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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. First episode didn't grab me enough to continue watching.
  2. Joined any cults lately? Or sent money to a TV evangelist? Built a bunker in preparation of Armageddon?
  3. If you have 3BB they will give you a box free to access Thai TV channels.
  4. He would have been burning witches 200 years ago.
  5. The Sandy Hook parents sadness and misery was compounded by AJ and his lunatic followers. They were harassed for years and accused of either killing or hiding their own children, or the massacre just didn't happen. AJ is a monster and pure evil IMO and would sell his own mother for ratings.
  6. What a pathetic, sad individual the wife is.
  7. The worst thing is that more than 50 million Americans believe all the BS that this creep spouts.
  8. The Great Lillian Hall. Superb acting by both Jessica Lange and Kathy Bates.
  9. Good way to make a small fortune.☹️
  10. The nurse portayed in this comes across as quite strange herself.
  11. The video is there on Youtube, it's very clear who the aggressor was.
  12. And young Brits like to king hit old men?
  13. The video clearly shows that the Brit thug king hit the Thai manager. Gutless.
  14. Whoopee is a comeback? Pathetic.
  15. A snag short of a bbq.
  16. I've lived here 15 years, never got into an argument or a fight with a Thai, not even a cross word, but some people go out of their way to be a-holes and I would say this Brit thug is one of them, and anyone who thinks that king hitting a 67 year old man is justified, has to be another.
  17. Deserved being king hit by a Brit thug? What kind of world do you live in?
  18. Time will tell if the trend becomes world wide.
  19. It seems the popularity of the EV is dwindling fast due to huge losses on resales, plus difficulty in recycling the batteries.
  20. There's always an a-hole somewhere, nowhere is safe.
  21. Just watched the video, the Brit king hit the 67 year old Thai man. No matter what was said, no excuse. That better?
  22. The Guard (2011) Very entertaining Irish black comedy, with Brendan Gleeson and Don Cheadle. Try and get a version with English subs, the Irish accent can be tough going.
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