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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Is your wife looking over your shoulder? ????
  2. Wow, it seems I really stepped on your foot - or at least you think so. My original comment was supposed to be a little funny. And I think it's not too farfetched to see that certain voters in the USA don't want to see reality. I never intended to make this personal. You asked for an explanation and I tried to give an explanation. I didn't write and didn't think you must be one of those anti science people. I was just surprised that I had to explain my reasoning. I thought and still think it's obvious.
  3. Psst, you can be married and still spend an hour or two with pretty girls. Just make sure their makeup does not leave too many traces on you.
  4. This all might be true. But I think it still sounds strange that a nice bank manager is not (or was not) in a relationship. As far as I know a bank manager job is an 8h/day job. Not like i.e. a restaurant owner or many other jobs which really don't leave time for any other activity. I guess a manager will meet lots of people, and probably also enough men who have money or make money. How many "suitable" men did she meet over the years? And there was not even one who was Mr. Right? For me, with my limited experience with old women, this situation is strange. She must have had lots of opportunities and if she doesn't look too bad then probably also enough guys who asked her out. Something must be wrong - at least IMHO.
  5. Google Assistant is cloud based. That is for me reason enough to avoid it.
  6. I plan to renovate an apartment in a condominium high rise building in Bangkok from scratch. And I plan to use home automation and especially Home Assistant. https://www.home-assistant.io/ For anybody who is not familiar with with Home Assistant here is a good channel on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/c/EverythingSmartHome I have experience from home and office electric installations in Germany from a long time ago. And I work with computers and electronics since forever, including programming. Before I begin the "big" project in the new apartment I setup a little test installation and now I connect more and more smart devices mostly for testing. Does anybody of you use Home Automation and especially Home Assistant in Thailand? Is there anything special in Thailand which should be considered? In the moment my plan is to plan myself what I want to do and how to realize it. Before I start the actual installation I will double check this with the boss of a professional electric installation company in Bangkok who I know since many years. Before I do this I thought I ask the forum users about your experience and/or possible plans. Until now I am not 100% sure if I will use Home Assistant. It seem to me that is is a good product with lots of possibilities and lots of active users. I like especially that it is independent from the internet and the cloud. I want to keep everything locally as much as possible. I don't think it's a good idea to install microphones and cameras and invite big brother to watch and listen.
  7. If she earns it doesn't mean she wants to share it with you. ????
  8. Even if they are allowed to open, will they open? (Gogo) bars need customers and big bars need lots of customers when they want to be able to afford lots of candy on stage. And in the moment there are just not enough customers for all those bars. It seems some owners who own several bars think about opening maybe one of them and then look what will happen. Now some (many?) bar owners have arrangements with their landlords because the bars are closed. If they open again then those landlords want more money. Will the bars make enough money to afford that? For many the answer is probably: No.
  9. In my limited experience with old women every Thai women 30 or older thinks she is old. And 40 is probably ancient. And they are right. Which man wants a 30+ or even 40+ woman when there are enough pretty young girls out there?
  10. If someone is a professional in a language then he doesn't need to "craft" a few sentences in a forum. He will do it automatically in style without even thinking about it. In general it seems many people from "minority" groups are convinced that they are treated bad because of their gender, skin color, nationality, whatever. And if someone mentions that it could also be independent of all these and related to qualification, attitude and other problems then we are accused of racism, etc. Like: my life could be wonderful if all those other people would not blame me for being gay, black, Muslim, whatever. This is of course only a general observation. I don't know the OP and his situation.
  11. The local authorities will contact the embassy of the person's home country. Then "the embassy", I guess with the help of the home country, will find out who is next of kin. Then they will inform next of kin. And the embassy will also likely inform next of kin who they could/should contact in Thailand. Then it's up to next of kin to decide what will happen next.
  12. I go sometimes to Fortune and I saw these shops. But I never visited any of them. I can look when I am next time in Fortune, but that might be some time. Maybe just google "HiFi Fortune" and I guess something should come up.
  13. Just for clarification: Now you don't own property in Thailand and you rent something from time to time and you think that is tiring. And you want to change this by buying a condo and living there from time to time and when you don't live there you want to rent it out. Correct? Without going into details I wonder what is so tiring for you about renting that you think buying and let other people rent your place (while you are not here) is somehow less tiring.
  14. Now would it make you smile if they would work for you? Maybe not.
  15. It seems for most people my comment is self explaining. But you ask so nice so let me answer: Not long ago I read that there are still about 70% GOP voters who think Trump won the last election. And then there are all those religious Americans who think the earth is about 6000 years old. And those are obviously only two examples from a long list. My conclusion from that is: Lots of Americans believe strange things. I don't really care if they believe in this god or that, because that is a question of believe. But if they believe in things which are contrary to facts then they obviously don't care much about science. And if you really have to ask me why I think MAGA fans are the worst of them then maybe you should look at the news from time to time. And I mean news, not fox or facebook or such things.
  16. It is probably more important how much she pays for car, house, credit card, etc. and if there is still any money left after she receives her salary. It seems it is not unusual that people with a steady and even reasonably good salary spend a lot more than they can afford.
  17. Will all of them install ghetto blasters to makes some (engine) noise?
  18. They should arrest anybody who messes around with children. According to what I hear that is absolutely not unusual with Thais and especially stepfathers. And often the mother knows what is going on. Lots of people know but it seems very few care.
  19. You picked the wrong country for the kind of food you are looking for. Yes, you can find it. But it is expensive in Thailand.
  20. IMHO that doesn't sound like electrolytic capacitors. The big electrolytic capacitors are in the power supply (of the PreAmp) and that is needed for any output. If all worked before your move that also does it make unlikely that the electrolytic capacitors failed. They normally fail because they are old, not because of a move. For me it sound a lot more like a lose connection/cable or a bad switch. Probably you should be able to find the problem with a multimeter. In case you like electronics and are not familiar with Bangkok visit Ban Mo. That is electronic paradise.
  21. In Fortune Town in Bangkok are several high class HiFi shops with the kind of equipment you have. There is also one of those repair centers which repair any kind of electronic devices. If it's just the capacitors then I am sure they can replace them.
  22. It doesn't really matter to which bar you go first. Keep two things in mind: 1) Give yourself a daily limit how much you will spend/invest. Never, under no circumstances, go over that limit. 2) Everybody thinks his girl is different. She isn't! This is why you should never forget rule 1.
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