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Posts posted by bradiston

  1. 2 hours ago, morrobay said:

    The last bottom photo is what just has to go. These people just cannot stop screwing this place up.

    So according to the first 2 photos, it's started. What's the plan? I never did find out. Uprooting trees not a good sign.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  2. 4 minutes ago, superal said:

    Same for me , starting at 7 pm onwards . If I wake early , as I did this morning at 02 00 am , I was able to watch the QPRv LEEDS game without buffering . But that is not consistent as the buffering can happen at any time . I am not using my vpn when watching  the TV . Speed tests when using my vpn can result in kbps only .

    Who's your internet provider?

  3. 1 hour ago, candide said:

    As I expected, it originates from the BildZeitung! 🤣



    The Daily Mail (which is the source of the OP) added an extra level of distortion and confusion, as it tends to presents statements by an anonymous "Staatschutzer" in a way they can be confused with findings of the study. the Daily Mail also doesn't highlights that it was a survey among Muslim students.

    Gosh, the Daily Mail has even less professional ethics that the Bildzeitung. 😆

    Oh and It's also written in the BZ that the sample is not representative.

    Thanks. Very enlightening.

  4. 1 minute ago, xylophone said:

    I'm not sure if this is exactly the same problem as is being discussed here, but I've noticed over the past few days that even using my Smart DNS Proxy VPN to access BBC iPlayer, I am getting some buffering as well as a poor picture at times?


    I am with 3BB and have never had a problem in the past and I wondered if the BBC had cottoned on to Smart DNS?? However Smart DNS does have an additional "app" in which you can select the country you wish to connect to, and when I have used this for the BBC iPlayer, lo and behold, I get a perfect picture!


    Of course it could still be a 3BB problem because I have noticed some line work going on around the place??

    There is, or was, a thread commenting on 3bb and unusable bandwidth. They were blaming it on damaged undersea cables, but since then things have improved, at least for me. There still are intermittent problems, often around 10pm and onwards for a few hours. But generally they seem to have found a way (route?) around it. Watching the snooker can entail trying different channels.

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  5. 3 hours ago, JimTripper said:

    See all those businesses that lay a mat over the metal grill on the sidewalk? (especially massage shops). That's open sewer, not rain drains. They are trying to block the smell.

    Agreed. There are a few around Pratamnak too. If the stench doesn't drive tourists away maybe it's just worse back home.

    • Haha 1
  6. 14 minutes ago, LALes said:

    We who live near Beach Rd. love those speed bumps.  Keeps all the loud racers from disturbing the peace.  Actually, we could use a few more of them.

    Sure, those are the regular large ones I suspect. I think the poster was referring to the recently added narrow ones.

    • Agree 1
  7. 13 hours ago, Hakuna Matata said:

    Of course, any prosecution of a politician is described by the defense as a politically motivated witch hunt. I know if the cops come after me, I'll be shouting the same. Pee! Pee! Pee!

  8. 7 minutes ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    Recently they've put in annoying little speed bumps, every few hundred metres all along the road. 



    Funny you mention that. I was going to include it, but it seems they've flattened most of them out. I think it was the electric company or maybe city hall running lighting cables across the road and just not finishing the job immediately, maybe letting the tarmac set. They were a nightmare on a bike. Black, invisible and quite a nasty jolt. I quite enjoy my 2am trips down to Pu pen and then left up to Sukhumvit past the nasty biting dogs. I'm always amazed at the condos down there, and on the Na Jomtien end of Second Rd. Look like quality.

  9. I've been pulled twice in the last few weeks. Thank heavens I went dry years ago. They put the straw on me the first time. The second, I was weeded out from a whole queue of bikes and cars. "Dink mai?". "Who me, guv?". "Ok, you go". And go I did. Gotta love the police here!


    On a separate note. I was in my lawyer's office today. A conveyancing job. But we got talking. She says every day she has to go to court to defend foreigners, at least 2 or 3 a day. She doesn't do criminal, just civil, usually claims and counter claims after RTAs. D and D. Drink driving. All the stuff you read about here.


    Scary thought though. I figured fear is a man's best friend. She agreed. Arrested, held for 21 days, passport withheld, visa expires, and so it goes on. It's all your problem.

  10. 8 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    They were never a German ally. The division of Poland was done to create a buffer and gain time.

    They certainly were allies. The Ribbentrop/Molotov pact stated just that. Create a buffer? Against whom? And gain time? Over whom? So dividing up Poland was perfectly acceptable? All that crap from Medvedev and Putin about being the saviours of Europe? Then carving off an enormous chunk of people and territory who in no way wanted anything to do with the hated Soviets. Plus ça change. They're hated everywhere and quite deservedly.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. 6 hours ago, Roo Island said:

    No comparison. Russia had very powerful allies that were in the war. Ukraine is only getting funding. No troops from other countries with boots on the ground.



    What I meant was, the USSR initially, in 1939, was an ally of Germany and invaded Poland alongside Germany. The only reason they switched sides was because Hitler invaded Russia. That's why they say "Can't trust Putin any more than you could trust Hitler".

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