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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. You wouldn't be the first to leave all worldly possessions to their pet dog or cat.
  2. I guess young people never get lost or need to be rescued?
  3. I was referring more to the schools, especially in the US that don't have any uniforms per se and kids can wear what they like.
  4. Not sure that children always make good decisions. I already see in some US schools prepubescent girls dressed like hookers.
  5. At what age do you intend to kill yourself so you avoid old age? Do you see how stupid your comments are?
  6. I said no dependants and no family. What does that mean? It might mean you're a little slow.
  7. At what age are you suggesting we all kill ourselves? And how is it a benefit to you seeing "shambling old wrecks staggering around"? Your comments are idiotic and make absolutely no sense.
  8. Are you quoting generally? I already have two wills, one for Thailand and one for Australia.
  9. No, like I said in the title, no dependants and no family.
  10. If you'd bothered to read my follow up, you'd see that I said I was being facetious when I said Soi dogs home. I wzs just naming a charity that sprang to mind. Considering I bought my partner a 5 million baht house and give her 200,000 baht every birthday, I could hardly be accused of being stingy.
  11. "One of them" Pretty clear what kind of person you are.
  12. She already has at least 2 million baht in gold, then she has to worry about it getting stolen. No, I'll keep it simple, cash in the bank, enough for her to live comfortably on until she dies.
  13. My "soi dogs" suggestion wasn't meant to be taken literally, dog lover I am, but I was merely suggesting a charity of some description other than a big lump sum going to one person, but thanks for the orphanage and slum charities, will bear that in mind.
  14. I was being facetious. I was suggesting any charity.
  15. I'm pretty sure she won't be bragging to anyone, she's not the type, but no doubt the hands will still come out. All I know is that she's not a materialistic person, so I'm thinking some of the money might be put to better use elsewhere, like taking care of soi dogs etc.
  16. Thanks, but too old to worry about all that now. Hopefully have enough to see me out.
  17. Like you, my health is pretty good, why would I decide to end it all just because I'm 80? Those kind if comments come from someone who thinks they are never going to get old, not realising that one day you wake up and there you are.
  18. I'm actually thinking of transferring all my savings in the ANZ to my bank here in Thailand as I have no intention of ever returning, plus the money is earning nearly 0% interest in Oz.
  19. Like I already said, you don't have the same desire to splash out on expensive things at 80 that you may have done at 50. Unless you're a total loser, most people die with money in the bank.
  20. What are you going to do, do a high dive at 79? Do you think anyone decides they want to be 80? Ridiculous.
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