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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Just ask your local motorcycle riders. They know.
  2. What do you want in life? What are your priorities? And why do you work so hard? Do you like the work so much? Do you like making a lot of money? If yes, for what? Or do you work so hard because you want to have a reason not to do something else, like spending time with other humans? I don't expect any answers from you. They idea is that you should think about these questions. And that will help you to understand yourself better.
  3. As far as I know there are things like that with a couple of villas all in one compound. I don't think it's called condominium but as far as I know foreigners can buy it like condominiums.
  4. Please pin also a sentence like this: Don't mess around with mains if you don't know what you are doing. It could kill you. That will answer at least half the questions in this forum.
  5. Just agree with them on a table when you walk in. In my experience in more expensive places someone walks you to a table, and you can select different tables. And in not so expensive places it is often: Sit wherever you want.
  6. I am pretty sure I did this when I was in Thailand. But probably I used an address from over there.
  7. Maybe they should convince their family member "boss" to come to Thailand and let a judge decide. Or is too much transparency against the family ethics?
  8. Obviously you shouldn't sit on a table for 6 is you are alone. When I go to a restaurant, then likely they will direct me to a table. If I like it, fine. If not, then I suggest another table. Most of the time they let me sit wherever I want to sit. Why don't you ask the when you come inside? It should be possible to agree on a table which you like and they like. In Thailand, I wouldn't insist on sitting where you want to sit and they don't want you to sit. Otherwise don't be surprised if the food somehow tastes funny.
  9. I don't think so. I you think any transaction on your credit card is fraudulent, then contact your cc company right away. As far as I know you don't have to pay if it was fraudulent.
  10. I only used it in the way that I pay bills with PayPal (Europe). And my Thai credit card is connected to that PayPal account. So in the moment when I buy something with my PayPal the money is charged to my Thai credit card. I never tried it the other way around and I don't see a reason to do that. I have a work permit and Non-B visa in Thailand. With that it is easy to open and bank account and get a credit card.
  11. It is used manually like cutting a thread.
  12. I opened a PayPal account in my home country in Europe (with a different email address). It is connected to my Thai VISA credit card. I use it from time to time and it works fine.
  13. That was a message to you not to go back to that place. Don't be surprised if you will receive that message in several places when they get to know you.
  14. Do you want to add a valve again after you remove the old one? In that case it might be better to open a little of the wall and replace the pipe to be sure it will be reliable. Imagine you spend time with this only to find out that it won't seal correctly.
  15. Let me correct that for you. My experience with some sellers on Lazada is that with technical goods they often don't seem to understand what they are selling.,
  16. Please, don't use the word value. The retail price might be 2 million. The value of this crap is probably near to zero.
  17. Yes, that's what you do. About the prices, it seems many hospitals are getting more luxurious all the time. I used to go to BNH when it was relatively simple. The last time I looked, it was more like a 5-star hotel lobby. I can recommend this one, a little out of town: https://www.vibhavadi.com/ The prices are reasonable, and they have some good doctors. In general, many doctors who work in hospitals, including the big and expensive hospitals, also have their own clinics. Their prices in their own clinics are a lot cheaper than in the hospital. When you look at the schedule in the hospitals you will see that many doctors only work there for a few days a week. That's why. For future appointments, be aware that often you can't expect a certain time, even if that is on your paper for the appointment. Maybe you have an appointment at 9am. Maybe 10 other people will also have an appointment with the same doctor on the same day at 9am. And then they are treated in the order they arrive. I don't think this is the same in every hospital, ask.
  18. The easiest way is to go directly to a hospital. Tell the reception ladies what hurts, and they will tell you to which counter you should go to see a doctor. Bring your passport to be able to register. And be aware that this costs money. Some hospitals are very expensive, and their primary goal is to make as much money as possible. If they can give you 10 tests and can charge you 50k for that then they will (try to) do that. So, ask what is necessary and think twice to which hospital you go.
  19. Sorry, I made a big mistake. Obviously, nobody would have to get their phone out (of the pocket). They would all have it in their hand already.
  20. How would they know that if the guard discovered him only when he drowned already some time ago.
  21. To be fair, when now 10 young people would see somebody drowning, then probably more than half of them would act quickly. Get that phone out and record the incident and then put it on Insta or so to have that viral video...
  22. I love good coffee, or to be exact good espresso. It must be black and strong, and other things. Just looking at the picture above that is about as bad as it gets. Maybe weak americano with extra water. Or I would call it water with a little bit of coffee taste. Who wants to drink weak brown water?
  23. And don't forget that the USA is full of Americans. Just looking at what they think are the best possible choices to run their country tells us a lot about them. About 70,000,000 are mental, and many others are also not much better. No, thank you, not that one.
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