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Posts posted by bradiston

  1. 28 minutes ago, foreverlomsak said:

    Is there a link available so we can get up to date pictures of the spread, or non-spread, as it is common knowledge here that we are red zone, we are not in Samut Sahkon nor are we even adjacent to an orange zone, schools etc are spreading the word that local markets etc are being cancelled.

    Sorry, the link is at the bottom of the posting. Got slightly obscured by the edit notification.

  2. This is the Department of Disease Control's version. It doesn't make much sense to me. Chonburi is coloured red, for starters. It's also 24 hours out of date according to the updated time and date displayed. Also a pretty awful site, and the email address will return a 550 authentication required error, and bounces any mail. And I don't think they even bother including the 1200+ people from Myanmar cases. There seem to be a lot of different maps kicking around.



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  3. 12 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    I think something is lost in translation.

    10 million properties?

    And 30 property companies involved?

    So, each company would average around 330,000 units?


    The Base alone in Pattaya is 1,000 units.  So, 330,000 of those times 10?

    And, there will be 10 million condos available with a price of 10 million b?


    Maybe I am missing something, but none of it makes any sense.

    10m THB properties, not 10m properties.

  4. 4 hours ago, simple1 said:


    Never heard of them, so downloaded in iTunes, yes good music - thanks

    Great. So few people have. He played with guns n roses but thankfully left them many years back.


    Try Whitewash (surreal video)



    Too many humans

    Hold me forever


    He has released 285 CDs over the last 6 years. All available online.


    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

    My standards?  Normal standards. My actions achieved a free night's stay and an apology from the staff involved. The manager was an Indian and told me he'd had several problems with the staff but was slowly getting them to understand the word 'service'.  Get up and leave?  I wasn't at an outside restaurant, I was staying there.


    Interesting that you think that by simply asking to receive what I'd ordered, I was trying to 'impose my standards'.

    I think in the original.post you mentioned how you responded to customer complaints, and that that was what you would expect to see.


    The manager got the staff to apologise, then mentions, presumably behind their backs, how he'd been having problems with them. What a dreadful blueprint for management. I'd sack the manager. He hasn't trained his staff, and then blames them, and gets them to take the rap. For Thai people, the most excruciatingly embarassing and humiliating outcome.


    The problem with service levels is the disparity between what we offer, if we're in the hospitality industry, and what we expect. I used to rent out my house on the neighbouring island of Koh Mak. I put in a lot of time, money and effort to make visitors' stays as enjoyable and comfortable as I could. But is it realistic, or fair, even, to expect the same back? I think it would be unrealistic and foolish to so do. Everybody has there own standards.

  6. On 12/16/2020 at 6:38 AM, KhaoYai said:

    Customer from hell? Don't be ridiculous.  If I make a mistake in my business, no matter how big or how small, I don't expect my customers to accept it - if its my fault I just put it right.  In this case all they had to do was open a damn door, I wasn't asking them to cook anything.


    Why do you say 'all that' - it was quite simple, they said they could not complete my order because the kitchen was closed so I told them my wallet was closed..............and you think I'm in the wrong? So if it was you, you'd just say its OK to forget your order and refuse to correct the mistake then?

    Absolutely! I'd pay my bill and leave, and not think twice about it, and probably make a joke about it. I've had places here completely forget my order. It just never came. So what? Just went somewhere else nearby. It's cheap here, I don't expect a waiter with a silver tray.


    Get an ice cream up the road in 7. Probably half the price. I just don't get why you had to apply your standards to theirs. Everybody has different notions of how to run a business. What did your action actually achieve? You're a foreigner. Why attempt to impose your standards on Thais, or anyone come to that?


    And please, don't take me to task for being the cause of sloppy standards of service. I'm not going to give myself a heart attack every time there's a small problem with my order. I'd have no toys left at all in my pram!

    • Like 1
  7. 12 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

    It is very nice - that's why I return again and again. You may note the 'small' mistake in their description on the website:


    'The Island is the gem of Eastern marine border of Thailand possessing 429 square meters as the second largest island of the country.'


    If that's the largest, I'd hate to visit the smallest ????.


    However, if you are considering it, its only fair that I include any negatives.  I've probably stayed there 6 times and will continue.  My only complaint so far was that one evening, whilst having dinner with friends we each ordered an ice cream for desert - everyone's ice cream came except for mine. I waited another 10 minutes and then asked the staff where it was.  They had clearly forgotten it and now told me that the kitchen was closed.  I pointed out that ice cream didn't need cooking and again asked them to bring it.  The conversation got quite strained as their was clearly some stupidity going on. I asked to see the manager but was told he was not on duty.  I was not getting anywhere so had no choice but to give up - however, when they came with the bill I advised them that they were too late, my wallet had now closed for the evening ????, I would see the manager in the morning.


    Next day the manager accepted that his staff were in the wrong - apparently the ice cream was kept in the coffee shop which they had locked up for the night.  He agreed with me that it would not have been difficult to 'open' the coffee shop again - especially as it was their mistake.  Unsolicited, he said his staff's behaviour had been appalling and that they had been spoken to already.  That was enough for me.


    There are downsides to everywhere and I didn't let one small thing put me off what is otherwise a very nice place to stay. To be fair and although its no excuse, I've had several similar events at restaurants in Thailand. Most staff are very good and extremely polite but refusal to correct mistakes is something I've come across quite often. I'm quite sure that if the manager had been on duty that evening, the problem would not have occurred.

    Holy cow, all that over an ice cream! Surely an annual customer from hell award contender? And what has this got to do with driving on Koh Chang? I see a lawsuit looming!

  8. 10 hours ago, Puccini said:

    From the link https://www.fda.gov/media/144245/download in the news article reproduced in the blog post to which you have given a link:


    Conclusion: The injection of the placebo (saline solution) given to 20,244 persons resulted in double the number of deaths compared to the injection of the vaccine given to 20,033 persons.

    Who says the deaths were in any way related to the injection of the placebo, or the vaccine? They make it clear the deaths were in line with their age group and medical condition. You don't develop arteriosclerosis in a matter of weeks. Stop playing with numbers! Your comparison is totally arbitrary and unrelated.

    • Like 1
  9. West side unbelievably dangerous. Seen a minibus over the edge recently on the curve of death. Numerous boy racers from overseas come horrible croppers cos of eg sand on road, adverse camber, precipitous descent. But the East coast is lovely. Undeveloped (very few beaches), empty roads, beautiful scenery, and Ao Salak Phet at the end of the drive. Seafood over the sea. Wouldn't go near the West coast.

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  10. 6 hours ago, humbug said:

    this is a Communist China disinformation story, chinese virus came from china, now its getting obvious how much influence on content of stories through the thai media Communist China is getting, not just 'paid' specialists to create fake stories that Mynamar right next to china had its very own virus, the men in green love to make Mynamar their 'threat'




  11. 6 minutes ago, Kiujunn said:

    I fully agree. 

    Another example: diabolic plague is 100 % deadly but can be reliably cured with antibiotics.

    99.9999% of people never get diabolic plague.

    Only .0001% of people ever get it (and these .0001% all die from it).

    With antibiotics,  .0000% of people die from diabolic plague.

    The difference is .0001% (dead w/o antibiotics) - .0000% (dead with antibiotics) = .0001%, the real efficacy of these antibiotics!!!!


    What good are these antibiotics for? I’ll pass . . .

    I think you're playing with numbers. Antibiotics cure 100% of those who contract the disease. What more do you want? It's nothing to do with the treatment, that 99.9999% never get it in the first place is it?

    • Like 1
  12. 46 minutes ago, ronaldo0 said:

    It was closed till 2nd of December from what I remember with online applications or by mail only .

    Although I’m still waiting on a response from 3 emails I sent last week to them  , but I sent one 10 days ago and got a response in hours . 

    Opening hopefully 8th. They said the check in desk knows all the signatures so faking one is not on the cards. But if that is the case why can't they phone through to the check-in desk and give them the visa numbers to let them through? Nothing out of the box available unfortunately. My friends got to schlep all the way back to the Embassy in the hope there will be someone somewhere who can endorse the stamp.

    • Like 1
  13. 7 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

    I think they're closed for a deep cleaning. At least that's what the communique said which they released, and on their FB page.


    ′′ Announcement of the Embassy in London on temporary closure of the Embassy's building and services to kill Coronavirus inside the building Royal Thai Embassy, London Public Announcement: Temporary Closure of the Embassy Premises and Services ′′


    Reopening Tuesday Dec. 8



    That's it. My friend is hoping to get the signatures on Tuesday, the day before he is due to fly. Thanks.

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