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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. Does it come with any warranties, because it ships from overseas, I presume China?
  2. Never seen so much hype over the most overrated band in history.
  3. You'd think they were the greatest band that the UK ever produced instead of being the very mediocre talent they were. Is it because they were a couple of foul mouthed yobbos who thought giving the finger was the height of wit? On my Google news there's an Oasis "news" item almost daily, like are the Gallagher brothers reuniting, like who cares?
  4. Don't act dumb, it's talking about the carrying of knives, not what you have in your cutlery drawer.
  5. I'm talking about the carrying of knives, or are you just being obtuse?
  6. Why not a ban on all kinds of knives, not just "Zombie" knives, whatever they are.
  7. I agree, it's pretty bad.
  8. It's become just as cheap to buy some vitamins, herbs etc from Lazada as iHerb if you factor in tax and delivery fees. A lot of the same items and brands are available on Lazada.
  9. I ignored the one I got at my previous extension and wasn't given one when I extended my retirement visa last month.
  10. I agree, much better than the reviews would have you believe.
  11. Bad Monkey with Vince Vaughn. Good first episode.
  12. Cheers, thanks for that, seems pretty good value.
  13. Someone recently mentioned a 2 for 1 health check package deal at a Pattaya hospital but I can't remember which one. It was a couple of weeks ago so the offer may be over.
  14. The Instigators with Matt Damon and Casey Affleck. I know this got panned severely by the critics,but I found it quite entertaining and some of the one liners had me laughing out loud.
  15. I hear Page is playing the new Jack Reacher.
  16. Aren't apples imported?
  17. I don't think Rabies is survivable. Once you have it you're dead.
  18. The last batch of old oranges I bought were from Tops, had to bin the lot.
  19. Didn't I say I love local fruits?
  20. I've come to the conclusion that at least 90% of motorbike accident are the riders fault. The total disregard for traffic laws, inattention, speed etc result in fatalities and serious injury. Local Thai TV channels show some of this carnage from dashcams every day and it's usually the motorbikes fault.
  21. I do love the fresh tropical fruit readily available like mangoes, pineapples, bananas etc, but also enjoy apples and oranges that are imported. It's pretty much a lucky dip whether these are going to be any good because there's no way of knowing how long they took to get here from country of origin, or even if they were fresh when they left. Just threw away a whole kilo (299 baht) of oranges that looked fine on the outside but were all dried up inside. Same with apples, rosy red on outside, but taste like wet cardboard inside. Strangely, grapes always seem to be OK.
  22. Not sure what you mean. Do you mean enter the movie link (copy and paste) into the Daily Motion search box?
  23. No, it's a Bob Dylan song called Dirge.
  24. This site can be very good for hard to find movies...yts.mx
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