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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. My initial question was directed at the mere mortals, not for those with superhuman powers. Up, up and away!
  2. Spent a few days in Jo'burg and the remainder in Durban on remand. Given a suspended sentence and told to leave. The details will have to remain a secret.
  3. If it was logged there should be some receipt given to prove that you complied, but there isn't.
  4. I spent 3 months in a South African jail back in the early 70's, not a pleasant experience at the time, but just another story to tell years later. I think time does heal most wounds.
  5. Been going on for years, doubt if anything will change. Money always oils the gears.
  6. The time before last I mistakenly took the paper along with a photocopy of bank book page showing the 800K a month early, so two months instead of three. paperwork was accepted, no questions asked. So I believe it's just another exercise in getting those who go the legal route to jump through hoops.
  7. Not necessary if you pay an agent because you don't have the 800K. Corrupt immigration.
  8. Unless the trip you mention involved a lot of disappointment or tragedy, why would it invoke any negative feelings?
  9. So you have total recall as to what happened before you were 60? Were all the books autobiographical or fiction?
  10. Our screens are on the inside, but the screen slides the same as the window, it's on a different track than the window. In Australia the insect screens are usually on the outside, but not here.
  11. Then you only write the important details down, not what you had for breakfast, then your journal would be considerably shorter.
  12. You are missing the point entirely. Recollecting an event won't be the same as how you felt about it at the time. Memories aren't infallible, they change with time. A journal also gives you an insight into the kind of person you were, 30 or 40 or more years ago.
  13. Thanks, but don't bother. Plenty of other torrent sites that I don't need an invite.
  14. Why do you keep bringing women into the post? It has nothing to do with that, it's about keeping a diary or journal? I thought the title of the post made that pretty clear.
  15. Isn't that supposed to be a sign of insanity, keep repeating the same mistakes, but expecting a different outcome each time.
  16. I'm not talking about living in the past, but referring to it to refresh a memory. Or are we supposed to erase our memories the second they become the past?
  17. I expect all my photo albums to go in a bonfire as well. They wouldn't interest anyone but me, and it was probably the same with your brothers journals.
  18. This is the post that I read, don't see any mention of source. "Hidden Assets--- Just watched the second episode of this Crime thriller---- Its a good watch. well acted/ good plot IMO. Starts with Raid by the Irish C.A.B. (Criminal Assets Bureau) A feared dept that can strip you of all the assets obtained through crime 7 episodes but-only 1 a week."
  19. Fortunately I did take a lot of photos through the years, all in several albums back in Australia, but I still wish I'd kept more of a detailed written record of my travels.
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