crook? When I pay for a hotel there are two options: Credit card or transfer to the hotel account with a name that matches the name of the hotel.
  8. Did you consider being a consultant and training all those bankers who obviously don't know what they are doing? I am sure they will all be delighted to profit from your wisdom.
  9. I actually read about NFTs. Another crazy bubble. And I thought banks use SEPA or SWIFT. That must be my ignorance. And about being an expert or no expert: Are you an expert? What makes you an expert?
  10. Personally I think it is a bubble. I don't know the exact definition of that. But it seems to me the whole crypto movement is almost totally disconnected from reality. It might get bigger and maybe people including you and maybe even new investors will make a lot of money with it. But maybe not. Because what has crypto to do with reality? As far as I see very little. IMHO it's an independent bubble. And obviously I am not pretending I am the expert here, I am not. And just for that reason I think it's a good idea for me and all the other non-experts to assume it is a bubble and it will or at least could burst.
  11. That is obviously wrong. The crypto bubble will only bubble more and more if more and more people put money into crypto. If nobody would invest anymore then the system would collapse. Obviously it's not you alone who influences other people. But you are one of them and your future profit is proportional to the amount of people who join your club. And obviously you know that.
  12. Somehow it's funny to see that one person here is so confident that he just knows he will make a ton of money. And maybe you do. Good luck to you. But please, at least all the others, should keep in mind: things can go wrong. Don't invest more than you can afford to lose.
  13. Investing in anything brings risks. I met lots of guys who invested in something, it doesn't really matter in what. Sometimes they told me they just made lots of money (at least in theory looking on the computer at the current value of their investment). What I remember more are when the same guys are in a bad mood because one of their investments didn't work the way they hoped for. And sometimes badly. I think my personal summary is: Be happy with a few % steady income or gamble - more or less. With the steady income you will never get exited about the huge amount of money which you just made. Because that never happens. Life is more or less boring - at least the investment part of it. And then there are the guys who like to invest in high risk opportunities like i.e. crypto. One day they are happy and another day they are down and frustrated. If that is what they want, fine. But some of us don't want to feel that we just lost a lot of money, even if we made money a week earlier. It still feels bad. And that is why some people like i.e. me don't gamble with crypto.
  14. Obviously my insider knowledge in women's heads is limited. But it seems lots of girls work in bars for some time and then they stop and have a "normal" life. It's also not unusual for girls at universities to make some extra money while they study. Will there be any phycological damage? I guess it depends a lot how much they think about it. Luckily most of the Thai girls are not Catholics who have to think about their sins and all that. F$%@ and forget - and there is no problem.
  15. About the husbands and what they think: I am no husband but in general I think it's all about our heads and if we make a problem out of a situation. I.e. if we have a gf/wife who works in a massage shop and massages the feet of some customers, is that ok? I guess yes. So how about if she massages the whole body? Still ok? I guess it's up to her, if it is ok for her then it is ok. And how about if she does more than massage? Is she forced to do it? Is she crying when she comes back because it was so horrible? Does she have nightmares? It seems lots of girls and women know the difference between love and sex a lot better than men. They go to work, do the work, and when the work is done that's it. And for some work they get a lot more money than for other work. For me it seems this only becomes a problem when they think too much about it. Or to quote Claudia Cardinale in Once Upon a Time in the West: "Well, no woman ever died from that. When you're finished, all I'll need will be a tub of boiling water and I'll be exactly what I was before - with just another filthy memory!"
  16. "I have no idea what they are thinking" What gives you the impression that they think at all? Don't try to find logic where there is no logic. I makes life a lot easier - especially in Thailand.
  17. I just watched a couple of his videos. I didn't know him until now. Thanks. I like what he does. Especially he seems to think about what makes sense and not just what is possible and can be done. I think one challenge with home automation is to decide what makes sense. Only because it can be done doesn't mean it should be done. Sometimes an ordinary "stupid" switch is just fine.
  18. Is it possible to customize the Topics section? Here is a sample: I wish there wouldn't be topics from users which I blocked. Especially one user is very annoying and I blocked him. I wish I wouldn't see all those treads anymore which he started. And then there are articles from other countries. Some news are only interesting for "locals". It happened more than once that I clicked on an interesting headline in Topics and after reading a couple of lines I discovered it was about Vietnam. Sorry, for someone living in Thailand it is irrelevant. I am sure I am not the only user who finds this annoying and who would like to change what he sees in that section.
  19. Thanks, and let's not forget if the situation doesn't get much better than I have the time for it and I won't get too bored. ????
  20. Palm trees sound good, especially if they are on a nice beach. Cows - I prefer to live without them.
  21. There are lots of things in Thailand which are illegal but are widely tolerated - until they are not tolerated anymore. It might be that i.e. lots of people rent out apartments in a condominium for less than one month. And this might go on for a long time. But then maybe one day someone influential enough decides enough is enough and from that day on the rules are enforced. Then the argument: "but everybody did this since forever" won't help.
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