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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. And almost all of them can be and are replaced individually.
  2. You can do much of what you want to do by opening a company, getting a work permit, etc. This takes a couple of months and then you are ready for business. Reading your post above it seems like you think it is easy to become a Thai citizen. Think again!
  3. I am not a legal expert, but I doubt you need a work permit to inspect your own condominium or show it to someone who wants to rent it. If you own many, and if that is your business, that is a different situation. And then, how often does anybody check the work permit. I work since almost 30 years in Thailand. I never had to show my work permit unexpectedly to anybody. Only for official use when I had to go to immigration, etc.
  4. I guess he might mix up some words like paying rent and regular payments to buy something. For some of us English language difficult language. 😉
  5. The beauty of the ICE engines is that they consist of many many part which can often be replaced individually.
  6. Thanks for your insider knowledge. Good that we have experts like you in this forum who know everything.
  7. Let's say it like this: I have some experience with repairing bikes and cars, I learned something with electronics, and the last 30 years I work with computers. Many mechanical parts can be tested, i.e. compression testing, looking into each cylinder (sparkplug hole), etc. A couple of hours will reveal a huge percentage of possible problems. And if the engine is overall in good condition, then it is very unlikely that all looks good but the parts which you don't see will suddenly fail. Electrics will slowly deteriorate. And parts can and do fail suddenly. But often electronic devices can be repaired by experets. And then there are computers. They are often so complex that it is difficult to analyze what is wrong. And with software, look at all the bug and hacks. And then there are EVs and big, large sealed batteries. The batteries have some mechanical parts, some electrical parts, and a computer. And they are all sealed in one package which can't be opened and the individual components in the battery can't be repaired. One little part fails, and maybe the battery is dead. And about the tests: Do you remember how VW handled tests? That's what software is good for... Obviously that all doesn't mean batteries have to fail early. But it is pretty sure they will fail. The question is when. And then they have to be replaced or the whole vehicle has only scrap value.
  8. It's organized. And it wouldn't happen if the authorities wouldn't let it happen. Someone makes a lot of money, and it's not the sellers on the streets.
  9. How about removing all those taxi-no-meter from the streets. It would clear up a lot of space which would be good for the traffic flow. And in times with not so much traffic it could be used for street vendors.
  10. If you open the hood of a car and maybe look under it then an expert can see lots of things. With the battery you see almost nothing. And what you see is from a chip which could possibly be hacked.
  11. Yeah. And don't forget the battery. It is not a moving part. But it can and will fail. It's only a question of when. And if it fails, it is often so expensive that this is considered a write-off - it doesn't make sense to fix the car is such a condition. All in all, I keep an open mind. In the moment I wouldn't buy an EV, and I see many problems with them. Maybe in a decade or two the situation is better. Maybe there will be better technologies in the future. We will see.
  12. Sorry, I am not able to follow your math. And is the approximate maximum capacity compared to new the only important criteria for you?
  13. The problem is more with her brain and her father and family. The fact that she promotes pride is obviously also concerning.
  14. How would those organizations be able to know the accurate information i.e. how often a battery was charged and how? If that information is encrypted, and probably copyright protected, they won't be able to get the real information. TUEV and others can test how a battery performs at the moment when they test it. And the regular TUEV inspections in Germany are about safety of cars. A car can be safe and pass the test. That doesn't mean that maybe a week later it won't function anymore.
  15. Significant, really? Did she ever do anything significant in her life?
  16. It seems you don't know what a motorcycle is. You could look it up. It's not so difficult.
  17. And then next maybe bicycles, and pedestrians, and people in wheelchairs? Why don't we concentrate on what this is now about? Motorcycles.
  18. And then are there some people whose IQ is even worse. They don't even understand the obvious.
  19. I think they are somehow funny. They want to call things with no meat in it burger and sausages, etc. 555 If they want to eat burger and sausages, why don't they just do that. I knew one of those vegans. Basically, he was a nice guy, except from his talks that his food is so healthy. Now I don't see him anymore, he died (not an accident).
  20. Looking at the picture above, I can only hope that the one in yellow will never ever become PM of Thailand. Maybe she should spend time playing with her kids. Because her father, the criminal, who promised to play with his grandkids, has obviously no time for that.
  21. And how many of the yellow shirts do you think would buy rotten Thaksin rice?
  22. Just sell it in small bags in all those red villages to the red-shirts. Add a picture of Thaksin on the bag and they will all buy it.
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