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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. There is little doubt that some local citizens of all occupied countries collaborated, whilst there was a resistance by some as well.
  2. There's literally hundreds, do a search for auditors Britain.
  3. Make sure it comes with subs.
  4. Seems to me the program is nothing but police propaganda. There's hundreds of YouTube videos showing the police abusing their powers and acting like Nazis and complaints fall on deaf ears.
  5. Not sure what the point of To Catch a Copper is, seems there's no repercussions for anything bad the police do.
  6. Whoever recommended The Promised Land (Bastarden) with Mads Mikkelsen, many thanks. Great acting, great storyline. Thai missus really enjoyed it as well.
  7. Why are there prenups?
  8. Yes, it's there, saying my post has been moved.
  9. How long is the money tied up? Is it like a term deposit?
  10. No idea how that happened, I had the Pattaya forum open when I posted. Would a moderator please transfer the post to the Pattaya forum?
  11. Every satang I have is in Thai banks. I transfer my Aussie pension here as soon as it builds to $10K.
  12. Already done, but I'm trying to avoid her having to pay outrageous lawyers fees for doing probate. If all my money is in joint accounts it will simplify matters.
  13. That's why I asked if anyone is using the joint account, in the Pattaya forum.
  14. Just wondering if the rules may have changed.
  15. Fourteen years ago I used a joint account to show the 800K to Immigration, but I had to have at least 1.6 million baht for it to be accepted. Now I have a separate term deposit in my name only that has 800K and never touched. My worry is that 800K may be difficult for my Thai partner to lay her hands on upon my demise, so thinking of going back to the joint account method if it's still available. Anyone go that route?
  16. You have no idea what you would do until you actually live to 90. All depends on state of health and motivation.
  17. giddyup

    Isaan Funerals

    Respect would have been to get the dog vaccinated.
  18. The whole balcony was only held on by a few masonry anchors that only penetrated a few inches into the main building.
  19. New, and last, season 12, episode 1 of Curb Your Enthusiasm available most places.
  20. I call those kind of movies "chewing gum for the eyes". Instantly forgettable.
  21. One of my favourite movies of all time, so dark.
  22. If it's a joint account it shouldn't present a problem.
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