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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. I will be transferring every cent I have in the ANZ to my banks here in Thailand, so it would be pointless having any further discussions with them. I'm 80 now and don't want to cark it with the bulk of my money still in the ANZ. Much simpler to have it here where beneficiaries will be able to access it easily.
  2. I'M still limited to $10K a day transaction, even for domestic, so that would involve 32 separate transactions to Wise, over 32 days.
  3. Thanks, but I'll take the loss from ANZ and put it behind me.
  4. I may have misread the 3% for transactions, it's actually a transfer fee, which is only around $9 or $18.
  5. No, but it will still involve going through an ANZ operator, probably 4 times. I'll wear the loss just to be done with them.
  6. The daily limit is still limited to A$10K, it can be increased to a max of A$25K if you install the ANZ Shield App, which can't be done from Thailand. I already have had online banking for 13 years, pretty sure I know what my limits are.
  7. Believe me I've tried, there is no other option with ANZ other than to use an international operator. There are a couple of numbers you can ring and then you specify what service you want. Emails either go unanswered, or several days for a response. I know I'm going to lose money on the deal, but I just want to be done with them.
  8. Tried, it can't be done with ANZ. I think it can be changed to $25,000 if you're a business, otherwise I have to go through an operator. I have tried to do it in the past, can't be done online.
  9. That's pretty much it. I have already been through a month of stress trying to get the ANZ to reimburse me because on my last transaction they sent the money in Baht instead of Aussie Dollars as I specified. They are total a-holes to deal with and I just want all of my funds out and have no more to do with them. Ever.
  10. The $10K limit is when you use online banking.
  11. Because Wise is limited to 2 million Baht a time, and all up I want to transfer $320,000, which would involve 4 transfers. It's an absolute nightmare getting through to an operator at ANZ and this would mean hours of stress and frustration trying to get through to transfer money to Wise.
  12. Can you please explain the difference?
  13. I am limited to $10,000 a day using online banking, so I have to phone an operator for larger transfers using Swift transfer to mu SCB account in Thailand.
  14. How much does ANZ charge for international transactions? 3% Overseas Transaction Fee ANZ will charge 3% of the value of any International Transaction charged or credited to an ANZ account.Aug 1, 2565 BE
  15. Maybe I read that wrong, but I did see a fee of 3% for international transfers.
  16. I have looked into transferring money using Wise, and for me it's just not practical, so I'm stuck with using my bank, the ANZ to transfer $200K to Thailand. What makes more sense, to transfer in $AUD and have to pay 3% for the privilege, or transfer in Thai Baht which is free but I'll lose on the exchange rate? How does ANZ justify charging 3% is beyond me, that's $6000 on $200K.
  17. We have a Schitzu mixture dog who will not let us cut the fur on his paws under any circumstances, he just goes ballistic if we try. Doesn't mind the rest of his body being clipped but will not tolerate the clippers near his paws. I heard that Melatonin calms a dog down, but I wonder to what extent. I reckon he'd have to be near comatose for us to be able to do it.
  18. Don't bother. I bought two from Lazada for round 1100 each, advertised as S21 (samsung) which they're not. Both rubbish, far better buying something like an Oppo for around 4000 baht.
  19. Well, I suppose it's pretty slim pickings these days, people will watch any kind of dross, as for the most part, there's not much choice.
  20. Are you doing all this negotiation with the bank by phone? I've found trying to contact the ANZ is an absolute nightmare, and when you finally speak to an operator they are from India or the Philippines and not very competent.
  21. New series of Handmaids Tale has started, 2 episodes released.Thought it was off to a pretty good start.
  22. I just had a huge problem transferring $40K to Thailand with ANZ. I asked for the operator to send the money in $A but they sent it in Thai Baht. I lost $1200 with that mistake, but after jumping up and down they eventually refunded me. So I don't know what the possible advantage would be in transferring in Baht as the ANZ gives a sh*t rate on exchange.
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