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Posts posted by bradiston

  1. I went to my IO at Laem Ngop down in Trad today to check if I needed the 400k in my bank from 1st March. My retirement extension isn't until September. I know about the 800k and will ensure it's in there 3 months prior. But there seems to be some confusion over whether everybody, irrespective of renewal dates, has to have the minimum 400k in, from March 1st 2019. The IOs didn't know either, and rang somebody who also didn't have a clue, so the advice was, put it in, just in case. Well, good advice, no doubt, but I ask you!


    So, does anyone know how the 400k plays out? Does it kick in immediately, or only subsequent to your next extension? If it's the former, have Thai banks suddenly seen an avalanche of deposits? Just <deleted> is the point of all this?

  2. Ha. Judge and jury. Yeah, I'd like to see him closed down. So what? You assume that's out of order. You have no idea what you're taking about. Making trouble over water. What is your problem? For 10 years I paid my bills on time in full, at 40 THB per cm3. The resort owner's well has dried up. He asks his uncle to cut off the foreigners in his resort so they will be forced to fund a new well. My daughter's land is in his wretched resort because he dlsokd it to us 12 years ago, and has bitterly regretted doing so ever since. Not for anything we have done, but because he made a mistake in selling it to us. Now, foreman if the frigging jury, maybe you'd like to reconsider your verdict! Not that I particularly care what conclusion you draw, but please, base it on information you have, not that you're guessing at.

  3. 44 minutes ago, greenchair said:

    Yes, I thought that was your nasty intention. 

    You were lucky enough to get a licence in this country that is not your own. If your resort provides a good service to customers, then you should not be worried about competition. What's the matter? Is the neighbour providing a better service than you? 

    I am one foreigner that would not support you in your heinous plan to get rid of the competition. 

    Leave the neighbours alone. 

    Ah, crossed wires. I have a house, on my daughter's land, situated on his resort. His family cut my water off. I don't need a licence to rent out my house. He does. You've got the wrong guy.

  4. Thanks to everybody who replied. I've had an access footpath since before buying the land (we originally had a lease) which has continued for over 10 years with no dispute. There's nothing in the sale about it, and nothing on the chanote. It seems to be common law - to the nearest public road. We're on a resort. Of course my lawyer should have pointed it out at the time of purchase, when the lease terminated, but nobody does anything here unless asked to. Caveat emptor! The drillers were happy to drill for me, but were scared of upsetting the landowner, who would without any shadow of a doubt, have called the police, and who needs that? Such is life.


    Anyway, I think I have found a way round it. Apart from the resort owner, I have good, friendly neighbours, one of whom also has chanote, and is right on the main road. He's agreed I can drill a well there, and pipe the supply across my friendly neighbours' land to my place. Hopefully it will also supply them too if desired.


    As the freeholder, he could still object to me laying pipes even across my friendly neighbours' land. But why? I don't think he'd have sufficient cause to argue that in front of a judge.


    Thanks once again.

  5. My daughter has chanote on the land our house is on. But we are pretty much surrounded by someone else's land, and that someone else is not at all friendly, to say the least. In fact, quite the opposite.


    I want to drill a water well on our property, so my question is, do I need his permission to cross his land with the rig? I have a path to the road for motorbike and walking access, but it's not wide enough for a rig, and in any case, it's still his land.



  6. It's true. It's sited out on the Hat Lek road (to the Cambodian border) near the bus station. Met a lot of local opposition, but it's an unstoppable juggernaut.

    That's all I know.

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