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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. That is like saying we all don't follow traffic law. Some of us drive sometime 10km/h too fast. And others ignore red lights all the time. There are differences. Just look at the lie that Trump still doesn't accept that he lost the last election. Pathetic.
  2. It would be interesting to know what the law says about situations like that. Should she pay it back, maybe because of fraud? And how about if a woman pays money to a guy? Would he have to return the money? Somehow it seems when a man tells a BS story to a woman, and she believes it because she is greedy, then people demand that he is convicted. But when a guy pays money to a woman, then obviously he was a fool. Why was he so stupid to do that?
  3. The article did not mention if there was any riding involved. And it was certainly not free.
  4. Really? And how would you describe the fact that about 70,000,000 Americans want a convicted felon and serial liar as their president? Is that really the best person they can find for that job? And then, he runs for the so-called law and order party. What a joke!
  5. Did he also meet her in person? Or was it only love on the phone?
  6. Really? Do you think he made that dumb mistake the first time and would never do it again? What he did was obviously dumb, but I don't think it was just a "mistake".
  7. Obviously, they have to check first how much he is willing to pay not to be charged.
  8. Imagine he came back, to be in jail hospital, only to flee again. That would be almost funny.
  9. I just saw this on EEVblog, an electronic channel with expert Dave Jones. This might be useful information for here - but maybe it is common knowledge. This EV "charger" has a setting that if you have solar cells, it only charges your car if you have excessive solar output. The description of that part starts about 10:15 in the following video. Disclaimer: I don't have an EV and no solar, but I am interested in electrics. This is how I found this video. Maybe some EV and solar power users here like it.
  10. This might be an option: https://www.homepro.co.th/homeservice/
  11. I am a real man. I have at least 4 electric drills at home. 😉
  12. Sure, the voters should decide who they want as their president. A jury decided he is guilty. Do you really think he is innocent, and he didn't pay the money and he didn't try to hide the fact? I also think the fact that the trial happened at all, and now, is a little strange. But that doesn't mean he is innocent. And about thigs like "Make America Great Again", Biden has or had a slogan "Our Best Days Still Lie Ahead". Both are totally meaningless. Just political bla bla.
  13. Yes, join MAGA or else. That an interesting way to unite people.
  14. In principle I agree with you. But what does the GOP and the MAGA crowd do? He is innocent! Trump won the 2020 election. Biden is bad. What does the GOP, which used to be the party of law and order have to offer except talking bad about Biden? The DEMs say: Look at the felon Trump, vote for us because he is bad. And the MAGA shout: Vote for Trump because Biden and the DEMs are so bad. Both parties are bad. Both candidates are bad. And most Americans support a bad party and a bad candidate. Maybe the problem are those challenged Americans who don't vote for anybody decent. I thought they have a democracy over there. Find good candidates and vote for them!
  15. Maybe the title should be: Land for sale with a heap of rubble.
  16. I just read this interesting article from the time when the GOP was still a party of law and order - a long time ago. The Republican party has transformed into the Trump Maga party | Sidney Blumenthal | The Guardian
  17. Yes, correct, and he should be fined. And all the other (traffic) lawbreakers should also be fined. I see all the time riders and drivers playing with their mobile phone. Fine them! And lots of riders and drivers ignore zebra crossings. Fine them! Personally, I think the risk from the "stunt rider" is lower than from the average idiots who play with their phones.
  18. I would have posted the same link. They have, or at least had when I last checked, many parts from many big bikes for reasonable prices. Indicators, mirrors, etc. are available for cheap in many motorcycle shops. Under the Saphan Khwai BTS Station are many of those shops.
  19. Did you ever drive too fast or maybe over a yellow light? Did you cross the street when you shouldn't? Should your car be crashed, or you or what do you think is appropriate? Nobody was harmed in the stunt above.
  20. Some riders know what they are doing. Obviously, accidents can happen, but in general guys who know how to ride wheelies are a lot better riders than most other riders. I prefer a wheely guy on the street compared to many of the usual delivery riders who play with their phones.
  21. My personal experience with crime Back home: almost zero Bangkok: almost zero Once I was sitting in a restaurant on Sukhumvit with a notebook bag at my feet. The "fence" to the footpath was not as good as I thought, and someone stole the notebook bag. Before I even realized that, the footpath vendors caught the thief and returned my notebook to me. Since then, my opinion about those vendors is a lot better. And in the hindsight, it was stupid from me to leave the notebook bag like that. Once a farang bumped into me in Soi Cowboy and tried to steal my wallet. Actually, he had it already in his hand. I was lucky I grabbed it from his hand and got it back. Lesson: Protect your wallet better in crowded streets. So personally, I didn't have anything stolen or a fight or anything like that. But I met my fair share of criminals in this country. Boiler room guys, an international weapons dealer, a loan shark, and others. I guess a big part about our safety is where we live and with which people we mix. I never lived in a dangerous neighborhood. And I avoid suspicious characters.
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