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Posts posted by bradiston

  1. 3 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    There are other ramifications.

    Some (most) agents in Pattaya send pp up country for stamps.

    That can cause issue for eg 90 reports.

    Yes sure agent can do that.

    Becomes more problematic with things such as pp renewal... certificate of residence, TDL renewal etc etc

    I think you're making it seem complicated. I renewed my 12 month extension a week ago. 10 minutes in her shop (ok, I was lucky), 5 minutes in the bank (ditto), 5 minutes in Soi 5 (shouldn't have to wait). Altogether less than an hour (I like to "nang len" ie sit around and chat). No queuing at IO. Just a photo. Straight in and out. Up to 3 months before renewal date. New one commences on date of expiry of current one.


    90 days can do online. Sure, the other stuff's a PITA, as you say for TDL renewal, but they don't offer that service, though it is available in Pattaya (sorry, going off topic).


    Anyway, everyone's MWV (mileage will vary).

  2. I see a Chinese owned and run airport emerging. Would be an ideal logistics hub for them. Maybe lease a part of it back to Thailand. But mainly it'll be Chinese airlines, businesses, workers, staff, imports/exports, housing, casinos, entertainment complexes, shopping malls... You name it. They have the knowhow, the money, and the manpower. Thailand appears to have none of these. Welcome to Chiland.

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  3. 29 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    The OP is not in Pattaya and did not indicate intention to use Pattaya agent.

    What eg Maneerat can do in Pattaya cannot be done in Bangkok 

    He asks for visa agent recommendations in Thailand. A bus trip or taxi ride  to Pattaya from Bangkok doesn't cost the earth. Certainly not 10,000 THB.

    • Like 1
  4. 14 hours ago, Taboo2 said:



    I guess these More Runs did not read the instructions on what to do in Thailand, before heading to that Island.  


    I do hope they enjoy their stay in prison.  I hear the food and AC is the best in S.E. Asia.


    Where is the GoFund Me page....555555.

    AN labels this a "Popular Post" with 1 Sad and 5 Confused emojis out of a total of 9.

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  5. 4 hours ago, Lokie said:

    Comrade Starmer & his band of loony lefties - While Rome Burns...


    No excuse for looting or violence, but normal brits have had enough! Also Irish feel same in Eire, been simmering for years


    Half the Police are at odds with it all but have to follow orders... They simply will nit have the resources to quell across the Nation... Troops on the streets if UK?? Way to Go Labour... Starmer is living in another dimension, he has no idea of what the person in the street feels, nore do they care

    I see this bs repeated all over the forums. The Tories were in for over 10 years. Labour for 10 weeks. And suddenly it's all Labour's fault. What utter rubbish.

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  6. 49 minutes ago, Celsius said:


    In Thailand you pay taxes even if you have losses.




    This is why this country is garbage. 

    In Philippines, Capital Gains Tax is applied simply as a sales tax. It's a complete misnomer. There's no allowance for original cost nor cost of improvements, eg building a house. You buy land, you build a house, you sell same. You get taxed on the sale price.

  7. 44 minutes ago, Grusa said:

    It's also why insurance companies will do anything........ anything.........to avoid paying out!

    Well, it seems reading this forum, property owners will do anything, ANYTHING, to avoid paying out also. And really small sums. The insurers could face very large bills on a significant claim, as would the owner if not insured. Is you'd rather face a bill of 7.5m THB to rebuild your house, rather than 7.5k, up to you! However, if you don't have a broker you can trust, English speaking European maybe, but not necessarily, then I would also be extremely hesitant about it.

  8. On 7/24/2024 at 7:38 PM, London Lowf said:


    Exactly  - when you take out insurance you are betting that you will have a fire/flood/theft and that is when you win - the insurance company is effectiverly betting that none of that will happen. Overall, the insurance companies win and that is why they are profitable - the policyholders are the losers.



    I don't see it as a bet. It's risk insurance. If the risk is high or even just a possibility, then it's worth insuring against it happening. Insurers assess the risk. But they don't offer you odds on it happening. They might compute the odds, but it's vastly more complex than that I think.


    I owned a 3 storey house on a remote island which I rented out, quite profitably. The insurance was ~7,500 THB pa with AXA. It included, although never tested, public liability insurance, which is quite hard to come by here, in case a guest suffered an injury through my negligence for instance. I let mostly to Europeans amongst whom were all sorts of clever "scammers", people out to argue every inch of the way about this, that and the other. The top floor of the house was almost entirely made of wood. The house was insured on a like for like basis, so covered a complete rebuild. I never had to make a claim, but for 7,500 a year, when I was charging near that per night...well, would you stick with "insurance is just a scam"?

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, chiang mai said:

    I finally stopped buying house insurance here, even though it is only 5k per year. The house is not covered for storm damage, if the storm is announced in advance by the weather people, just one example of get out clauses in their policies. @kickstart please note

    That's about the stupidest thing I ever read. So what are you supposed to do in the event there is a storm warning? Move the house out of the storm path?

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  10. 2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    And then there is a lot in between those extremes.

    From far away it seems to me that many on the right see only the extreme left. And many on the left see only the extreme right.

    Wouldn't it be wonderful if those people in the middle could cooperate to oppose those extremes on the left and extremes on the right? 

    Quite so. But you risk getting caught in the crossfire when the Hillys open fire on the Billys, or vice versa. Now they've been warring for years, so it's not your business. It'll never end until they've all died out. Best leave them to it.

  11. On 7/25/2024 at 9:10 PM, Yellowtail said:

    Liberals are not leftists, I am a liberal. 


    The problem is that most liberals vote for leftists, and believe what the leftists tell them. 


    Most every non=Trump supporter on here says Trump is Hitler, a dictator, a rapist and all this other nonsense.


    Yeah, he's pompous and braggadocios and says some stupid stuff, but he is the only Republican Presidential candidate since Reagan that has not caved to the media/left (redundant). 


    I do not love Trump, and, and there are any number of people I would vote for than Trump, but I do not have that option. 90% of what you have heard about Trump is not true.



    I'm relieved to read that last remark. The remaining 10% is bad enough.

  12. On 7/25/2024 at 5:00 PM, OneMoreFarang said:


    I guess the woke idiots and DEI crowd and all those are summarized as The Left.

    Then there are those who want unlimited immigration, no police anymore, nobody gets arrested, and all that.

    And let's not forget the idiots who don't know what a woman is.

    Personally, I think they should just be called Idiots. 

    So let's start at the other end. Unwoke is what? Not woken up? Unenlightened? Living in the dark ages? Stupid? Thick? Inbred? Moronic? Sad act? Yeah, all of that. MAGAFANS are unwoke army recruits yet to undergo maggering. Maggerization, the removal of any functioning brain tissue, leading to imbecility and megaduh!

  13. On 7/25/2024 at 3:35 PM, Yellowtail said:

    Well, except for getting fined, he sounds like a leftist. Leftists never have to suffer the consequences of the conspiracy theories they promote. Their control of the courts sees to that.



    What a ridiculous comment. Deflecting. And you obviously haven't read up on this utterly obnoxious slob. And that goes for all your sad act emoji givers.

  14. 7 hours ago, ChicagoExpat said:

    What a silly post; I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that such sloppy thinking was due to being in a hurry.  I'm not insisting on anything and go ahead, try to find any post where I used those terms.  I'm pointing out the flaws in what you posted -- that there is no American Left because it doesn't conform to a European model.

    Point well made, and well taken. I guess I've been on this forum too long reading endless flames and trolls. Yes, I'm sure there is an American left, and thanks for pointing it out. I hope it comes to the fore in the coming months! I'd love to read what they have to say.

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  15. 4 minutes ago, BigStar said:


    Under the current regime?🤣 Much worse than during Trump's presidency, as so many voters have come to appreciate. So that seems promising going forward with the platform. Fortunately, as the satirical Babylon Bee reports,


    Party Cheating In Primary Election Promises They Will Definitely Not Cheat In General Election


    So Vance may continue the platform another 8 years. In MAGA we trust, eh?






    It's funny how hated Trump is overseas, so it's difficult to imagine how I'll be better off with him as lotus. But I like to keep an open mind, and am very intrigued to know, if he wins, how he will pick up with Xi and the Big Poot. I think 3 is definitely better than two when it comes to superpowers slugging it out. It's the only reason I'm interested in the result. American domestic politics don't interest me. It's where the nastiest and most bitter clashes occur it seems, from a stranger's perspective. I only wish all Americans the best of luck. I have immense respect for them, despite what I might say on this forum, where it can get extremely provocative. I have American friends I met out here. Nothing but total respect. The best of the best!

  16. 2 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Does operating a noisy bike contravene visa/permission to stay conditions?

    Despite it being extremely anti social and incredibly annoying to the point where I'm reaching for my Magnum .44, it's no more than what thousands of Thai wai loon do, and many foreigners of many nationalities and age groups also. Easy to stand unseen up on Sukhumvit or wherever with a noise meter and flag them as they race past and catch them down the road. 1000 THB fine and present the bike within a week to check no more mods.

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  17. 22 hours ago, Barry864 said:

    Hi to all,

    I need to make a transfer of about 500,000 THB from my THB  BKK Bank account to a UK GBP account.

    Is it cheaper to do it through deemoney rather than my bank's SWIFT transfer ?

    Is Deemoney reliable ?

    How fast is it nowadays ? I have seen posts from earlier this month citing long delays. Any problems still with that recent IT outage ?

    TIA for your replies

    I think if you have a Wise sterling account, which will have a UK sort code and account number, you can withdraw the THB using Dee into that account at Wise's rates, then shift the £ into your UK bank.

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