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Posts posted by bradiston

  1. 54 minutes ago, OJAS said:


    So what are HMRC likely to do if you, as a non-UK tax resident, file an online tax return excluding non-residency supplementary software? Answer, absolutely nothing based on the experiences of a fellow ASEAN NOW member who has been filing standard online returns as a non-UK tax resident for a number of years now (and presumably also @Surelynotwho, incidentally, is not the member I had in mind). The lion’s share of his income, like mine, is derived from a Civil Service occupational pension and rent on a UK property, which are both covered by the UK/Thailand Double Taxation Agreement (DTA). We are also both in receipt of the State Pension which, as already noted, is not covered by the DTA.


    Accordingly I have now followed in his footsteps by submitting a standard online return for the first time. As I see things our failure to declare our non-residency status could only have potentially problematical consequences if 1 or other of 2 situations were to arise:-


    (1) The Thailand Revenue Department (RD) were to start demanding tax payments on our State Pensions, which we would presumably be unable to recover from HMRC as a result of not declaring our non-residency status. However, I have calculated that the tax which I would be paying on my State Pension under the Thai taxation system would amount to around £160 per annum, so for the sake of a relatively quiet life I might be inclined to swallow a bitter pill and accept being taxed twice in the case of my State Pension. In any event, I gather that the process of recovering tax payments from HMRC to avoid double taxation is a bureaucratic nightmare even for those who have declared their non-residency status.


    (2) HM Treasury were to revive a proposal made in 2014 to restrict non-residents’ entitlement to the personal tax allowance. Thankfully this proposal was, in the event, booted into the long grass, so, hopefully, will never see the light of day again. If it were ever to be revived, however, this would clearly be a bridge which would need to be crossed in due course. But this is not IMHO something which needs to be worried about at this stage.


    Since the lion’s share of my income is covered by the DTA, it strikes me that the issue of non-UK tax residency is, in any case, largely irrelevant in practice as far as I am concerned. However, it is, of course, potentially far more significant for those whose principal source of income is a private sector occupational pension which is not covered by the DTA.

    It's also of huge relevance in calculating CGT if you sell a property in the UK while non resident. There is a set of rules which are of great benefit to non residents for calculating CGT. Anyone selling UK property while non resident in the UK should check them out. There is also an online "calculator" for residency status which is extremely useful.

  2. 3 hours ago, thailand49 said:

    It is very common with this station which is the worse in my opinion of all the stations in Pattaya, someone sneeze and it goes out, it rains it goes out, constant freezes, how they stay in business is anyone guess. I would wish you good luck but you need more than that!

    My landlady has switched now to TNN I think. Will find out tomorrow. Thanks for your input.

  3. 25 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

    I partly agree, but I think they knew full well exactly what the the Private Hospital Association's order status was. 


    Just to be clear, BHP was not ordering the vaccine directly from Moderna. They can only order it through the Thai Private Hospital Association (PHA) who acts on behalf of the over 200 private hospitals in Thailand.  The PHA would then place the order through the Thai Government Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO). 


    The PHA's negotiations and communications with the Government Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO) have been pretty well documented, even to the public, so it's hard to believe that hospital administrators at BOTH BHP and also Pattaya Memorial would be making the premature offers of Moderna without realizing that the vaccines had not even been ordered yet.


    Furthermore, the PHA had very specific guidelines for their member hospitals to follow regarding the offering of paid COVID vaccines, and both BHP and Pattaya Memorial flagrantly disregarded these guidelines.


    THAT most likely is why they suddenly shut down registration.


    Why they did this in the manner they did is beyond comprehension.  They should NOT have restricted online registration and they should NOT have requested advanced payment at this time. 


    Everyone that wished to registered should have been allowed to do so.  What possible difference would it make to them if 5,000 people registered or 5 million?  They would have been under no obligation to those who registered since registration really only amounts to creating a waiting list and nothing more.  That would not have violated PHA guidelines and would have offered expats and others not wishing to particulate in the public rollout a HUGE sense of relief, just knowing they were an actual queue! that was fair and proper, and assured that those in high risk groups would be prioritized fairly.


    It would have been an advantage to the hospitals as well since they would then have a qualified list of potential buyers giving them the ability to place a realistic order with the GPO.


    Both hospital's choice to do this in such a stupid fashion achieved nothing for them and only angered an already irate groupe of frustrated expats in the process.  I mean, check out BHP's facebook page to see the huge number of angry comments left there by expats right after this whole debacle happened.

    Surely the problem they faced was not one of registering merely interest. They needed a commitment to purchase, hence the deposit. Without that, how could they possibly order? 5,000 or 5,000,000? It makes an enormous difference! People would just sign up everywhere, go home, change their minds. Of course they wouldn't be obliged to, or probably even bother, to let the hospitals know. So the hospitals are left with completely invalid data.

  4. 10 hours ago, champers said:

    Astra Zeneca chose Thailand as the production facility for SE Asian countries; a hub if you will. Thailand cannot just keep all produced vaccines for herself.

    Nobody really knows how many are being produced, so it will be interesting to see just how many doses will actually be exported. Do I hear 0? Isn't it just they don't have the capacity here, end of?

  5. 3 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    From the Director of National Vaccine Institute: AstraZeneca has informed it will NOT be able to deliver 10 million doses per month to Thailand for July and August. SBS production capacity of AZ is 16 million per month and just 5-6 million doses will go to Thailand.


    Excuse for asking, do you have a source?

  6. 1 hour ago, Thomas J said:

     Yes I do,  Youmay find the attainment of a PHD to be some sort of litmus test for excellence I do not.  As said, I have seen many academic idiots.  They confuse the fact they can regurgitate information out of a textbook with real intelligence.  The persons I listed are some of  the smartest, most ingenious, and most inventive people of our time have only a high school degree and those people changed the world far more than most.  PS Henry Ford also didn't have a college degree and I would hold up his achievements against the PHD that you laud for achievement any day of the week.  And Bill Gates through Microsoft has given the world more productivity than all of the world leaders combined. 

    Have you tried Microsoft or maybe Facebook support? Maybe they can help.

  7. 1 minute ago, Thomas J said:

    Some of the greatest idiots are those with advanced degrees who confuse degrees with intelligence.  PS Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg,  Ted Turner, Larry Ellison, Mark Wozniak, Richard Branson, and Steve Jobs were only  high school graduates. All billionaires by using the brains not their sheepskins.  Some of the most stupid people I have ever met were educated idiots.  Book smart but lacked any common sense. 

    Do you even own a mirror?

    • Haha 2
  8. 40 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

    They stopped expanding the make-up of the doses as of yesterday... just totals for first and second doses.



    1 MM Sinovac have arrived (yesterday?today?) 1 MM Sinpharm due 4 July and the 1.05 MM AZ from Japan due 9 July.


    AZ supposedly owes 10 MM AZ doses this month. Assume that will be weighted closer to 32 July than today?


    And 17m to the Philippines, and what, 800,000 to Taiwan?

  9. "About the draft itself, Mr. Chuan said he was told by the House scrutiny committee that the draft is an urgent matter, but the committee itself is split and cannot settle their differences adding, however, that he would not object if the proponent of the draft wants to withdraw it for reconsideration."


    The committee is split and cannot settle their differences? What is this, 12 Angry Men? Why isn't there a casting vote by the committee chairman? Such tomfoolery, all about vested interests. These should be declared beforehand as conflicts of interest, and be recused. Weed out (geddit?) the rotten apples (geddit 2?)! Ok, prune out the rotten apples, weed out the stinkweed.

    • Like 1
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  10. 17 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    I was replying to a poster who said they can sell it to anyone they want, he does not provide any link or evidence of that but there are reports where its stated its intended for Asean only. So with the absence of that proof we only have the media reports which I refer to as do you.


    "It's in the letter of intent that we made together with Siam Bioscience, AstraZeneca, SCG and Ministry of Public Health that it will be distributed within the ASEAN region," he added, referring to the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations.



    To be honest who really cares anyway who they sell it to?

    Wasn't there also a contract/MoU/undertaking to supply non-ASEAN Taiwan?

  11. 11 hours ago, rwill said:

    Thonburi group, on Line TMG is accepting deposits.

    It is 1,200 per shot so 2,400 deposit for 2 shots. 

    In addition it says you will pay no more than 500 baht when you get each shot.

    There is an option to pay for only 1 shot.

    It also says in all the junk that they want you to agree to, all in Thai, that if the shot gets delayed too long you can get your money back.

    Yes, I got this offer too. Similar to Bangpakok.

  12. 1 hour ago, Letseng said:

    It's quantum physics. She didn't opt for Moderna. It was available. German recommendation is AZ + mRNA as 2nd jab. There is no choice in Germany. You get what is available at the time.

    Wikipedia has it as quantum chemistry. Er, Moderna was available, as presumably was AstraZaneca, and she opted to take it. So here we have a living, breathing, high profile example of a mixed vaccine recipient, which is all this thread was initially about. But the OP has hijacked the whole thing.

  13. 19 minutes ago, Thomas J said:

    Well I appreciate the effort. In terms of her qualification on vaccines, I don't know but I sure felt she was the worst along with many other Western Country leaders in leading them down a path of cultural elimination. 

    In terms of Trump you might dislike him however Operation Warp Speed which "he" initiated is the reason why you or anyone else got the vaccines as quick as they came.  As for hydroxychloroquine, they are still studying that today.  Perhaps it is worthless but others still find the drug beneficial particularly as a preventative.  The bleach comment was radicalized.  Yes bleach kills virus's and he said perhaps there was something like a bleach ( not actual bleach) that the medical community could come up with. 

    For those that hated Trump he was damned if he did and damned if he didn't.  He blocked flights from China and was called racist and  Xenophopic.  Nancy Pelosi was videotaped with a contingent of Chinese in San Francisco's China Town encouraging travel at exactly the same time.  Trump was pilloried for his actions, the media silent on hers. 


    Ok, final comment. I've figured out why the republican party hates China and the CCP so vehemently. They're envious! A one party state! To hell with this stupid game of democracy. One country, one party. Trump's next slogan. So, maybe stick to one vaccine. Might avoid a lot of arguments!

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  14. 39 minutes ago, Thomas J said:

    You are correct however is the incompetence real or just for show.  In other words is Thailand being covertly coerced into taking Sinovac by default.   If I want to encourage Sinovac and by default discourage the other vaccines because of being coerced, or bribed I want to create the façade, that disguises that motive.  I want to present that I am moving heaven and earth to get Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson while all the time really slow walking the process.   There is absolutely no reason why any of the hospitals should have "closed" their registration for alternative vaccines.  If 5 million were requested, order 5 million.  If 10 million doses were required then order 10 million.  That is not to say that all the the vaccines would be delivered at the same time.  It you order 20 million doses and they come in batches of 1 million doses than just call the people who have signed up in the same order that they registered.  Closing the queue only heightens my suspicion that they really will provide only a smattering of alternative vaccines hoping you will get tired of the wait and take what is coming from China. 

    You have to stop thinking so much! Well, that would be my advice anyway.

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