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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. You're so far off beam. Where are your sources? A drug addicted what? They found less than a gram of oil. .7g to be precise. How could she be a drug addict and a world class basket ball player? Time to report these outrageous smears and all references to her as a "drug addict".
  2. Not this time. Not a scratch on them. 15-0.
  3. It was never disputed. And it's not Whelan I hate, but the maga fakery that casts him as the rightful release candidate on account of his (fake) marine corps status, his whiteness and his heterosexuality. His record in the MC was a disaster, and his other stories have been discredited. Her record, apart from this episode, was unblemished. Can you at least agree on that?
  4. A Marine Corp vet? With a bad conduct discharge and a court martial? Multiple counts of larceny? And the rest. Can't you read? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Whelan_(security_director)
  5. Well, some on this forum do believe just that, and probably millions around the world. But would any of the 4 governments of the countries for which Whelan has passports really want him back? But you're right about "woke". With the fall of Alex "Woke" Jones, it's come full circle. Woke or joke?
  6. A white heterosexual Marine? Oh boy! "He enlisted in the Marine Corps Reserve in 1994.[7] He took military leave from Kelly Services to serve with the Marine Corps Reserve from 2003 to 2008, including service in Iraq. He held the rank of staff sergeant with Marine Air Control Group 38 working as an administrative clerk and administrative chief, and he was part of Operation Iraqi Freedom.[8] After a court-martial conviction in January 2008 on multiple counts "related to larceny", he was sentenced to 60 days restriction, reduction to pay grade E-4, and a bad conduct discharge.[9][10] The specific charges against him included "attempted larceny, three specifications of dereliction of duty, making a false official statement, wrongfully using another’s social security number, and ten specifications of making and uttering checks without having sufficient funds in his account for payment."[11] "He said in a deposition in 2013 that he holds a bachelor's degree in criminal justice and an MBA degree.[14] He took courses at Northern Michigan University from fall 1988 to fall 1990 without earning a degree.[12]" You can read the whole grisly story here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Whelan_(security_director)
  7. Did you bother reading up on Paul Whelan? Did any of you insane pushers of a completely false narrative bother? He was kicked out of the marines. Why don't you inform yourselves? She won 2 Olympic gold medals playing in the USA women's basketball team. Every year she and a lot of other USA basket ball players used to go to Russia to play in its extremely well paid leagues. What the heck did he do? Got busted for thieving for starters. He's a low life. I wouldn't consider exchanging him for anyone.
  8. It's all that was on offer. Take it or leave it? There's only one choice.
  9. Low life? But the magas love him. They'll put any scumbag candidate up if it stirs the hate pot. Use any fake profile. All you who posted arguing the opposite please take a bow. KhunLA? What do you have to say now? Spouting unresearched, misleading bigotry. Working for Alex Jones right?
  10. Oh, and he has 4 passports, a UK one amongst them, so as a Brit I feel free to comment on this.
  11. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Whelan_(security_director) I see Brittney being described as a low life drug addict. That on its own is libellous, but this guy? Look at his record. It speaks for itself. Got himself into this mess. Quite ridiculous comparison. Thrown out of the marines, where he was just a clerk. And so it goes on. Maga for sure.
  12. "White drug facilitator"? Not heard that one before. Is it wokespeak for meth mule?
  13. Huh? I don't get it. Self congratulations all round. But for what?
  14. I still can't figure out how they located him. The police head honcho stresses how important it is to file a TM30, but the implication is that it wasn't done in this case. Any clues?
  15. Any stats on overstayers? I've not seen any. I don't really get the correlation between having a "developed country to return to" and not overstaying. That country will probably be a lot more expensive to live in with a correspondingly low quality of life for the less well heeled. Plenty of farangs on overstay, plenty of reasons to stay. But not keeping your immigration status up to date - well, you really only have yourself to blame for that. A lot of overseas workers are here as a result of an MoU. They have proper documents. They are in fact probably far more important to the Thai economy than you and I. For all TAT's banging on about quality tourists, quality workers are just as important. In a good year, like before COVID, tourists outnumbered immigrant workers roughly 10 to 1. It would be interesting to see the net contribution both groups made to the Thai GDP, or whatever Index they use for tourism. But assuredly there are a lot of illegal workers doing the very worst jobs, I imagine.
  16. No, and maybe I misunderstood. At that time I had no written agreement with my daughter at all. I had paid for the construction and a short 3 year lease, both in my name. Later, she was able to buy the land. The lease was torn up, and I simply carried on living there. I don't believe my daughter needed to fill in a TM30, but they considered it to be her property and therefore her responsibility. To get rid of them, I just asked how much, and the senior IO said 1600. I got a receipt, and they left. A farce really. They'd come all that way. Just somebody making trouble. I got them back, but that's another long story.
  17. Not so. In my daughter's absence and living in what I considered my house, I had to pay a 1600 THB fine for not having been TM30'd by her. I too was grassed up. I argued it was my house as my name was on the building permit. But it's her land. That's all they were interested in. Just myself and another expat were done that time. They came about 150km just for that, including a 50 minute speedboat ride. Farcical. Enemies all around. Snoids. Only once in 15 years.
  18. Yes, but only one gun retrieved? And all dead? None wounded? In the dark?
  19. If it was dark, how the heck did the Thais manage to shoot dead 15 men out of 20? They only retrieved 1 gun and a hand grenade. Sounds like a complete massacre.
  20. I collected my undelivered and delayed parcel from the Fxxx depot behind Big C off Tai. There were parcels all over the shop, some in discrete piles. But the actual sorting area was just an open loading bay, probably ex-warehouse, so very cheap to rent as a temporary space. A few desks with a couple of laptops. That was it. No office. But with their guidance (aka tracking system ????) I was able to locate and retrieve my package. DIY - it's the only way to go.
  21. Well that's right. No benefits scrounger, he. Otherwise there'd be another 10 pages to this thread.
  22. Actually, before COVID, there were about 4.5 million immigrant workers in Thailand. Now, far less. But where is the evidence to back up your astounding claim that "non (sic) pays any taxes or duties ride bikes and drive cars with fake credentials"? The opening paragraph of the linked pdf file states: "Over the last two decades, Thailand has become a key destination for migrant workers from neighbouring countries and increasingly from further afield across ASEAN. As of August 2022, there were 2,167,937 registered migrant workers in Thailand (Ministry of Labour, 2022). Women and men migrant workers make a substantial contribution to Thailand's economic performance. According to a study by the ILO and OECD, migrants were responsible for 4.3 - 6.6 per cent of Thailand's GDP in 2010, while representing 4.7 per cent of the employed population (ILO/OECD, 2017). These migrants are predominately employed in low-paid jobs, including fishing, agriculture, construction, manufacturing, domestic work, and other services. Thailand is also a country of origin for migrant workers. As of February 2022, 156,818 Thai nationals were based outside Thailand to work abroad (Department of Employment, 2022)." https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---asia/---ro-bangkok/documents/genericdocument/wcms_735108.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj7pKKR3en7AhUu6nMBHR1pASYQFnoECCEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0KIocFzSPVbEenIcike4gA
  23. Depending on your location, locate the nearest Kerry depot and go and pick it up yourself, if at all possible. Same with Flash and all the others. They all use the "recipient rescheduled delivery" trick.
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