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Posts posted by bradiston

  1. 40 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    The Thai embassy has been closed to the public for many months. They do about everything online or by mail. 

    They do have appointments available for certain things that have to be done in person (Thai passport, birth certificates and etc).

    I assume your only option is to mail your passports to them to get the visas signed.

    My friends say there is nobody working there. Hard to believe somehow. But that's the situation as it stands. Apparently there has been an outbreak at the embassy itself.

  2. My August Air Asia return flight BKK to MLN was cancelled a few days prior to departure date, as expected. I contacted the online agents and eventually got a voucher and payment for the return leg. But nothing for the outward journey. Yet. Live in hope, die in hope.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

    quite right 

    It seems not so. Although embassies warn against using a passport as surety against a hire agreement for instance, some concede that its surrender as bail collateral, or conditions of bail, is sometimes required by a court.


    From an article in Phuket News 2016, googled up.

  4. 2 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    I don't know how it can be done. Ask your local immigration office about it.

    All I know is that it took over 5 years for me to use online reporting with and old entry and a new passport. It was just something immigration somewhere did.

    Went to Jomtien IO to ask about it. She said you don't need to do it til January. I said yes, I did it yesterday but with my old passport number. NO PROBLEM she said. So long as your name's the same.


    So mystery remains about updating passport number, but at least I've got an approved 90 day report. Good old Thailand!

  5. 11 hours ago, Russell17au said:

    The only ones that can legally hold a persons passport is the issuing country or any court in any country where a person commits an offence and faces charges and there is a risk of that person fleeing that country. If he goes to his embassy they will tell him that any court has the power to hold a persons passport until such time that the court case is finished. You will find that his embassy already knows about his passport being held by the court as the normal procedure is that the courts notify the embassies so that the person cannot apply for another passport or emergency travel documents and flee the country.

    He has not lost his passport and his passport is not missing. The court is holding his passport. So it cannot be reported to the police as a missing or lost passport.

    Yes, it seems I was wrong. But can they, or he, not just pay the fine and whatever else, and settle the dispute? A lawyer will cost him a lot more than 30k. And how has one person managed to leave Thailand while the other is stuck here? Or are they one and the same person? I give up.

  6. 1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:


    Your 90-day report is due and you've tried to use the web portal or the mobile app? And you've experienced issues? Which issues? Error message details? "Please visit office"?


    When did you move your stamps? When was you last extension of stay renewal? Whe was your last 90-day report? Which office? When is your next report date?


    In the past it seems like it was required to file one's first 90-day report after getting a new passport, in person or by mail. After that one could use the online systems.


    That said, some people have reported being able to use the online systems immediately after getting a new passport.


    Also seen a few random reports of people saying that an IO "did something" which then allowed them to use the online system.


    AFAIK, there is nothing you can do online to rectify an inability to use the online system.



    My report was approved using my old passport number. But not my new one. My question was, how do I update my  new passport number.

  7. On 10/28/2020 at 4:08 PM, CraigInBangkok said:

    Just reporting that mine seemed to go through online okay this morning, just waiting for approval and as Joe said never had to report in person after a new extension. The only problem I ever had online was with a new passport.

    I have a new passport and although I got all my stamps moved over, it seems the new passport number hasn't been registered on the tm47 website. Is this something I need to do myself in person somewhere, or can I do it online?

  8. 20 hours ago, Peter Denis said:

    Wow, so they fined your daughter for not having notified the IO that you - a foreigner - was staying at the premisses.  But you are the house owner!  It is you - as house owner - that has to notify the local IO that you are staying at your own house.  Your daughter has nothing to do with this.  The house-book clarifies the issue who is owner of the house, and that's the person expected to notify IO that a foreigner is staying there.

    Looks like Trad IO is totally out of bounds on this issue.

    Note: Did you try registering the premisses on the IO TM-30 website?

    The blue book doesn't establish ownership, just who lives there. I'm now registered on the TM 30 website as living there. So I can self notify. My problems arose from nasty neighbours creating trouble. The IOs visited, and issued a 1600 THB fine for my daughter which I paid. At that point I wasn't registered. But getting a certificate of residence later on meant getting signed affidavits from my daughter saying I had her full permission to live there. It was just the run around. Establishing ownership of a building on somebody else's land is a joke. And if you don't have a usufruct or servitude or superficies agreement with the land owner, technically you could be accused of trespass when crossing their land. It's a mine field. Watch out!

    • Thanks 1
  9. I have a house built with my name on the building permit and my signature on the construction agreement. But my daughter owns the land it's built on. We also have a usufruct agreement. But out in the sticks, in Trad province, the only thing that interests them is the ownership of the land. You can argue til the cows come home that you are the house owner. They just don't want to know. Almost impossible to get a yellow book. Immigration demanding to talk to my daughter, and fining her for not registering me on TM30. In my experience, the hassle is never ending.

  10. 6 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    1.  not if he doesn't have insurance cover

    2.  yes ,  he will get done for dangerous driving causing death, same here , same outside. And yes,  probably jail time. 

    1 if he doesn't have insurance cover he would be even deeper in the mire, but the victim(s) would be entitled to claim from the MIB, at least, in the UK.

    2 the point being made was that here, he would quite possibly, or rather, most likely, not be done for anything with the right connections.

    • Like 2
  11. Just as an aside, I submitted my renewal application on 2nd September at Trendy. They said about 4 weeks, and I got an email saying the application was sent to UK on 3rd. On 18th I got first an email saying it could take anything up to 8 more weeks to process, then an email saying my new passport was waiting for collection at Trendy. So, just over 2 weeks in the end, excluding appointment queue.

    • Haha 1
  12. On 9/14/2020 at 8:21 PM, RichCor said:

    If you have been issues a new passport then you should have also received a paper requesting Thai Immigration Office to 'transfer' (put new stamps) for your existing permission to stay into your new passport.


    The TM6 Arrival/Departure Card and TM30 Notification of Address should then be moved over into the new passport.


    Suggest you keep the OLD and NEW passport rubberbanded together and present both when interacting with any Immigration Office official as the old passport number will stay in effect until you leave the country and cancel your current permission-to-stay.


    If you have been issued a new passport number you may wish to also update other documents tied to the old (now expired) passport, such as Thai Bank Accounts. 

    Does anyone have a checklist of people to notify of new passport number? Banks I know about, driving licence (not really necessary I'm told) and any more?

  13. 4 hours ago, mascone said:

    Just search dara sakor airport on google maps and it shows the location of it.

    Nothing to see. There are 2 photos of 2 extremely muddy fields, couple of skeketal buildings, up at what is labelled as Koh Khong airport, but I can't see anything at Dara Sakor Airport, though Google lists it. Sihanoukville has an international airport. But everything else is just a goat track. ????. All very strange.

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