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Posts posted by Travelman868

  1. RIP.

    Water and domestic electrics worldwide isnt a very god mix but water and Thai electrical installation standards = accident waiting to happen.

    I am not Thai bashing, it is a sad truth that Thai Electrical Installation Standards are not very high.

    so you are blaming the Thais for this rather than blaming someone who was likely meddling with something he was not qualified to do, maybe a phone call to an electrician might have been the correct course of action - and I am electrically qualified and know the dangers


    If your a qualified electrician then you know that almost all electrics in Thailand are sub standard.

    This poor guy may well have been just checking the the pump was switched on and touched the case. If the wiring was of any standard the circuit breaker should have tripped, of course if it was manditory to earth the electrics then most of these deaths would be avoided.

  2. You say it is not known why Saudi fought to the death abd at the same time suggest we need to look deeper into the troubles of the South.

    The answer to the first part is that the boy wanted to go and see Allah.

    Then you suggest that the 2 boys killed the 2 monks by accident, ok I can accept that, so what about the 9 year old boy who had his head cut off, did

    they have trouble realising that he was just an innocent small boy.

  3. If they do not step up to the plate then the Thai Military and Government should simply give these provinces self governance and then the locals will do the job that both the military and police have failed for decades.

    The truth about southern Thailand is a total disgrace to this country and highlights the level,of incompetence that is promulgated here,.

    Yep have to agree. Let them have their own state, no help from Thai Government but warn them that ANY form of aggression will be considered an act of war.

  4. Judges in Thailand are political appointees, as is the much-touted head of the Thai Forensic Institute, who will remain amazingly silent on this issue. There are no juries.

    In a multiple rape and murder, happening within a few minutes of each other, the rapists are guilty of the murder. DNA evidence from a rape is not trace evidence but massive, and easy to analyse. The DNA evidence is all there is in this case.

    Even if the judge were remarkably unbiased and completely indifferent to the effect of his court decisions in this case on his future career, how can the defense adequately contest DNA evidence with their own experts if they are not given access to it? Their job is to raise reasonable doubt, and they are being prevented from doing it.

    It seems that the Thai authorities don't care at all that refusing to let the defence examine the DNA evidence looks to international observers exactly like an attempt to pervert the course of justice. Even if you assume the evidence is watertight, the crime occurred as stated, and the defendants are guilty, this refusal looks odd. It actually points you to the conclusion that the evidence is no good, or why would they fear its examination? This is also suggested by the massive delays in trying to acquire new evidence for months after the original DNA evidence was apparently successfully analysed.

    The BBC World TV news has mentioned the judge's incredible revocation of his April decision, pointing out that the original reason given for the seven month delay after the trial started in January was ostensibly to give the defence time to examine the evidence!

    However without serious external political pressure this trial seems already over.

    In my experience when important information is witheld then it is usually because the information is a lie.

  5. It's Thailand, you can do what you want here. Want to make a depraved sex video and hurl racial slurs.....can. Want to solicit children for sex.....can. Want to buy drugs.....can. Doesn't mean that it's right or legal. But, there is money to be make in sex and drugs, so we know it will be overlooked. I love how he government overlooks all of this crap, then will act surprised when it all comes out on social media.

    I don't know if you live in Thailand and if you do which city BUT you are wrong. Like most places in the world sex and drugs are available if you have the money and know where to look but child sex and drugs are not the norm even in Thailand.

    Your attitude will get you into lots of trouble in most towns and villages crazy.gifcrazy.gif

  6. I've driven this road a number of times and even in a car it is not easy. There is only a limited amount of duel carriageway

    making overtaking difficult.

    Journey time to CM from Udon by car is around 8 hours so 10 in a bus maybe even more, very tiring.

    Although the bus was not a new modern type if the brakes failed they should still have come on automatically. The vacuum/ braking system is to stop the brakes coming on and if there is a failure of any type the brakes come on

  7. Only embarrassing because the rest of the world found out about Thai deceitfulness and lack of human decency by the Thai military and the elite supporting the traffickers. Until then no one in Thailand gave a toss because it was just another income stream. Buddhism is great. Burma's Buddhist persecute them so that the are desperate to leave and then Thai Buddhists, sell them, rape them and generally treat them worse then animals.

    Could it be that Buddist's in Myanmar had enough of the 800,000 Rohingya Muslims. Since 1972 these people have been waging a war against Buddist's

    and the Junta.

    Why would Thailand want to take in any Muslim's don't they already have sufficient problems in the South with these animals killing the equivalent

    of over 1.5 people EVERY day for the last 12 years.

    Look at the records, look at the number of children brutally murdered. Look at the picture of the 9 year old boy beheaded.

    This next bit is graphic :- when these non humans cut off a head they do not use something sharp and quick, they use an old knife and saw it off. The victim is

    still alive for most of this.

    Next time you feel saddened by the way these people are treated, thing about what would do to your children if given the chance, that is of course if you are

    an infidel.

  8. >A body of an unidentified foreigner who looked like an Arab
    >They found the body of a white man, who looked like an Arab
    Brilliant description. Perhaps that's supposed to mean แขกขาว khaek khaaw
    I also appreciate the very relevant details of the trace of vomit and him soiling himself.

    The reporter does not seem to realize that the bowels void when death occurs.

    Another strange death in the South.

  9. Anyone who thinks Uk would be better off outside the EU either needs their head looking at or is under 23 years old

    Well I'm a long way over 23 and I've had my head examined.

    Before going on I do not necessarily wish to leave the EU, there are advantages in remaining members however there are also disadvantages.

    I will give you one of the best reasons for getting tough with some other members. Calais is our border with France. Calais has thousands of illegal refugees and migrants trying to enter the UK.

    Dealing with the refugees first. If they are genuine refugees then they should be dealt with in the first country of entry and certainly not encouraged by another member state to enter the UK. The UK would normally help SOME of these families.

    Non EU migrants (or illegal immigrants) should be returned by the EU from whence they came. The cost of this should be borne by ALL member states.

    Migrants coming from the EU should be vetted and be provided with ID cards that have to be carried at all times. I also believe that everyone in the UK should have ID cards, no cards no control. They do not have to be expensive and could be linked to photo ID held in the passport office. Charge £20 per 10 years.

    Migrant ID cards could have work, living, NHS and benefit status colour coded on their cards.

    Aussie Rules on entry criminal record showing 1 year jail time, no entry. Break law in UK go home.

    EU Human rights law changed. At present the UK are having to support terrorists and criminals because they may be punished severely in their own country, shame, but not our problem.


    The UK is a huge market for the other EU states.

    Yes, they could impose tariffs but they will not. There are several countries that are outside the EU but have working trade agreements, Norway and Switzerland to name a couple.

    I believe it is right to renegotiate the freedom of movement and certainly to limit the benefits available to same. If the rules do not work they have to be modified.

    Before finishing I will give you a prime example why change is important.

    Migrant comes to UK, finds a house to rent and pays first month, then stops paying. After 6 months landlord finally evicts Migrant who then goes to local council and says I'm homeless. He and his family HAVE to be helped and they jump the waiting list of UK citizens. Not right not fair and needs to be stopped.

  10. wow, crazy lady ....... if found guilty she may face years of jail time & up to 200,000 baht fine.

    would guilty be ... that she said she had a bomb in her luggage even though she didn't ? or would it be that she had to be found to actually have it in her luggage to be guilty ?

    Just curious .....

    If you say you have a bomb in your luggage you are guilty. She deserves to be jailed AND fined.

  11. We asked all our soldiers, none of them did it --> ok must be true then

    They didn't want to land in Thailand ---> right , they all wanted to stay on the boat and continue suffering

    "The boat people are primarily Bangladeshis fleeing poverty, and Rohingya Muslims escaping ethno-religious persecution in Myanmar. Most are seeking to settle in Muslim-majority Malaysia or Indonesia ..."

    The are/were 800,000 Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar mainly in the North west. Since 1972 there have been a number of insurgencies and as with most groups of Muslims they can never see anyone's point but their own. I can understand the Myanmar people kicking them out. They look at the 6000 + Thai's killed by these fanatic's and want them gone.

    If you ask them why a 9 year old Thai boy had his head cut off, they will say something like " his uncle in the next village insulted Mohammad"

    If you ask them why a 14 year old boy had to die in Syria they will tell you he had the nerve to ask "freedom fighters" to pay for coffee.

    Every country in the world has had some sort of checkered past but very few match the total brutality of the Islamists and their supporters.

    "Remember there will be a supporter of IS in a town near you."

  12. Finally, a chance for the "We have the solution for everything holier than thou mighty Farang!!" ... to walk the walk!

    May I kindly inquire why I am not seeing a single suggestion that they are picked up and transported to ... your country of origin?

    Oh my, it must be such a luxury to be far outside the range of the tiny boats out on that wide ocean.

    It must be so easy to just "call and raise" .. when no one will ever ask to see YOUR cards.

    Funny though, get one of you in a pub, and ask about the immigrants in your countries, and you wanna "Nuke em' all"

    I do not endorse what is happening. i am not in favor of women and children suffering this way. I do not know the solution.

    Oh, wait .. I DO know the solution.

    Send the American, British and Australian navies to find, rescue and send these people to the USA, UK and Oz.

    What's that? Not a good idea?

    no not a good idea..we got enough already thanks..got plenty going to the uk already poncing off us taxpayers but thanks for asking ..

    Europe has it's own problems with boats. Every day they come from Muslim countries in Africa to Non Muslim Europe, I wonder why???

    Have a look at the recent history of the Rokingya Muslims, they don't want to be part of Myanmar they want an independent state. They are like the Muslims in South Thailand "Peace but only on their terms"

  13. They are illegal immigrants unless they apply for asylum for reasons of persecution. That is the way it works everywhere .... The UK ... the EU ... the USA ... everywhere.

    Though I sympathize with their plight, I understand the reluctance of a non Muslim country to bring in Muslim immigrants. The behavior of Muslim minorities in the Philippines, Bali, Europe, the USA, the UK, Australia (need I go on?) lean towards violence and extremism inside the host country.

    The social contract we make if we are an expat or immigrant is to abide by the laws of the land and respect the social and cultural norms of the host country. Not all Muslims, but fundamentalist Muslims believe Islam and Sharia supersede the laws and social norms of the country they choose to live in. Furthermore, this is encouraged and funded by Islamist in other Islamic countries.

    Exactly the good General is a brave man who is putting the rights & interests of his countrymen first before those of unwanted illegal immigrants.

    Muslims belong in Muslim countries and should be forwarded to Malaysia & Indonesia.

    Lets hope your warped logic isn't applied to all faiths and non faiths.

    Why are they warped ideas ?? It is a fact that the Muslims ask for help and after receiving it they then cause trouble. When they burn our flags and bibles that is ok if someone burns a Koran the whole Muslim world is in uproar.

    Everything and I mean everything has to be done to accommodate them but they put Islam first and their host country second. Name more than one Christian country that does not allow freedom of worship. Now make a list of Muslim countries !!!!!!!

  14. As callous as it seems, it would appear that all countries are in favor of giving them food, water & medicine and sufficient fuel so they can return to where they came from, be that Myanmar or Bangladesh. It was mentioned on the news that some Myanmar migrants were telling UNHCR officials they were Rohingya refugees so they would qualify for aid assistance.

    And now the Phillipines has announced the same will apply should any boats arrive in it's waters.

    It is the correct thing to do as letting them in would send the message that any arrivals by boat will be taken care of. This would have 100,s of thousands turn up in days. This is simply not the solution.

    As shown by Thailand and other countries ... assist and help them in a humanitarian way with food, water & all the essentials.

    Next step would be to go after the smugglers and kill them. This will stop further boats coming and also assist those in need now.

    The fact is that most of the world's persecution is being carried out by Muslims. They say poor me, poor me but Thailand need another load of Islamist's

    like a hole in the head. Yes I understand that there are women and children in these groups but the big question is :- why are the Muslim countries refusing

    to accept them ??????

  15. Doubt he would be allowed into UK if refused entry in AUS.

    UK Immi first question, "why were you refused entry into AUS?" ......Answer:"Cos, I roughed up a few geysers, caught wif a bit of Ice & ride me Harley wif me mates. An' I'm married wif wife & 2 kids OK??"

    UK Immi, "Sure, you sound like a fine upstanding citizen compared to last lot from Africa.....don't know what's wrong with the old penal colony!!!" Hahaha

    Of course the UK will allow him in, along with terrorists and suicide bombers.

    All criminals have a right to exploit our benifit system.

  16. I agree there is a lot of confusion over foreigners being able to own houses in Thailand.

    As I said in the poll thread earlier, foreigners can own any property in Thailand 100% in their name. They just can't legally own the land it sits on.

    You can dress it up however you want, but a lease isn't ownership - it's a lease.

    If you're hell bent on buying a property, setting up a usufruct on the land plot is perhaps a better way to go, but this still isn't ownership.

    I think Thailand's existing laws on foreigners owning land were probably established to stop wealthy foreign individuals and/or corporations buying up masses of land and leaving Thais with nothing. You can't really blame them for wanting to protect their land - don't forget how nationalistic Thais are.

    Of course the results of this means that the country misses out on huge investment.

    Interestingly, did you see that Vietnam is now offering 100 year leases to foreigners -

    I think you only need to look at France and Spain to understand what can happen if there is no protection

  17. My wife owns 3 investment properties in Australia 100% and not 49% (land and buildings) but I am forbidden from investing in Thailand. There should be laws that if a farang is banned in Thailand then Thais should be banned overseas. Won't happen tho as other countries welcome foreign investment no matter how small.

    Your wife has too much money coffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

    HOWEVER, if Farangs were allowed to purchase property outright, Thai people would be priced out of the market. In Udon Thani it's is possible to buy

    a new 3 bed house for around £25,000 if the market was open I bet prices would rise to £40,000 +

    The best compromise I have seen is the one on Cyprus. The Government allows property to be sold to foreigners BUT only in restricted area's. Cyprus citizens

    are allowed to build in in the rest of the Island.

    This system allows the two markets to work along side each other. clap2.gifclap2.gif

  18. If the US think everyone should open their ports, maybe they could send some of their ferries and ship the people back to the States.

    It is worth noting that a percentage of these refugees MAY be Islamists. Thailand already has a few of these in the South. An average of 1.5 people killed everyday for over 10 years.

    Half of the Muslim countries in the world are being emptied, their populations moving to non Muslim countries, WHY. bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

  19. this is such a non topic.

    How much did the menu say it would cost?? didnt bother to check then tough. Same as getting in tuk tuk and not setting a price.

    Is it a scam - yes, when you have a job interview and discuss your salary, do you honestly say what you think you are worth to the company, or the absolute MAX you think they will pay.

    And besides - they never complained about the food, seafood is expensive and if it was decent there is a seafood restaurant here in Phuket I go to that has prices that match this. Better location than BKK i suspect, but it is not WAY over the top.

    And if you get taken to place because your taxi driver suggests it - you get what you deserve.

    There is a thing called the internet - do some research.

    I've been to this restaurant and the prices are marked up to give the impression they are reasonable. The crab for instance would be marked as 300 baht, what they do not tell you this is per 100gm. We lived close to Nam Ma Phim beach in Rayong and that meal would be less than 2000 baht in a restaurant.

    As for Phuket prices, if you live there or go on holiday there then you deserve to be ripped off every day. Fish is not expensive. wai2.gifwai2.gifwai2.gif

  20. To put the record straight the UK has taken in many migrants -these are just a few thousand at most

    sounds familiar could be a quote for a certain English speaking European country who doesn't want to take any more 'immigrants'?The EU countries have taken in many thousands of migrants


    The UK have taken in thousands of refugees, most of them are Muslims fleeing Muslim countries. I can understand the situation of the Burmese people they have been kicked out but the Bengaldesh migrants are not forced to leave.

  21. If I were the PM of Thailand I would step up to the plate He is in the position to change how the western world views the coup and his leadership. If I were him I would get on the line to Washington DC State department and request assistance in setting up shelters for these people also have the UN send in aid to help. With UN peace keeping forces to help control this influx of people. By doing that the US would be hard pressed to say NO. It would be the biggest political coup that he could ever hope for and it falling right in his lap. One word from him asking for help not only would it flow but with it thousands of, no make that millions of US dollars would flow in to Thailand the PM's face would be plastered all over the media maybe even a nobel peace prize too. But the time is now if you wait some one else will do it.

    While I understand the principal behind your thoughts, until Muslims can be trusted I would refuse entry.

    In the South over 6000 men women and children have been murdered by these animals, including a 9 year old boy beheaded a few weeks ago.

    Half the Islamic world seem to want to move into non Islamic countries, then they make trouble for the rest of us.

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