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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. There is a huge difference if people adapt to new things and copy things or if someone else tells them what to do. I.e. some Thais now also eat burgers from time to time. But mostly they still eat Thai food, and often very spicy. Looking at the USA, they are sure different. Personally, I love living in Thailand and I don't think I will ever go to the USA. They are just too different - at least what I see in the news.
  2. I used Philips Leaf for everything. Good quality and they look good.
  3. Part of the problem might also be that few people know how to do that. Who helped already anybody with a flat battery or was helped? I know, it's not rocket science. But things can go wrong. And people might connect the cables incorrectly. And these days with cars full of electronics I wouldn't want to be the guy who just created a shortcut and destroyed half the electronic.
  4. Some high-quality Thai restaurants have a no MSG policy. They don't have it; it will never be used. And the food tastes great - even for Thai people.
  5. It's almost funny when lots of farangs, who decided to live in Thailand, tell us all what Thais should do and not do. Do you think Thais will listen? Thanks, farang, for you great advise. Thanks that you teach us how to live. Really? And then there are of course those foreigners who want to live in our home countries. Bastards! They just don't listen. And some have this attitude that they coitizes the way we live and our tradition. Throw them all out! Scum of the earth. How dare they do that. Now, do you notice a little discrepancy?
  6. How Healthy Is Thai Food? As healthy as farang food. It depends on the ingredients and the cook. Street vendors have to offer their food at competitive prices. If they would use high quality ingredients, then they wouldn't make any money.
  7. What do you think would have happened if two Thai guys would have behaved like that? I am pretty sure they would also have received the same treatment - except they had an important father or so. Thais react with violence because they know the police does little to nothing. And they do it with other Thais and foreigners. Do I like it? Let's say it like this: I like that the bad guys are punished, and someone takes care that there is little or no trouble. If the police do that, fine. If the police don't do it and someone else "solves" those issues, that's also fine with me. Sometimes I see on YouTube videos where criminals in the USA rob stores. And nothing happens. And if the police arrest someone, then often the judges release the bad guys on the same day or within a day or two. And then the bad guys do it again. And again. Would the bad guys do it again and again if they were locked up? No. Would the bad guys do it again and again if they would know they would get beaten up, possible with fractures and hospital visits. No. People who behave don't have to worry that they get punished for no reason.
  8. It's almost funny when one day there is suddenly an article that the SIM owner and account owner must match. At least I never heard/read before that anybody was planning someting like that. And then, a day later, there is another article that in the moment it doesn't really matter. TiT
  9. You are guilty! But did you hear about paper bags and pastries...
  10. And then, in your and my home country, there are laws, which are enforced by the police. In our home countries the police are not regularly paid by all those bars to look the other way. And the bad guys are punished in front of a judge, after they are arrested by the police. Yes, our home countries are different. I came to Thailand before videos on the internet. I don't think I would not have visited Thailand if I would have seen that misbehaving aholes are beaten up. Living in Thailand for decades, I don't be afraid to go anywhere into a nightlife area, because I know the guards will make sure there is no trouble. And because I pay my bills and don't upset the girls, I don't fear any problems with the guards. The Thai punishment system has one big advantage. Punishment is done within minutes. Problem solved.
  11. "Some Like it Hot" Yes, but the chicken with cashew nuts (at least that is what I think it is) in the picture is not hot. Those chilies are harmless.
  12. What a strange behavior. She dropped it...
  13. It seems the authorities somehow didn't notice that some loan shark is operating at least for 12 years. How did that happen? Are they all blind? Or is it possible that somehow, they deliberately didn't notice what happened for many years? In other words: All these illegal loan sharks would not exist if they wouldn't have the blessing of the local influential people. Or of course the influential people are at the same time the loan sharks. TiT.
  14. Another option is that after you pay you go right away to the tourist police. I read about that about Patpong many years ago. It seems the tourist police does help tourist in such situations - or at least they did some time ago.
  15. Really? Let's say you punch me, and I fall down and hit my head on a stone, and I need hospital treatment. Are you guilty and should the police arrest you? Would it matter if I told your gf that she is an ugly slut? And I told you that you are a little pu&$y? Personally, I think if I would do that then you would have a good reason to punch me. What do you think? Sorry, the above is not personal, just a clear example.
  16. Thanks for the reply. I should have written that I am not aware of any farang being attacked by the guards for no reason. I try not to get involved in what Thai people do with each other. They have some "rules" which I just don't understand. I.e. a long time ago the sister of my gf borrowed money from someone in a bar. And then the sister didn't go back to that bar. My gf was approached to pay what the sister should have paid. And my gf settled the bill. Was that fair? I don't think so. But I gave up finding logic in Thai behavior.
  17. If I remember the same incident with the couple and their son, I think I remember they started the problem. But obviously that was one of those videos which starts with the Thai guys punching and not the minute or two before that. There is a lot of creative editing going on. No, it couldn't easily happen to me. I pay my bills, I make sure the girls get their drinks and tips, and at least some of the owners, managers and guards know me. No problem.
  18. I just have to look at the news to see how f$*& up they are over there. If Russia or China decided 20 years ago to destroy the USA from within inside, they couldn't have done a better job.
  19. So, do you think it is acceptable when the USA invades other countries and overthrows their governments? Or do you believe they only do it to bring freedom and democracy?
  20. I have to admit I prefer three Thai guys beating up one guy for a good reason compared to one bad guy beating up someone else for no good reason.
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