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Posts posted by bradiston

  1. 3 hours ago, Pattaya46 said:

    Khao Lak is certainly not in Eastern Thailand :whistling:


    I think that when she said Chanthaburi she in fact meant Laem Sing, as it's the sea side of Chanthaburi, this city not being near the sea. Nice area.


    BTW, but maybe for another thread, how is it @bradiston to live on such a small island ?

    Yes, someway from the sea, but Chantaburi has a famous shipyard, as does Trad. I love these 2 provinces. After my first visit to Klong Yai, on the way to the (closed) border at Hat Lek, in 1986, I swore this was journey's end for me. You know how you suddenly feel at home somewhere?


    Mood swings engendered by living on a 16 sq km island for any longer than 3 months at a time range from trying to figure the odds of making a swim for it, to thanking heaven for such a safe haven in these troubled times. But yes, it would be the subject for another thread I guess.

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  2. 29 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    Thanks for the replies. I expect the prices to be much lower than normal?


    My wife seems ken to go to Jantaburi.

    Your wife knows a thing or two then. I live on Koh Mak, an hour from Chantaburi, but much nearer to there is Laem Sing, greatly favoured by Thais and hardly known about by foreign toursts. And of course Chantaburi province is a hidden gem of hills, rivers and lakes.

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  3. 8 hours ago, zeamonkey said:

    So all these thais are getting sick on the flight???? There is plenty of screening at the airports they left from, so why arent they getting treated there??  One big hoax

    I agree, it just doesn't add up. They develop symptoms on the flight? That never showed up prior to boarding? Do me a favour! What are the chances? 1 in 16 will develop symptoms in flight. Bad odds on a 160 seater!

  4. I always arrive feeling like <deleted> after international flight, even short haul. Usually accompanied by a dose of whatever's going around. Last time in February to Manila and back from swampy. No checks in Thailand, but on arrival in Manila they had the gun out and a roped off section for suspects. I became convinced I'd contracted Covid in swampy and tried my damnedest to get test in ac. No chance!

  5. 1 hour ago, ezzra said:

    Not sure if anyone knows but the overseas parcel post deliveries has stopped dead for the last few weeks  and like a million parcels from overseas are dumped somewhere in " protection time" waiting to be proceeded...

    Yes, I noticed, as 2 friends said they were unable to send international mail to or from Thailand, from Germany and to France. But I can't find any more info. Doesn't seem to be any official announcement.


    And what about imports and exports? Chinese goods on Lazada?

  6. 17 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

    I think PR is worth the effort.


    So is pink card, which was the easiest thing to get that I didn't even want. I went to register at khet and they asked me if I want one. 60 baht + 5? baht for a sleeve. 15 minutes to take photo, punch in my details and they printed it out right in front of me. Obviously one thing about pink card - it is only valid in the province where it's issued.

    Luxury! I DREAM of pink card. Ampur want full validated translation of passport pages, proof of address, 2 accompanying government employees to vouch for your good character, 2 photos, all in duplicate, one for Kamnan, one for Ampur. And an updated tabian baan as it doesn't show my daughter as house owner. For that I need power of attorney from her back in UK. It's gold dust where I "live". Proof of address? I might as well be on the street. 4.5 million for house and land. All meaningless to immigration.

  7. 24 minutes ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    If you are going with riveted then using a bitumen tape on the inside will be far better than silicone as the silicone will fail in time.

    Is that double sided bitumen tape?Any recommendations? Seems an excellent suggestion. There's a lot of choice on Lxzxdx, but mostly all in Thai.

  8. 46 minutes ago, longball53098 said:

    why not find a local gutterman as they know what they are doing,,,,,,,,,,the builder you have has no clue it seems.

    These are local builders. I live on a very small island. There is a limited supply of all round experience. Although it causes me many sleepless nights, my experience has always been in the past that the Thais and Cambodians do find a way, and do make a decent job of it in the end.


    Just on one final note. If riveting and silicone is the way to go, any suggestions for the most durable silicone or other sealant? I really don't want to be running annual maintenance on this job. Could I use No Nails? It has amazing adhesive properties, but as a sealant, I'm not so sure.



  9. Sorry, I should have uploaded an image. So here's a shot of the guttering as supplied. It's upside down. Seems like the builders have devised a method using rivets and silicone to fashion an end section, and a down pipe connector. I just wondered if anyone else had come up against a similar problem when using foam panels. They are simple to install, but the guttering not.


  10. I'm having a new roof installed on my "Thai style" villa. So there are 5 sloping rooves. The roof panels have gone in ok, but now we are into the guttering stage. The guttering comes in 4m lengths, but there are no instructions as to how to fit a downpipe. The end piece is simply an open on one side box, which my builders have figured out they need to cut and splice, then rivet onto the actual guttering. It's messy. And it leaks. I suppose most would say silicone us the answer but these gutters are about 9m up and a metre out, so maintenance on them will be a major chore, so the less the better, and my experience with silicone is, it has a limited lifespan.


    Has anyone any experience with this kind of roofing system? I've watched all the manufacturer's videos, but they seem to shy away from explaining how the guttering has to be installed. Trade secret I guess.



  11. I think you're confusing passport with nationality. You must get Thai nationality before you get a passport. I did this for my Welsh born daughter about 10 years ago. If I remember correctly, amongst other things you will need a verified copy of your UK birth certificate and a verified translation of that into Thai. I think also all your mum's marriage and divorce documents, and all of her Thai documents. In the end it wasn't that difficult, just a lot of running around in London, which will be completely impossible right now. Getting the passport should be easy after that.

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