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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I am sure her "intelligence" to influence men to do what she wants is a lot higher than those of most feminist. ???? P.S.: Lunch break
  2. I think it's a lot easier to find common attributes for Thai women as one group and American women as another group. They are definitely very different from each other - at least in general. I guess if it doesn't make sense to even try to find common attributes for all intelligent women, independent of their nationality or upbringing, etc. One attribute might be that women with high IQ are more likely to study i.e. mathematics. But as far as I see that is pretty obvious and it doesn't help us to know more details about something like this. My personal summary about women is: I like cute girls who don't behave like feminists. It's even better if they never heard about feminism. And even if some of them are not as intelligent than some feminists might be I would never prefer a (western) feminist. Let those feminists play with each other and complain about all those bad men. It seems that is what they like to do. Does her IQ really matter?
  3. I will try to answer/comment on some of this. I think often there is good and bad combined in many of us, maybe even all of us. I.e. I know an intelligent guy who seems to be a nice guy. I also know that he used to run a criminal business ripping off what he would call stupid people who asked for it. And is being good for individuals always better than being bad? I.e. some people are rich because they convinced idiots to invest money with crazy and unrealistic promises. Is that bad? At least in this forum many people laugh about idiots who lose their money because they wanted to make 50% profit is a month. Sometimes I think it's difficult for us if someone is good or bad, or both, but as long as he is good in regards to us we don't really care about the bad side. Did you ever participate in a comprehensive intelligence test? It goes on for hours and contains many aspects of intelligence. People with high IQ don't have to be top in all tests. As far as I know if they are very good in some tests they can be bad in other tests and still are all together considered high intelligent people. And intelligence <> knowledge. I.e. maybe an intelligent person is convinced to invest in something because he has no or little knowledge about (that specific) investment. And it doesn't really matter if that investment is in cryptocurrency or a coffee shop or a fish farm. And now enough of this (at least for the moment). I have to use my intelligence to do some work for which I get paid.
  4. Is that a fault of intelligent people? Or is the problem that there are more people who believe some crazy things and not enough intelligent people to educate all those believers.
  5. This is a complex subject, as you know. Intelligence is necessary for many task/jobs to be able to understand what's going on and to decide what to do. And I am sure intelligence brings good and bad people in positions to be able to do something - good or bad. I never thought much about it because it is like it is. Like the sun will rise tomorrow, there is not much point thinking about it. Personally I am sure I have more intelligent friends than not so intelligent people (lets be nice and call IQ 100 people not stupid). I also know some people who I like and who I am pretty sure are not very bright. I.e. one of them if feeding animals. It seems he loves that job and is happy with it. On the other hand I am often enough upset with "idiots". It might be the way they drive, it might be how they (try to) work, etc.. So all in all I wouldn't mind if more humans would be a lot more intelligent than they are. It seems IQ is the most researched subject in psychology. And it seems IQ is relative speaking the best matching criteria for success. Not the only criteria, but from all the criteria the most significant.
  6. Is this one of these modern "they attacked them" stories with only two people involved but lots of stupid pronouns?
  7. As far as I remember I met 3 TV members in real life. But I guess in reality I met many more but I don't know their user names here. And if someone in real life would ask me about my user name in this and some other forums I would think twice if I would tell them. Sometimes it's nice to be (relative) anonymous.
  8. You need a directional antenna. Maybe one will do the job. Or maybe you need directional antennae on both sites. Google: WLAN directional antenna and you will find DIY and ready made solutions This is a sample. I have no idea how good or bad this antenna is. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/can-wholesale-24g-58g-12db-high-gain-wifi-enhanced-receiving-and-transmitting-signal-wireless-image-transmission-aerial-photography-directional-antenna-i2813430026-s10256371544.html
  9. @OneMoreFarangWhat about this confuses you? First, I agree that if someone is intelligent this does not mean he must be a good or a bad person. What confuses me is why you think so many intelligent people have set the world on fire. Obviously I don't know all the IQs of many people who did a lot of good or a lot of bad things. If you ask me about intelligent people then people like Newton and Einstein come to my mind. But also a couple of my friends. I am sure lots of intelligent people did lots of good things in this world. I am also sure some intelligent people did bad things. Did more intelligent people do bad things than good things? I don't think so but I don't know.
  10. What are you willing to pay? I am sure some of the cute girls who are willing to do a lot for amount X are willing to do less for 1/2 X. But don't expect a great massage from a cute girl for the price which you would pay for an old woman. Just walk along those places which officially offer a massage and look for a girl which is according to your taste. And then ask her for a massage. And if she tries to do anything more then tell her you love your wife too much and you can't do that or whatever. I am sure she won't force you to have a happy ending.
  11. Do you really plan a month or more ahead where you will drink and eat in Pattaya in your extended holiday? Personally when I go out then it's something like: Let's go to Soi 6. And then: Lets have a look in here and maybe an hour later: Lets go out and visit another place. Too much planning doesn't make it any better.
  12. I know there is a difference and if necessary I look it up. But I have to admit I use statistical terms so seldom that I don't really know which term is correct in this case without looking it up. We all know what Carlin had in mind and unfortunately it is very true.
  13. Let me answer that from my subjective view. I see from time to time gay people in "my" building, maybe in coffee shops or restaurants, etc. Sometimes I talk to them just like anybody else. No problem. But then there are those who seem to promote their lifestyle. And some do that as crass as possible and as much in your face as possible. I think those people make the situation worse. It's like radical feminists or radical animal lovers etc. Somehow some of them seem to think if they just shout loud enough then they will be successful. I don't think so.
  14. One of my favorite quotes is this one: “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” George Carlin
  15. If you would want to "relocate", would you really look for the "best" location? Or would you think i.e. about Cambodia or Lao (just examples) and then try to find out more about those places? I.e. Norway can be top of the best whatever list and I would never think about moving to such a cold country. Also just an example.
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