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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. I kind of found out most of what you're saying on the way. I sent my friend the downloaded account details. This gives everything a bank needs to know, and also verified the account owner as a bona fide customer. I know Wise isn't a bank, but the US $ accounts have an address in New York, an account number, an ACH etc etc. You'd think a USD account held in New York wouldn't present a problem for US banks to pay into.
  2. Just to update on this saga... It got resolved. One of his banks accepted I was a bona fide Wise account owner, and made a DD withdrawal and deposit on my Wise $ account as a verification procedure. His other bank remained unconvinced, as in the US, property sales are finalised by a titling company who pay out the agreed amount(s). But this system doesn't exist outside the US, so the bank cried foul when my friend tried to pay me direct. One thing of note. The bank that made the DD micro withdrawal and payments was able to set up the DD without any notification to me. Meaning they could have helped themselves to any amount in that account. I protested vehemently to Wise claiming this looked like a massive security hole. After many emails, they disabled DDs on all my Wise accounts for withdrawals. Incoming DD funds are still permitted. Seems the default is to allow two way DDs.
  3. I had a Dlink with an AIS SIM. 200 THB pm approximately. 15 Mbps. And the router has a reboot setting configurable to every xx hours. I found after a power outage, the SIM wouldn't reconnect, but after a reboot, it would. If the router is in a remote location, an extremely useful option to have. I also bought a Zircon UPS and plugged the router into that. Can run CCTV with that setup. Suggest looking on Lazada. They have plenty of models. Don't go cheap. 1000+ THB. They sell Zircon too.
  4. At least a Wikipedia article has any amount of links to sources, related articles, and further reading. A YouTube video has nothing. The author can spout any old rubbish with impunity. There's no backup, nothing. You believe it if it fits your own take. Usually if somebody provides a link to such a source I just laugh and move on. It's always just an agenda based opinion. You might as well be watching a cartoon.
  5. I might have known this crud would rear his ugly head. Rubbish! You need to stop watching YouTube videos. What a time waster.
  6. You never did say how Zelensky was "given the top job". Now's your chance.
  7. Typical troll reply.
  8. Rubbish. Where'd you copy that from? Always blame the USA, right? Zelensky wasn't "given the top job". He was elected. Where do you get this crap from? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volodymyr_Zelenskyy
  9. You mean the Istanbul Accords? Apparently a non starter.
  10. According to the IDF. Any excuse for slaughtering innocent civilians. They seem to actually enjoy it. Certainly elements of the Israeli government would like to see a totally ethnically cleansed Palestine ready for the invading ultra orthodox Jews to take over. So who are the Nazis now?
  11. The last one, consisting of 250 appointed senators, was. Their term is almost over with the newly "elected" Senate of 200 senators about to be installed, if they get past the various complaints lodged with the EC. We have yet to see if they will be an improvement. They won't have a say in the appointment of a new PM.
  12. You mean Maidan? When traitor Yanukovich sold out the electorate? He promised EU integration, then welched on the promise and aligned himself with Moscow. You people blame everything on the US. It's simplistic and completely misreads history. It's just a cop out from understanding the situation in Ukraine. Russia is the belligerent. There was no NATO threat. The Russians in Donbas were immigrant workers. There were so many of them that Russian was widely spoken and taught in schools. Putin supported them because the Donbas is strategically and resourcefully important. The argument that he went to their rescue has been used many times by tyrants. Hitler came to the same conclusion on Donbas' strategic importance and also annexed it to support his invasion of Russia. It's a vast industrial area. But it's inside Ukraine borders and always has been. It's just a land grab, same as Crimea.
  13. The Istanbul Accord was a nonstarter. https://www.intellinews.com/fresh-evidence-suggests-that-the-april-2022-istanbul-peace-deal-to-end-the-war-in-ukraine-was-stillborn-321468/
  14. That's pretty insulting to all Thai people. It's also totally untrue.
  15. Oft quoted misinformation. Where's the evidence? And why in heaven's name would Boris Johnson have any say in it?
  16. It's not over by a long chalk. And if the Russian army is so mighty why hasn't it just walked in unopposed? This was supposed to have been over in a fortnight. It'll go down in history as winner of the greatest Darwin award ever. How many Russians killed? And for what? A few scraps of territory.
  17. What's the mayor's salary? Seems like he should be paid a lot more more for this brilliant idea. World leader material.
  18. I think he's checking that today. Seems completely mad. I really don't understand what the problem is. Wise keep sending me emails on completely unrelated subjects. I've requested they look into how his bank was able to set up a DD on my account without notifying me but so far no answer.
  19. Hey, not a minnow. He was the victim communication manager, aka customer services manager. Brilliant rebranding.
  20. Ok, so is Wise an arbitrary 3rd party account? But as a poster above commented, Wise now uses an intermediary bank to complete the transfer. It just happens to be my friend's bank. Anyway, they returned the $1.39 they took. Maybe it was just a verification procedure that the account existed in the bank I stated. But the ease with which they were able to set up a DD on my account without any contact with me, the account owner, really alarmed me. Wise has promised to look into it and get back to me I'm not in the US and I only have a Wise $ account. I don't think zelle can help.
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