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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. You mean Alex Jones isn't an intellectual?
  2. How about Al Jazeera? Seems fair.
  3. I guess they'll be shared between BKK, DM, Phuket and Chang Mai. Maybe they should think about internationalizing a few more airports. In the north east for instance. Lengthen the runways, put in customs and immigration, duty free, bus terminals etc etc. Link to domestic airports. Spread the load. Avoid the crush. Less travel out to the provinces. And Srettha's been banging on about promoting provincial tourism. A great opportunity, and not massively costly. Er, where's that 500 billion? Should cover maybe 10 airport upgrades. Great for local tourism. And thais can fly into China to visit auntie and nunc. And factor in freight services, fruit, dried fish, all sorts.
  4. Kamala? Or clever use of irony as in Queen Camilla?
  5. But every administration given the opportunity, which isn't very often, makes sure their man or woman is "on side" with regards to the administration's requirements, forever! Imagine! 30 years of nodding through contentious legislation. Give them a 5 year term. Enough already!
  6. Aren't VPs always near invisible? But you seem to suggest she was far from invisible. She was well known outside the US for sure. Probably would get along well with the EU's Ursula for one. I hope she makes it. Great chance for change in US politics. One of the few remaining democracies that has failed to elect a woman as president or equivalent. And I think it shows. Stupid men!
  7. Or the Supreme Court! I'm not an American, but from an outsider's perspective...
  8. I got a (false) positive result from a general checkup at Memorial Hospital some years ago. I went for a second test at the clinic off 3rd road which came back negative. I went back to Memorial waving my piece of paper from the clinic. They retested and it came back negative. By this time I'd had enough and asked for the shots. Seems there was no reliable test. So they shot me up with the antibiotics and turned me loose. I ran around in circles for 15 minutes ... No, I just was able to sleep a little easier. Extremely nasty disease if not detected early on, and more or less symptomless so you can spread it around without realising. Definitely recommend getting tested, and as the sensible poster mentioned above, on a regular basis.
  9. Bikers? Are they gold standard for English language? Oh, I see. Apologies.
  10. So a permanent holiday, 365 days a year, should sort out the Thai economy? At least as far as TAT is concerned. Brilliant!
  11. It's 1300 cases per 100,000. And the infection rate has gone up 4 fold. You can take your chances, but what about your partner? Ever considered you might be passing it on? The odds will multiply exponentially in favour of infection if "taking your chances".
  12. You'd beter be careful. They don't like criticism.
  13. I thought this low life pos was barred from every platform. An utter scumbag.
  14. English language fail
  15. Is there a minimum age requirement for becoming a member?
  16. Nowhere does she admit kiling her child in what I have read. You'd be declared unfit for jury service for sure with your disinformation and prejudices. She's guilty before there's even a trial. And what do you mean, I "empathise" with her? Even if it were true is that a crime? You don't know the difference between empathy and sympathy? Blame the Welsh? My daughter was born there, and my great grandparents were Welsh. I've lived in Wales in the past off and on for almost 10 years, North and South. You just have no idea what you're talking about, have you? I'm glad you find it disturbing. Makes you think, right? Because all I see coming from you are judgmental platitudes. Go grind your axe elsewhere.
  17. Er ... I included the Asian reference as it's something my Thai wife experienced while we were living in South Wales, but it was one of several epithets, coupled with various swear words, along with "chink". Whites don't have any really insulting or demeaning names thrown at them which is pretty weird. Maybe white honky redneck mf, but that's nothing. You've selected one small part of my post and turned it into something it was never intended to be. I sympathise with her situation, as much as I can understand it. You don't "always wonder" do you? It's there just for effect, but it's a complete lie. And, it's patronising and it constitutes gaslighting. And apart from anything, she hasn't been convicted yet. No judge has made any comment except you, and you're 100% unqualified. Your adopted posture of moral outrage is laughable. But you're happy in the illusion it's unassailable. But it's not. You're just a charlatan barrack room rabble rouser.
  18. Maybe off topic but I think I'll keep my non O with retirement ext. No knowing when they'll rescind this order.
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