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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. It has indeed been misinterpreted by the covid deniers as signalling the falsity of the RT-PCR test. There are numerous updates to this release also, here, which exposes their misinformation. Here's one: https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/eua-withdrawal-for-cdc-covid-19-pcr-test-is-due-to-the-development-of-newer-tests-that-help-save-time-and-resources-not-because-the-test-is-faulty/ Here's another: https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-covid19-pcr-test-idUSL1N2P42U5 You can Google it yourself. The CDC never stated anywhere it was a broken or inadequate test, just that there was a new test which incorporated a test for the flu virusas well. Please retract your beastly accusations.
  2. Not to mention (according to the article) "Other promising businesses for the coming year include pharmaceutical and health products, food supplements and health food, processed rubber products, processed food, content provision, pet products, packaging, electronics, automobiles and the horizontal real estate business." plus several others. Hedging their bets I guess. Well, not a bad strategy! BTW, what is an "horizontal real estate business"?
  3. Apologies for singling out a rather minor detail from a very interesting post, but I wonder what the 18,000 THB's worth of medication consisted of?
  4. There is. It's here (in the US at least) already: https://www.cdc.gov/csels/dls/locs/2021/07-21-2021-lab-alert-Changes_CDC_RT-PCR_SARS-CoV-2_Testing_1.html
  5. I'm almost 100% certain a 3rd Sinovac shot, after 2 previous, is not being offered in Thailand, nor perhaps anywhere else in the world. Until Omicron, 2 shots with a follow up of anything but, reportedly gave extremely good protection. I had a link but have lost it. But, I'm living proof! 2 Sinovac plus 1 AstraZaneca. Mix and match is the way forward, it seems.
  6. Unfortunately the article has no links to any sources. It mentions "a large test in Hong Kong" but nothing more. Junk journalism. It does admit that only 25% of people injected with Pfizer have any antibodies against Omicron. Again, no sources, no links, no references. Mark as fake. Ans what's with the "crappy vaccines used in Thailand" comment? Were you here in March 2020?
  7. "Falling ill" is too loose a term. If they return a positive test, they are obliged to stay at home. That's the problem. They might well feel fine. It's the shortage of hospital staff that has become the problem now, not the queues of sick people, surely.
  8. Most Sinovac receptors have had a second or third shot of one of the other vaccines. Everyone, whatever their initial shot(s), is having to be revaccinated. Western worshippers included.
  9. That seems to have been the attitude of the staff at Homepro, but I challenged it because assuming they're telling you the whole story is foolish. They want the sale and you out of there ASAP IME. Anyway, I've got the receipt, so...
  10. Where is it reported that he/she/they hasn't/haven't thanked them? They appear to have complied willingly with everything they've been required to do so far. You're reading your own script, one which seems full of anger and indignation. I wonder why?
  11. You mean "Very few people reporting to other offices have had the same problem". Is that correct? Sorry UJ! No disrespect!
  12. Are we reading from the same page? This is the Danish couple we're talking about, right?
  13. "The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) is providing the vaccination service for Thais and foreigners in Bang Khae district, free of charge, in the parking lot of The Mall Bang Khae on 27 and 29 December 2021, from 09.00 to 16.00 hr. The service is available for the first, second, and third dose of AstraZeneca. Those who are interested may register at the The Mall. The service will be able to inoculate up to 1,500 persons per day. Source: กรุงเทพมหานคร โดยสำนักงานประชาสัมพันธ์" Not much help to you I guess but maybe to someone else.
  14. Yes, I have a jab in the offing at one of the Bangpakok hospitals. I postponed the first date as it was too close to my third jab. Will take next month hopefully, though I don't relish a trip to Bangkok. I think the original deal was, they would offer in the 4th quarter. If your hospital offered the same deal they should refund I think if they can't supply this year.
  15. Not free, but I read there were a lot of Moderna jabs being sold off by people who had booked and prepaid for them, but then got free Pfizer instead. I forget the web or possibly FB page. Somebody else might know. It's entirely legal and approved by the hospitals.
  16. I had to reread the original article to make sure I was seeing the same as everybody else here. 1 The parents don't appear to be angry or resentful. They aren't even complaining, except about TUI. 2 They realise it was rash and ill advised to travel, and have expressed regret. 3 Their advice to everybody is "Don't!" 4 They naturally have concerns about their daughter being alone and out of reach. I just don't understand people's animosity towards them. Thousands decided to travel at this time. They were lucky. Yes, LUCKY! This could have happened to anybody. The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men Gang aft agley, An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain, For promis’d joy! Robbie Burns
  17. I agree, but it was ironic, but also I think it appears in a movie as "Oh, wise guy, huh?", BANG!
  18. As far from the creeps on this thread as possible. So quick to condemn. How many others have arrived in Thailand with no hassle? One family is extremely unfortunate, and suddenly they are the subject of sexist comments, jeering and mockery. A nasty bunch of wise guys if ever there was one. Welcome to expat Thailand - NOT! Enough to put anyone off coming here, forever.
  19. From this article I don't see any evidence of Omicron cases "soaring". The figure they give is what we see everyday. Where's the beef?
  20. Thanks to everybody that replied. It was at Homepro on Klang in Pattaya. Seems from the responses so far that keeping the receipt is of paramount importance. And taking a photocopy maybe, as the ink tends to fade! If anything goes wrong I'll take it back to the shop.
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